After almost a year of insulting the Democrats Liars, Fake News, Witch Hunts~ It has come to this..

Phototshop is easy. :biggrin:



RWNJs lie just as much as trump does.
Take you a big bite of that, boy.
The sleazy fuck is doing it again.

Trashing the US to another country.

Why does he hate the US so much?

Why do trumpkins hate their own country so much?

Gosh I hate to leave this thread, but I have to go..will reply later. when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Ukraine was worried about the Donald and his love for Putin, remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine.

"remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine."

Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nudelman in tow orchestrate a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals.

Victoria Nudelman a Neo-Conservative bitch married to a Neo-Conservative fat fuck Robert Kagan.

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia

The fat fuck Neo-Conservative Robert Kagan, husband of Neo-Conservative Victoria Nudelman.


Robert Kagan - Wikipedia

Here we are dimbulb Penelope:

Victoria Nudelman discussing the Coup and who she wants as a new President of the new Neo-Conservative Vassal Failed State of Ukraine with Geoffrey Pyatt.


And still no evidence of collusion which still isn't a crime or the whole DNC, the media, the Ukrainians, Fusion GPS, John McCain over the dossier and others are all going to be wearing orange.

I just don't see what John McCain has to do with this... And perhaps this one thing is going to bring down the whole camp including some democrats...
I am just glad to have something that the Trumps can't call fake news. and Deny it.

The people have 0 power over what these corrupt people do, it is time to put them in their place.

McCain is and has been for quite some time a Soros plant. He hands out Soros money to special interest groups, and banks a bit for his loyal service. He needs to go.
How does this story change the fact that democrats have been lying, making fake news and been on a fishing expedition?

Is it less of a fishing expedition because you catch a minnow? when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Ukraine was worried about the Donald and his love for Putin, remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine.

"remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine."

Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nudelman in tow orchestrate a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals.

Victoria Nudelman a Neo-Conservative bitch married to a Neo-Conservative fat fuck Robert Kagan.

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia

The fat fuck Neo-Conservative Robert Kagan, husband of Neo-Conservative Victoria Nudelman.


Robert Kagan - Wikipedia

Here we are dimbulb Penelope:

Victoria Nudelman discussing the Coup and who she wants as a new President of the new Neo-Conservative Vassal Failed State of Ukraine with Geoffrey Pyatt.

I agree but no way could I vote for Trump , I voted for Dems due to the ACA and people need healthcare. The GOP are neocons. Trump is going to do what the jews want. They want Syria. He is surrounded by rich jews.


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I heard somewhere Trump jr. is considering legal action over that lying mag cover. Any fool can see it proves nothing.
Yes, it "proves" something. It's not criminal, but he got caught red handed, alright. Hope he plans on using a "only pay if you win" attorney for that one, if he sues.

"It's not criminal,"

Exactly it's NOT criminal, so what do they have? NOTHING.

What country do you live in again? Yes they conspired with Russia. Are you aware of T's history? Kellyanne Conway was one of the original Clinton bashers since 95, her, L. Ingraham, Bossie, Drudge, Breibart. The same ole group.

And still no evidence of collusion which still isn't a crime or the whole DNC, the media, the Ukrainians, Fusion GPS, John McCain over the dossier and others are all going to be wearing orange.

I just don't see what John McCain has to do with this... And perhaps this one thing is going to bring down the whole camp including some democrats...
I am just glad to have something that the Trumps can't call fake news. and Deny it.

The people have 0 power over what these corrupt people do, it is time to put them in their place.

McCain is and has been for quite some time a Soros plant. He hands out Soros money to special interest groups, and banks a bit for his loyal service. He needs to go.

Oh yes because he is not alt right. A loser for getting caught in WWII. T is the loser. when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Who knows maybe Obama did set him up, but the Trumps took the bait.. Personally though I seriously think Putin had this on is too coincidental that this all came out so close to the Trump/ Putin meeting . Maybe Trump called his bluff..

But there was nothing illegal about it, and at least Trump Jr. didn't bleach bit his emails to hide anything he was doing. He shared them. All the same Russians and Ukranians met with Clinton and Obama, so exactly what is your opinion of that?

And what is your opinion of THE DNC and Clinton Campaign going to Ukrainian Spies at the Ukrainian Embassy to plot strategies on how to smear the Trump Campaign?

How do you feel about Hillary Clinton, and The DNC Colluding with Fusion GPS and Ukraine to try to impact The Election for HILLARY CLINTON?

One person , not the DNC colluding. when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Ukraine was worried about the Donald and his love for Putin, remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine.

"remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine."

Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nudelman in tow orchestrate a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals.

Victoria Nudelman a Neo-Conservative bitch married to a Neo-Conservative fat fuck Robert Kagan.

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia

The fat fuck Neo-Conservative Robert Kagan, husband of Neo-Conservative Victoria Nudelman.


Robert Kagan - Wikipedia

Here we are dimbulb Penelope:

Victoria Nudelman discussing the Coup and who she wants as a new President of the new Neo-Conservative Vassal Failed State of Ukraine with Geoffrey Pyatt.

I agree but no way could I vote for Trump , I voted for Dems due to the ACA and people need healthcare. The GOP are neocons. Trump is going to do what the jews want. They want Syria. He is surrounded by rich jews.

I voted for my party as well... when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Who knows maybe Obama did set him up, but the Trumps took the bait.. Personally though I seriously think Putin had this on is too coincidental that this all came out so close to the Trump/ Putin meeting . Maybe Trump called his bluff..
Money...follow the money...and the dead Russians.

I am telling you, this is going to be a huge Movie.. you can't make this stuff up. Maybe Redford will play Trump this time instead of a reporter..

Redford is too Liberal to play Trump.

And The Movie will be about The Dark State trying to take down a President.....and getting it's ass kicked!

And his constant trashing of the US.

How dare he?

My country is great.

Now he's talking about how the French and Americans fought together to form this country but failed to mention his heel spur. Asshole traitor can shut his trap about how the US isn't a GREAT COUNTRY.

In reality, it's you leftists who have been trashing this country for decades. Trump is merely restoring our greatness as a free and independent nation.

Your vision of what this country should be is not great. In fact it is flawed, delusional, and derived from the idiotic idea that America is but one cog in the wheel of world globalism You leftists truly believe that this country was created only by the blood, sweat, and tears of the oppressed, and is inherently evil.

Your vision of America is a place where all must sacrifice equally, forfeiting our God-given rights and resources to those in the world who you perceive that we have "stolen" from. The truth be known, in your vision of America, we all sit in cold, dark huts with no place to go and no way to get there. If anything, the eight years the that the American people have had to endure under Obama, would be a testament to that.


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I have no basis in fact for this but I have begun to believe given her husband's stated feelings about President Trump, that history will reveal her to have been one of the biggest leakers.


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I have no basis in fact for this but I have begun to believe given her husband's stated feelings about President Trump, that history will reveal her to have been one of the biggest leakers.

You are aware that they do make a product for that, right? I'm assuming that you were talking about Hillary, or have I had too many beers?



Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I have no basis in fact for this but I have begun to believe given her husband's stated feelings about President Trump, that history will reveal her to have been one of the biggest leakers.

You are aware that they do make a product for that, right? I'm assuming that you were talking about Hillary, or have I had too many beers?

Sorry, no. I wasn't clear. I believe KellyAnne is going to end up having been one of the biggest leakers about turmoil in the White House. Her cover is her endless prevarication on TV so that none of us could ever doubt her. Anyone that enthusiastic raises suspicions in my mind. As I said no basis in fact just a spidey sense.
Hillary cheated and thought they had it In the bag so when the losf they felt that their cheating had been out cheated and they decided to engage in endless false accusations and tantrums

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