After a 3rd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her, his lawyers announce they won't call any witnesses

The Democrats did this same thing against Hernan Cain...and Kavanaugh...and...

Clarence Thomas, Roy Moore, several others as well.

They pull this garbage every election cycle.

It worked once or twice, so they never stop trying to use it again.

Keep in mind the Covid factor. That worked for them once too, so...look out! :tomato:
BoostedHayabusa said:
If Don the Con is on the ballot in 2024, and he has been found guilty of rape, think twice before casting your vote for a rapist.

Why vote for a falsely accused rapist when you can again vote for a dementia-ravaged, compromised, criminal old man who takes long warm showers with his daughter and actually grabs women by the vagina...when he's not groping and sniffing little girls.
Say, does anyone remember Herman Cain? How quickly people forget about Democrat tactics.

Pretty funny given she was allowed to sue him for defamation while he was president thanks to the precedent set by Jones v Clinton.
Pretty funny given she was allowed to sue him for defamation while he was president thanks to the precedent set by Jones v Clinton.

Why is that funny? It's quite sad really. These are the people we are electing to the highest office in the country.
OMFG!!!! You've managed to find two whole Republican faggots!!!!

Wowsers!!! Out of 71 million Republicans in this country, pknopp has found two whole Republican faggots!!!

I'd better give back my Republican party membership card this minute. I certainly don't want to be associated with any cross-dressing faggots.


Bob Allen
Larry Craig
Peter Thiel
Rachel Hoff
Gregory Angelo
Chris Barron
Caitlyn Jenner
Chrys Kefalas
Mary Cheney
Ken Mehlman
Jim Kolbe
Sarah Longwell
Michael Huffington
Jose Cunningham
Robert Turner II
Bob J. Kabel
Mark Foley
Scott Evertz
Rich Tafel
Charles Francis
Richard Grenell
Steve Gunderson
Tony Fabrizio
Tim Miller
Kathryn Lehman
Jamie Ensley
Casey Pick
Tyler Deaton
Fred Karger
Robert Traynham
Democrats can produce a never ending stream of women on demand to claim they were harassed, raped, fondled, kissed or just ogled.

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