After almost a year of insulting the Democrats Liars, Fake News, Witch Hunts~ It has come to this..

It's all a feelings driven agenda from a segment of society that is feelings rather than facts driven

No wonder the opioid epedemic is coincident, these addled feelings can be the ruination of the person and society

Now they are off Trump and onto a family member . Soon it will be a 2nd cousin

Grow up people and get on with a fact based life, we always do and already haven

just goes to show how many players there is in Trumps Cartel ... if the path leads to the dog the American people deserve to know about it.
Calling it "the Trump cartel" just makes you all tingly doesn't it

it makes me want to puke just thinking about it ... same feeling I get when so called Americans berate everything American and stand up and support everything Russian.

Do you even know what was accomplished in that meeting?

A Syrian cessae fire agreement. when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Who knows maybe Obama did set him up, but the Trumps took the bait.. Personally though I seriously think Putin had this on is too coincidental that this all came out so close to the Trump/ Putin meeting . Maybe Trump called his bluff..
Money...follow the money...and the dead Russians.

I am telling you, this is going to be a huge Movie.. you can't make this stuff up. Maybe Redford will play Trump this time instead of a reporter..


Hard to imagine Redford spray painted orange and his hair dyed bright yellow. Oh, and he'd have to wear a fat suit.

Watching trump in France today - ugh. Fat slob. Sloppy, floppy UUUge suit jacket he kept pulling across his fat, always the dumpy tie and baggy pants.

And, as usual, very rude to Melania. He did esxctly the same as he did at the WH - walked up to their hosts and left her to come around the back of the car, around a man who was standing there, walk up to the group and still he ignored her. What an embarrassment he is.

Anyway, I'd bet Redford would get a kick out of playing his polar opposite and it would be easy to learn his lines. Just keep saying he has a lot of words, the best words. That would nail it.

So a conservative woman can't be independent?
She can walk on her own without a man.

But maybe it only applies to liberal women only. :dunno:
Last edited:


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
Is that a REAL Time cover or one of those fake ones like Trump had in his club?

No it is real...check out the link there is a video as well. Almost feel sorry for the guy..
I don't feel sorry for the guy at all. What's unusual is that he got caught. There's plenty of them in this world and they tend to multiply like flies around power and money.
There's no question his father knew what was promised. What a lovely Welcome Wagon gift for the new campaign. LOL
Trump ought to come clean now or he's gonna end up in hotter water than he's ever dealt with before.

Like I said before, I wonder if Putin had anything to do with this leak? Maybe Trump called his bluff during their meeting..What do you think.?

Trump won't come clean...Fox news has already shown how they are going to deal with it..

"No Laws have been Broken" Trumps Motto: Deny and Distract..

"No Laws have been Broken"

That's because no laws have been broken, if they had of been 100% of The Senate and 100% of The House of Representatives would be under Federal Investigation for being in bed with Israeli Lobby Groups and Saudi Arabian Lobby Groups.

Also The Clintons would be under investigation for their long time relationship to the Chinese, the North Koreans and Ukraine.

This entire Trump and Russia thing is simply an ugly witch hunt, brought about by Democrats and Cuckservatives and their Propaganda slugs in the MSM because Hillary didn't win, the Cuckservatives hated Trump from day one and publicly announced many of them did so that they would be voting for Hillary, because they knew Hillary would continue War War War, Open Borders, trashing the Middle Class and giving jobs away to Third World street shitters allowed into America etc.

Trump stands for EVERYTHING they don't stand for, he stands for rebuilding the American nation, they stand for demolishing the American nation and putting it on the road to Third World Status.

The situation is that Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Chinese have been involving themselves in American elections for decades, both in Senate races, House races and Presidential races and YET NOBODY has had ANY problem with that and UNLIKE this ridiculous Russia thing there is 100% concrete evidence they have been involving themselves.

Witch Hunt and Hypocrisy.

Lucy, I don't think that you understand the emotional frustration that many have had for over a year. Like the title of the OP and the you tube if has been an emotional journey because we love our country and we knew he was lying...
He may have not broken any laws, but it validates our emotions and proves he was lying..

I could list a thousand of these rude arrogant tweets from the Trumps.

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 11
Media & Dems are extremely invested in the Russia story. If this nonsense meeting is all they have after a yr, I understand the desperation!

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 7
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Mark Dice

I didn't know the App Store had a #FakeNews section.

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 6
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted The New York Times

Also CNN: Let's bully and intimidate citizens online so they never question our #fakenews again! #CNNBlackmail

Donald Trump Jr. added,

The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes
"He's trying to bully us, and we're not going to let him intimidate us," the president of CNN said The Network Against the Leader of the Free World
1,045 replies6,195 retweets15,425 likes


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I hope you're a woman because you avatar is rather...faggoty?


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I heard somewhere Trump jr. is considering legal action over that lying mag cover. Any fool can see it proves nothing.
Yes, it "proves" something. It's not criminal, but he got caught red handed, alright. Hope he plans on using a "only pay if you win" attorney for that one, if he sues.

"It's not criminal,"

Exactly it's NOT criminal, so what do they have? NOTHING. when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Who knows maybe Obama did set him up, but the Trumps took the bait.. Personally though I seriously think Putin had this on is too coincidental that this all came out so close to the Trump/ Putin meeting . Maybe Trump called his bluff..
Money...follow the money...and the dead Russians.

I am telling you, this is going to be a huge Movie.. you can't make this stuff up. Maybe Redford will play Trump this time instead of a reporter..

Redford is too Liberal to play Trump.

And The Movie will be about The Dark State trying to take down a President.....and getting it's ass kicked!

And his constant trashing of the US.

How dare he?

My country is great.

Now he's talking about how the French and Americans fought together to form this country but failed to mention his heel spur. Asshole traitor can shut his trap about how the US isn't a GREAT COUNTRY.

What trashing.
It was Obama who put us down in his travels.
Read facts.
Don't believe the never ending lies from the right.

They've been "investigating" Secty Clinton for almost 30 years and still have not found any proof of criminal activity.

OTOH, all we have to do is look at trump's past - its full of crimes, lawsuits, settlements and payment.

I have to go offline until this afternoon., I hate to leave this thread.. I am going to read up on this Clinton stuff later today.. Do you have any good links to study..? when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Who knows maybe Obama did set him up, but the Trumps took the bait.. Personally though I seriously think Putin had this on is too coincidental that this all came out so close to the Trump/ Putin meeting . Maybe Trump called his bluff..

But there was nothing illegal about it, and at least Trump Jr. didn't bleach bit his emails to hide anything he was doing. He shared them. All the same Russians and Ukranians met with Clinton and Obama, so exactly what is your opinion of that?

And what is your opinion of THE DNC and Clinton Campaign going to Ukrainian Spies at the Ukrainian Embassy to plot strategies on how to smear the Trump Campaign?

How do you feel about Hillary Clinton, and The DNC Colluding with Fusion GPS and Ukraine to try to impact The Election for HILLARY CLINTON?

Did the Ukrainian government hack the RNC and Kellyanne Conway's emails and then release them along with fake news stories about a child sex slave ring at a pizza place?


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I heard somewhere Trump jr. is considering legal action over that lying mag cover. Any fool can see it proves nothing.
Yes, it "proves" something. It's not criminal, but he got caught red handed, alright. Hope he plans on using a "only pay if you win" attorney for that one, if he sues.

"It's not criminal,"

Exactly it's NOT criminal, so what do they have? NOTHING.
They may have slander and libel.
The sleazy fuck is doing it again.

Trashing the US to another country.

Why does he hate the US so much?

Why do trumpkins hate their own country so much? when is TIME going to post the story about Natalie V working for Fusion GPS, THE DNC, and The Democrat Party?

Joseph Goebbels is proud of you today.


Ukraine was worried about the Donald and his love for Putin, remember he tried to do a coup in Ukraine.

So you have NO PROBLEM with Obama actually doing a coup in Ukraine? Hello? Victoria Nudelman wife of Neo-Conservative Robert Kagan.

Remember? Anyone home on Planet Penelope?


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I heard somewhere Trump jr. is considering legal action over that lying mag cover. Any fool can see it proves nothing.
Yes, it "proves" something. It's not criminal, but he got caught red handed, alright. Hope he plans on using a "only pay if you win" attorney for that one, if he sues.

"It's not criminal,"

Exactly it's NOT criminal, so what do they have? NOTHING.

Lack of integration, and deep flaws in a character that we are suppose to trust to run this country . Do you trust a spouse who lies to you?
Trust is most important in any relationship...and love or business relationship.
Is that a REAL Time cover or one of those fake ones like Trump had in his club?

No it is real...check out the link there is a video as well. Almost feel sorry for the guy..
I don't feel sorry for the guy at all. What's unusual is that he got caught. There's plenty of them in this world and they tend to multiply like flies around power and money.
There's no question his father knew what was promised. What a lovely Welcome Wagon gift for the new campaign. LOL
Trump ought to come clean now or he's gonna end up in hotter water than he's ever dealt with before.

Like I said before, I wonder if Putin had anything to do with this leak? Maybe Trump called his bluff during their meeting..What do you think.?

Trump won't come clean...Fox news has already shown how they are going to deal with it..

"No Laws have been Broken" Trumps Motto: Deny and Distract..

"No Laws have been Broken"

That's because no laws have been broken, if they had of been 100% of The Senate and 100% of The House of Representatives would be under Federal Investigation for being in bed with Israeli Lobby Groups and Saudi Arabian Lobby Groups.

Also The Clintons would be under investigation for their long time relationship to the Chinese, the North Koreans and Ukraine.

This entire Trump and Russia thing is simply an ugly witch hunt, brought about by Democrats and Cuckservatives and their Propaganda slugs in the MSM because Hillary didn't win, the Cuckservatives hated Trump from day one and publicly announced many of them did so that they would be voting for Hillary, because they knew Hillary would continue War War War, Open Borders, trashing the Middle Class and giving jobs away to Third World street shitters allowed into America etc.

Trump stands for EVERYTHING they don't stand for, he stands for rebuilding the American nation, they stand for demolishing the American nation and putting it on the road to Third World Status.

The situation is that Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Chinese have been involving themselves in American elections for decades, both in Senate races, House races and Presidential races and YET NOBODY has had ANY problem with that and UNLIKE this ridiculous Russia thing there is 100% concrete evidence they have been involving themselves.

Witch Hunt and Hypocrisy.

Lucy, I don't think that you understand the emotional frustration that many have had for over a year. Like the title of the OP and the you tube if has been an emotional journey because we love our country and we knew he was lying...
He may have not broken any laws, but it validates our emotions and proves he was lying..

I could list a thousand of these rude arrogant tweets from the Trumps.

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 11
Media & Dems are extremely invested in the Russia story. If this nonsense meeting is all they have after a yr, I understand the desperation!

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 7
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Mark Dice

I didn't know the App Store had a #FakeNews section.

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 6
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted The New York Times

Also CNN: Let's bully and intimidate citizens online so they never question our #fakenews again! #CNNBlackmail

Donald Trump Jr. added,

The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes
"He's trying to bully us, and we're not going to let him intimidate us," the president of CNN said The Network Against the Leader of the Free World
1,045 replies6,195 retweets15,425 likes

None of those tweets are lies.


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I heard somewhere Trump jr. is considering legal action over that lying mag cover. Any fool can see it proves nothing.
Yes, it "proves" something. It's not criminal, but he got caught red handed, alright. Hope he plans on using a "only pay if you win" attorney for that one, if he sues.

"It's not criminal,"

Exactly it's NOT criminal, so what do they have? NOTHING.

Lack of integration, and deep flaws in a character that we are suppose to trust to run this country . Do you trust a spouse who lies to you?
Trust is most important in any relationship...and love or business relationship.
Still no proof.


Seriously though, Trumps Team continued insults have brought this on. Why didn't Trump just be honest about his connections, instead he brought this whole thing on himself..

But what does Conway do

Insults again like a Sesame Street Hag.. wow... This only pisses off the people and will come back around to bite them in the ass.


Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway uses Sesame Street flashcards to explain collusion to Americans
I heard somewhere Trump jr. is considering legal action over that lying mag cover. Any fool can see it proves nothing.
Yes, it "proves" something. It's not criminal, but he got caught red handed, alright. Hope he plans on using a "only pay if you win" attorney for that one, if he sues.

"It's not criminal,"

Exactly it's NOT criminal, so what do they have? NOTHING.
They may have slander and libel.

I'm sure you meant to say that trump is slandering the US, right?
Is that a REAL Time cover or one of those fake ones like Trump had in his club?

No it is real...check out the link there is a video as well. Almost feel sorry for the guy..
I don't feel sorry for the guy at all. What's unusual is that he got caught. There's plenty of them in this world and they tend to multiply like flies around power and money.
There's no question his father knew what was promised. What a lovely Welcome Wagon gift for the new campaign. LOL
Trump ought to come clean now or he's gonna end up in hotter water than he's ever dealt with before.

Like I said before, I wonder if Putin had anything to do with this leak? Maybe Trump called his bluff during their meeting..What do you think.?

Trump won't come clean...Fox news has already shown how they are going to deal with it..

"No Laws have been Broken" Trumps Motto: Deny and Distract..

"No Laws have been Broken"

That's because no laws have been broken, if they had of been 100% of The Senate and 100% of The House of Representatives would be under Federal Investigation for being in bed with Israeli Lobby Groups and Saudi Arabian Lobby Groups.

Also The Clintons would be under investigation for their long time relationship to the Chinese, the North Koreans and Ukraine.

This entire Trump and Russia thing is simply an ugly witch hunt, brought about by Democrats and Cuckservatives and their Propaganda slugs in the MSM because Hillary didn't win, the Cuckservatives hated Trump from day one and publicly announced many of them did so that they would be voting for Hillary, because they knew Hillary would continue War War War, Open Borders, trashing the Middle Class and giving jobs away to Third World street shitters allowed into America etc.

Trump stands for EVERYTHING they don't stand for, he stands for rebuilding the American nation, they stand for demolishing the American nation and putting it on the road to Third World Status.

The situation is that Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Chinese have been involving themselves in American elections for decades, both in Senate races, House races and Presidential races and YET NOBODY has had ANY problem with that and UNLIKE this ridiculous Russia thing there is 100% concrete evidence they have been involving themselves.

Witch Hunt and Hypocrisy.

Lucy, I don't think that you understand the emotional frustration that many have had for over a year. Like the title of the OP and the you tube if has been an emotional journey because we love our country and we knew he was lying...
He may have not broken any laws, but it validates our emotions and proves he was lying..

I could list a thousand of these rude arrogant tweets from the Trumps.

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 11
Media & Dems are extremely invested in the Russia story. If this nonsense meeting is all they have after a yr, I understand the desperation!

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 7
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Mark Dice

I didn't know the App Store had a #FakeNews section.

Donald Trump Jr.‏Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr Jul 6
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted The New York Times

Also CNN: Let's bully and intimidate citizens online so they never question our #fakenews again! #CNNBlackmail

Donald Trump Jr. added,

The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes
"He's trying to bully us, and we're not going to let him intimidate us," the president of CNN said The Network Against the Leader of the Free World
1,045 replies6,195 retweets15,425 likes

The story was that Russia colluded with Trump to STEAL the election OFF Hillary by RIGGING the election for Trump.

No evidence.

There is NOTHING illegal about anyone from the Trump campaign meeting Russians, just like how many Democrats have met privately with Russians.

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