After a 3rd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her, his lawyers announce they won't call any witnesses

No no. It is the truth.

The false alleged connection between some new alleged witless and his decision not to testify is plainly delusional. Delusional of you. Or plain ignorance. You are quite ignorant. Or stupidity. You’re very very stupid.

But outside of when a deposition is required of him by some judge (after protracted efforts to avoid them), when has he EVER testified at any of the many civil cases he has been involved in as either a plaintiff or as a defendant.

Go ahead, you dolt. Name one.
I was pressing charges

All I want is 200 million
No no. It is the truth.

The false alleged connection between some new alleged witless and his decision not to testify is plainly delusional. Delusional of you. Or plain ignorance. You are quite ignorant. Or stupidity. You’re very very stupid.

But outside of when a deposition is required of him by some judge (after protracted efforts to avoid them), when has he EVER testified at any of the many civil cases he has been involved in as either a plaintiff or as a defendant.

Go ahead, you dolt. Name one.

(( waifing sounds of violins in the air )) Oh sure, she wants to warn women about Trump? Meanwhile
Democrats would have transgendered men sharing a restroom with your ten year old daughter if they could have their way.

seems very clear to me this is about the election...if this woman is anything like Jessica Stormlover who is SURE Trump assaulted hundreds of women... simply because he's Trump, then why not lie? she's sure Trump did it to someone else anyway?
We saw this before with Kavenaugh, its the Democrat S.O.P.
Say, does anyone remember Herman Cain? How quickly people forget about Democrat tactics.
What this lady is accusing Trump of doing is exactly what Trump bragged on doing. It's that he only thought they were OK with it.
NEW YORK CITY — During Wednesday’s testimony in the civil trial of former President Donald Trump, author and journalist Natasha Stoynoff became the third woman to testify under oath that Trump sexually assaulted her years earlier.

“It’s the most ridiculous, disgusting story,” Trump said in the video. “It’s made up.”

Uhh yeah... like all of these people all of these years have been making it up?


Yes, this time. This is it. They got him.

If Don the Con is on the ballot in 2024, and he has been found guilty of rape, think twice before casting your vote for a rapist.

That being 30 to 40 years ago, did she file a complaint with authorities, or get proof from the hospital when this wannabe outrage occurred, or did she just benefit from his political rivals for $$$ into her secret offshore account like all the others? I would like to know.
NEW YORK CITY — During Wednesday’s testimony in the civil trial of former President Donald Trump, author and journalist Natasha Stoynoff became the third woman to testify under oath that Trump sexually assaulted her years earlier.

“It’s the most ridiculous, disgusting story,” Trump said in the video. “It’s made up.”

Uhh yeah... like all of these people all of these years have been making it up?


Yes, this time. This is it. They got him.

If Don the Con is on the ballot in 2024, and he has been found guilty of rape, think twice before casting your vote for a rapist.

Salamie, salamie, Baloney.
I don't think Trump always hires the best people.

He may have said that, but I'm of the opinion he was mistaken.

Trump isn't infallable to the passive/aggressive bullshit asskissing of the most flagrant "ambulance chasers" out there.
They don't have Trump as an abused client.........they have Trump to make a name for themselves.

Which is unfortunate for anyone that needs help.
What this lady is accusing Trump of doing is exactly what Trump bragged on doing. It's that he only thought they were OK with it.
FYI, three years of repeating the Russia Russia Russia lie paid for twice by the DNC and the former First Lady Rodham was found to be a False Witness. And it's not nice to use one's tie to the Oval Offices past to lie one's ass off for political revenge. In fact, it leaves a rather nasty taste in the mouth of a nation that was built on a revolution against the hatred of an uncaring, tax raising monarch/powermonger like the witchcraft movement in the Demonrat world of *ahem* questionable narratives used to fool the party faithful. What a line of cowpies.
FYI, three years of repeating the Russia Russia Russia lie paid for twice by the DNC and the former First Lady Rodham was found to be a False Witness.

I never once repeated it. I dismissed it as not true.

And it's not nice to use one's tie to the Oval Offices past to lie one's ass off for political revenge. In fact, it leaves a rather nasty taste in the mouth of a nation that was built on a revolution against the hatred of an uncaring, tax raising monarch/powermonger like the witchcraft movement in the Demonrat world of *ahem* questionable narratives used to fool the party faithful. What a line of cowpies.

Rant away. None of it has anything to do with what I said.
NEW YORK CITY — During Wednesday’s testimony in the civil trial of former President Donald Trump, author and journalist Natasha Stoynoff became the third woman to testify under oath that Trump sexually assaulted her years earlier.

“It’s the most ridiculous, disgusting story,” Trump said in the video. “It’s made up.”

Uhh yeah... like all of these people all of these years have been making it up?


Yes, this time. This is it. They got him.

If Don the Con is on the ballot in 2024, and he has been found guilty of rape, think twice before casting your vote for a rapist.

The Democrats did this same thing against Hernan Cain...and Kavanaugh...and...


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