After another doctors meeting and more to follow, the dreaded MS was broached.

Let’s pray it’s not MS

Indeed. If it is, I cannot rule out the contributing factors of years of stress and other suffering I have experienced. It definitely has my afraid.

At the very least, I did an excellent job of exposing Ontario to those in the U.S who make it their business to know what other jurisdictions represent. Small justice and payback compared to what I have had to endure, but one can only do what they can.

Whether Harris or Trump, either would be light years ahead of Canadian politicians and institutions (especially in Ontario) in terms of civil liberties, human rights and freedom. This cannot be lost on the U.S when deciding who to trade with or employ.

We have allowed the types of abuses against citizens that have long-term and often permanent impact on their lives. Little difference between us and the old East German or Soviet model. If America doesn't demand that allies share the same values than America pays the price as well
Been up since.3:30 and additional paij to the numbness in my hand. I can't wait for the neurologist appointment at this rate.

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