After another doctors meeting and more to follow, the dreaded MS was broached.

How numb? Could it be carpal tunnel?

I proposed that idea, but the numbness coincided with the pain behind my eye. Also, I tried to massage certain areas of the arm and elbow that would indicate carpal tunnel without any help.

The doctor didnt say it was MS but she did suggest it is a possibility of course. She told me that the neurologist will have all of the details going back two years.
It’s probably not MS. Try to calm down a little bit, just focus on breathing in and out for a few minutes.

Are you a side sleeper? I have hand problems from sleeping on my side, I sleep on my back only now then the hand problem heals. Hot pack that you heat up in the microwave, apply that 4 times a day. Not too hot just hot enough. I’ve just healed a numb thigh that way. I would wake up and my whole thigh was totally numb. I would do the heat pack on the whole shoulder and all the way down. As hand issues generally are from the shoulder area or arm.

The heat will increase circulation. Buy a herbal bottle of pills thats for increased circulation. I bought a veins clear one as those herbs really got my circulation working properly.

Don’t stress. You are ok. ❤️
It’s probably not MS. Try to calm down a little bit, just focus on breathing in and out for a few minutes.

Are you a side sleeper? I have hand problems from sleeping on my side, I sleep on my back only now then the hand problem heals. Hot pack that you heat up in the microwave, apply that 4 times a day. Not too hot just hot enough. I’ve just healed a numb thigh that way. I would wake up and my whole thigh was totally numb. I would do the heat pack on the whole shoulder and all the way down. As hand issues generally are from the shoulder area or arm.

The heat will increase circulation. Buy a herbal bottle of pills thats for increased circulation. I bought a veins clear one as those herbs really got my circulation working properly.

Don’t stress. You are ok. ❤️

I tried the hot water on my hand bit multiple times. No success. Raising hand above my head, keeping my arm straight etc. The hand is also weaker due to the numbness on one side.

It's all of the other symptoms combined that cause the fear in me. You have to understand, I am a former athlete and for years I was healthy beyond my years. Even now I look much younger than I am for the most part (unless I grow a beard where grey shows).

The head pains, especially above and behind the eye coupled with a week of numb hand is frightening. Recall I was hospitalized twice already for numbness down one side of my body and the eye symptoms of MS usually occur in one eye which is what I experience.

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