After almost 3 years, has Trump expanded his base of supporters?

First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

I think he has without question. Even from many Never Trumpers.

America First is needed. The more people realize the threat of China, as those realized the threat of Russia in the 1980s and re-elected Reagan in a landslide, the easier it becomes for him. This is all on top of economic success, justice reform, dealing with your southern border and the like.
If you are an alpha male or female you turn about 29-30 years old, you voted Democrat you have now wanted to throw up in your mouth, and millions of alphas are tiring 30 every day!
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
I've noticed that Trump and Republicans are becoming more popular with millennials as they mature and become more politically astute. They are seeing the financial advantages of having a president that is an economics expert. They are wary of Democrats because they remember what a disaster the economy was when the Democrats had control of presidency and both chambers of congress. They recently got out of their parents' house and don't want Democrat moonbattery to send them back.

Trump is also becoming more popular in the Latino community. Many of them are not buying the open borders crap the Democrats are selling because that sort of policy hurts them more than anyone. It is their neighborhoods that are terrorized by gangs of illegal aliens. They see through the Dems' identity politics lip service
Millennials hate Trump

They are embarrassed he is our President, as are most sane people
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
Trump benefited from a large number of voters who just hated Hillary

Hillary is not running this time

HA!! The voters' strong dislike of the democrat candidates will be apparent in 2020.
I can list the frailties of them all, but you know Trump will batter the nominee like a baby seal during the debates.

9 million more Americans voted for Democrats than Republicans in the 2018 election
HA!! The voters' strong dislike of the democrat candidates will be apparent in 2020.
I can list the frailties of them all, but you know Trump will batter the nominee like a baby seal during the debates.

Every major 2020 Democrat beats Trump by at least 9 points ...

New Poll Has All Top Democrats Beating Trump As Voters ...
1. "The Week" WTF is that? It's not credible. But you keep believing those democrat friendly polls, just like 2016.

2. Newsweek polled on "Leadership" not winning the 2020 race. Here are the current Vegas odds for winning in 2020, so put your money on the democrat and win 4x if you're very confident.
Donald Trump -110

Elizabeth Warren +450
Joe Biden +500
Bernie Sanders +1000
Kamala Harris +1000

3. Please remember 2016 when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning and Trump had no fucking way to get 270 EC votes....

First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
Let me teach you something.
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.

Has Trump expanded his base of supporters? Wait until 2020, you're about to find out just how he has.

Sorry your g̶i̶r̶l̶ 2020 Democratic candidate lost.

Did the grifter expand his base in 2018?

maobama had much larger midterm losses and was still reelected.

Trump's plan is to use his money advantage to try and motivate his base to turn out and "outperform" dem voters. We'll see.

Trump's New Math: Inside the Plan to Flip Blue States in 2020

The reality is rather simple...although Trump cult members will die refusing to accept it.

In 2016, Hillary was such a bad candidate thinking that she would be entitled to the oval office, that many sane voters didn't show up to vote.....and we got a fucking orange clown to defile the oval office.

NOW, we do have a history of what Trump is all about.....

So, most republicans will still vote for the moron-in-chief.......but their number is less than a third of voters; while the other two-thirds will vote for virtually ANYONE who is not Trump.
Trump's plan is to use his money advantage to try and motivate his base to turn out and "outperform" dem voters. We'll see.

Trump's New Math: Inside the Plan to Flip Blue States in 2020

The reality is rather simple...although Trump cult members will die refusing to accept it.

In 2016, Hillary was such a bad candidate thinking that she would be entitled to the oval office, that many sane voters didn't show up to vote.....and we got a fucking orange clown to defile the oval office.

NOW, we do have a history of what Trump is all about.....

So, most republicans will still vote for the moron-in-chief.......but their number is less than a third of voters; while the other two-thirds will vote for virtually ANYONE who is not Trump.

So what makes you think that this time you're going to get a candidate who is any better than Hillary?

Judging from what I see coming out of the clown car, you appear to be in deep shit.
Trump's plan is to use his money advantage to try and motivate his base to turn out and "outperform" dem voters. We'll see.

Trump's New Math: Inside the Plan to Flip Blue States in 2020

The reality is rather simple...although Trump cult members will die refusing to accept it.

In 2016, Hillary was such a bad candidate thinking that she would be entitled to the oval office, that many sane voters didn't show up to vote.....and we got a fucking orange clown to defile the oval office.

NOW, we do have a history of what Trump is all about.....

So, most republicans will still vote for the moron-in-chief.......but their number is less than a third of voters; while the other two-thirds will vote for virtually ANYONE who is not Trump.
It may be that even some small govt/fiscal conservative right leaning independents will find the dem nominee too far left to vote for, so they may stay home, and we'll see a repeat of 16. At this early stage, it appears Warren will be the nominee. But at this point in 2007, Hillary looked inevitable. I thought Obama ended her presidential chances, but she claimed the nomination in 16, and here we are.

I'm not saying it's impossible for Warren to appeal to the middle class. And I'm not even saying she's inevitable. But it doesn't look like Harris was ready, and Bernie is more ready for a retirement home than Biden.
HA!! The voters' strong dislike of the democrat candidates will be apparent in 2020.
I can list the frailties of them all, but you know Trump will batter the nominee like a baby seal during the debates.

Every major 2020 Democrat beats Trump by at least 9 points ...

New Poll Has All Top Democrats Beating Trump As Voters ...

and, every major poll had Hillary beating Trump like a red headed stepchild...

right up til about 2-3 weeks before the election.

you've got well over a year before the election.

pace yourself
removed a dozen or so off topic posts.

Try to stick to the topic
and, every major poll had Hillary beating Trump like a red headed stepchild...

Always remember (before you delete my threads)....that

ONE.......your ilk should thank Comey's little revelation before election day...AND

TWO....the polls were right ON target since pollsters poll the POPULAR VOTE and not the electoral college.

Thank me later for the lesson.
Fuck Iran, even if we did put a freeze on their assets. Those shithead owe us for kidnapping American citizens, financing terrorism, and causing the deaths of over 200 American soldiers.

What the fuck is wrong with you anyway?

Morons like you should go to bed.......

Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy. The aircraft, an Airbus A300, was destroyed and all 290 people on board, including 66 children, were killed.

Not my problem. If it's your hill to die on, I suggest you go over there and become a "freedom fighter."

But don't expect me not to laugh when the Youtube video of your ass getting drone-striked comes out, because I will.

Completely bailed on your original point in a single post. Must be some kind of record.
and, every major poll had Hillary beating Trump like a red headed stepchild...

Always remember (before you delete my threads)....that

ONE.......your ilk should thank Comey's little revelation before election day...AND

TWO....the polls were right ON target since pollsters poll the POPULAR VOTE and not the electoral college.

Thank me later for the lesson.
Comey was forced to do a Fake Investigation on Clinton because a whistle blower made it public knowledge, and then after he tried to sweep her crimes under the rug, Anthony Weiner like so many of The Clinton's Pals got busted for trying to have sex with children, and they found more Hillary Emails on his laptop that Hillary Tried to destroy. So they swept her crimes under the rug twice, despite the fact US Laws state that she was forbidden from running for office due to the felonies she committed.
and, every major poll had Hillary beating Trump like a red headed stepchild...

Always remember (before you delete my threads)....that

ONE.......your ilk should thank Comey's little revelation before election day...AND

TWO....the polls were right ON target since pollsters poll the POPULAR VOTE and not the electoral college.

Thank me later for the lesson.

Thank me later for the lesson.

you want thanks?

Here ya go.

First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
Let me teach you something.
View attachment 278307
Land does not vote, People vote

In Trumps own city of NY, Trump lost by 2 million votes.
After 70 years, they know him better than anyone
First we must bear in mind that although Trump won the electoral college, 3 million American voters voted against him........regardless of the pathetic crying that 3 millions illegals voted against him in 2016, (BTW, whatever happened to Trump's "special commission" on voters' fraud???)

So, the question arises if this so-called, scandal-ridden administration after 3 miserable years of tweeting, lies, cabinet resignations, false promises and empty demagoguery, has Trump gained a noteworthy "new" constituency????

Sure, wealthy folks benefited substantially from his tax scam....pocketing 86% of Trump's $1.4 Trillion increase in US debt, but besides his loyal cult followers, and spineless elected republicans, has any new, constituency group arisen???

Remember that states like MI, WI and PA defied popular sanity and helped Trump gain their electoral votes, but will those same 3 states back him again or return to vivid blue.
Let me teach you something.
View attachment 278307
Land does not vote, People vote

In Trumps own city of NY, Trump lost by 2 million votes.
After 70 years, they know him better than anyone
The electoral college gives everyone a vote.

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