After a 3rd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her, his lawyers announce they won't call any witnesses

You are the swine... todays libs are NAZILIKE PIGS.....
I don't disagree that some on the left behave like members of Hitler's former political party. Same goes for the right. I call magaturds magaturds because they're not even intelligent enough to meet any legitimate criteria, good or bad. Magaturds only believe in law and order when it benefits them. Magaturds only believe in freedom when it benefits them. They believe 'LIB R TEE' is the freedom to disparage 'those people' for reasons & behave like fucktards 24/7.

Sorry. THAT sounds more NAZI LIKE than the other side to me. :dunno:

But please, feel free to magasplain how horribly mistaken my opinions are.. :rolleyes:
I don't disagree that some on the left behave like members of Hitler's former political party. Same goes for the right. I call magaturds magaturds because they're not even intelligent enough to meet any legitimate criteria, good or bad. Magaturds only believe in law and order when it benefits them. Magaturds only believe in freedom when it benefits them. They believe 'LIB R TEE' is the freedom to disparage 'those people' for reasons & behave like fucktards 24/7.

Sorry. THAT sounds more NAZI LIKE than the other side to me. :dunno:

But please, feel free to magasplain how horribly mistaken my opinions are.. :rolleyes:
MAGA means make America great again... when you say magaturds you are denigrating the concept of a free nation wanting to be great... you call us stupid but when Trump ran this nation he ran it far better than Biden is... so who is the stupid one?....
MAGA means make America great again
It's a slogan. America has always been great.
when you say magaturds you are denigrating the concept of a free nation wanting to be great...
That's all a meaningless platitude to me. :dunno:
you call us stupid but when Trump ran this nation he ran it far better than Biden is
That's just your completely worthless subjective opinion.
so who is the stupid one?..
Still you.



Trump ordered to pay $44,100 in Stormy Daniels legal fees​

Daniels took the president to court over her effort to cancel a hush-money deal brokered to keep her quiet about their sexual relationship a decade ago.
Trump ordered to pay $44,100 in Stormy Daniels legal fees
Why? What's the point of it? Unlike magaturds, I don't deflect and make excuses to be ashamed of my country just because my party of choice lost an election.
We deserted them and sent them back to the stone age...
I think its folks like you that are the turds....
Note the date on my link …April 4, 2023, 9:04 PM

Now look at the date on your link … Aug. 22, 2020, 1:58 PM CDT

he still had to pay her legal bills.

& donny will be paying out a lot more to e jean carroll.
Yeah, Stormy.... Trump paid for sex... didn't matter he was married at the time... REBUBLICAN FAMILY VALUES:confused:
Trump is not really a Republican. He just hijacked the Republican elephant and spurred it to victory over the Hillary’s Democrat ass but the elephant was squealing in protest all the way.
he still had to pay her legal bills.

& donny will be paying out a lot more to e jean carroll.
Time will tell on “e jean Carroll.” People are saying her story resembles a tv program plot.


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