After a 3rd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her, his lawyers announce they won't call any witnesses

And this is where you'll lie about your loyalties, otherwise as if you have none either way.

Your post or history here says differently.

I have none either way. How is my posting history saying anything any different? Is it where I condemn Trump? Maybe when I condemn Obama? When I note that Biden is nothing more than a stand in for president?

When I condemn both sides for their debt spending?
Here we go, if all else fails, the Democrats go with the rent-a-ho attacks. Where's Gloria Allred, or maybe she's dead? :dunno:
Democrats when a Republican gets sex assault accusations: “Believe all women, she’s legit, he’s guilty!!!”

Democrats when Biden was accused of sexual assault: “hey now let’s hear Joe’s side of the story! This woman seems sketchy!”
A Democrat left an unconscious woman to die in an upside down car in a water-filled ditch, ran home, and refused to report it to save his political future ... and Democrats and snowflakes love to roll out bimbos to falsely accuse Republicans / Conservatives.

Bill Clinton f*ed children, stuck cigars up inside an intern in the WH, and raped / sexually harassed / sexually assaulted several women...

Biden took long warm showers with his daughter, grabbed an aid by the vagina, sniffs and gropes little girls whole his son engages is and makes incestuous pron films...

...and they seek to inappropriately take the moral high ground and point fingers/ falsely accuse others.

Time will tell on “e jean Carroll.” People are saying her story resembles a tv program plot.

'cept she told her story to 2 different people in real time long b4 that episode.

not to mention that donny refused to testify in court; AND when he was in ireland - he bloviated about having to 'fly back to the states to confront that woman & defend himself ' because the trial part was over & only closing arguments are left. welllllll... the good judge got wind of that & is giving the losing loser ex prez one more chance to take the stand & he has until 5pm on sunday to give his answer.

lol ... whatcha think ol' don don is gonna do now?
You don't care about anything but yourself... that kind of selfishness comes with liberalism....
No, I assure you, I care about *lots* of things. When you win at life (like I do), there's a lot of caring and responsibility, and a lot of folks depend on me to keep winning and I'm pretty loyal to those folks, so I'm going to continue doing so. So, due to years of hard work, fiscal responsibility, freedom and dedication, my plate is thankfully full for a very long, long time. :113:

What I don't care about is you or your magaturd 'thoughts about stuff', because I believe they are nonsense. I know that burns your ass. And as I look in my bag of fucks, unfortunately bud, I've none left to give you. :dunno:

Edit: Who is the elected president has never affected any of the above.
No, I assure you, I care about *lots* of things. When you win at life (like I do), there's a lot of caring and responsibility, and a lot of folks depend on me to keep winning and I'm pretty loyal to those folks, so I'm going to continue doing so. So, due to years of hard work, fiscal responsibility, freedom and dedication, my plate is thankfully full for a very long, long time. :113:

What I don't care about is you or your magaturd 'thoughts about stuff', because I believe they are nonsense. I know that burns your ass. And as I look in my bag of fucks, unfortunately bud, I've none left to give you. :dunno:

Edit: Who is the elected president has never affected any of the above.
:auiqs.jpg:..... oh brother..... if you feel such a strong need to tell everyone most likely its the furthest thing from the truth....
Its funny and says a whole lot that after 6.5 years of investigating Trump all they have is a shaky accusation from years before he ran for office...
You libs are going to get yours... and I hope you all choke on it....
Its funny and says a whole lot that after 6.5 years of investigating Trump all they have is a shaky accusation from years before he ran for office...
You libs are going to get yours... and I hope you all choke on it....
Yep, three years later, and still pissed you didn't get the president you wanted. How pathetic. Oh well. :dunno:
You're the only dumbass saying that.

The only thing the Bidens have exposed is their own crimes through Hunter's laptop and financial records.

Listen, if you've got a comprehension problem, then go get it fixed before you come at me like that boy.
Now I've supported your dumb ace here for most of your post, but then you misinterpreted my post, and then went stupid because of it.

When I said they've jumped the shark, I was referring to the dumb ace Leftist, not the conservatives or republican's for which I am one of. It's sad that you went stupid like that, when undoubtedly you don't keep up with who supports your post and who doesn't. Dumb ace.
Listen, if you've got a comprehension problem, then go get it fixed before you come at me like that boy.
Now I've supported your dumb ace here for most of your post, but then you misinterpreted my post, and then went stupid because of it.

When I said they've jumped the shark, I was referring to the dumb ace Leftist, not the conservatives or republican's for which I am one of. It's sad that you went stupid like that, when undoubtedly you don't keep up with who supports your post and who doesn't. Dumb ace.
My sincere apology for the misunderstanding. Thought you were trying to be sarcastic with the 1st comment about Trump being a saint. You're right, though.

The fact still remains -

The only thing the Bidens have exposed is their own crimes through Hunter's laptop and financial records.

Watch the whole video. He's absolutely right, and like he says keeping it 100.
My sincere apology for the misunderstanding. Thought you were trying to be sarcastic with the 1st comment about Trump being a saint. You're right, though.

The fact still remains -

The only thing the Bidens have exposed is their own crimes through Hunter's laptop and financial records.
Everything is cool brother... Thanks, and right back at Cha. 👍

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