After almost 3 years, has Trump expanded his base of supporters?

First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

So, you are asking if your massive propaganda campaign has managed to outshout all the good economic and immigration and trade news that might encourage people to vote on Trump's actual record as opposed to your lies.
Not my problem.

You main problem is an IQ of 55.

That's doubtful. I am well-educated with a college degree, and my spelling, grammar, and syntax are impeccable. I can even change a tire or fix a broken VCR.

In addition to that, I am well-endowed with a quality which you are sadly lacking: That would be "common sense."

But continue believing that if you like. That will make it even more humorous when you wake up crying on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
Another bash Donnie thread. Who would have expected. I haven’t met anyone who voted for him, that is complaining or planning not to again. And looking at the group of loser challengers, I’m not surprised. So basically either Joe or Lizzy are the expected hopefuls. That’s priceless. Don has been criticized about everything, but I can’t see either of these two able to negotiate with anyone.

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First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
Yes, he has.
I strongly believe that this country's voting bloc has had enough of this orange clown.

keep laughing...
Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???



Maybe we should send Democrats to Cuba or North Korea where everyone is already forced to be equal.
If that is what you want why aren't you moving there?
The Democrats forced the banks to make mortgage loans to deadbeat Democrats so that everyone would be equal.
That is what caused the Great Recession and that screwed the middle class.
When the Left tries to make everyone equal they just enslave the middle class and it doesn't lift the poor.
Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???



Maybe we should send Democrats to Cuba or North Korea where everyone is already forced to be equal.
If that is what you want why aren't you moving there?
The Democrats forced the banks to make mortgage loans to deadbeat Democrats so that everyone would be equal.
That is what caused the Great Recession and that screwed the middle class.
When the Left tries to make everyone equal they just enslave the middle class and it doesn't lift the poor.
Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???



Maybe we should send Democrats to Cuba or North Korea where everyone is already forced to be equal.
If that is what you want why aren't you moving there?
The Democrats forced the banks to make mortgage loans to deadbeat Democrats so that everyone would be equal.
That is what caused the Great Recession and that screwed the middle class.
When the Left tries to make everyone equal they just enslave the middle class and it doesn't lift the poor.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

Those are only 3 of 30 States that voted for Trump, and he could have lost 2 of the 3 and still won. And yes, he's gaining supporters every day, primarily blacks and hispanics. Oh, and millennials also.

First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

All three states will be Blue in 2020.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

Has Trump expanded his base of supporters? Wait until 2020, you're about to find out just how he has.

Sorry your g̶i̶r̶l̶ 2020 Democratic candidate lost.

Did the grifter expand his base in 2018?

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