After decision against masks in schools: Search action at Weimar judge


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
After coup last week Merkel abolished German Constitution, Federalism and the right of courts to challenge her decisions. She has practically more power as Putin, Lukashenko, even the last African dictator. By pushing the Corona Lie she deliberately destroys Germany and transform it to a prison. Where are western mainstream presstitutes who are very quick to condemn the human rights violations outside of the West?
Only cretins can believe the Covid-1984 scamdemic will be finished before 90% of humans die.

Translation from German

The German government regularly and loudly criticizes deficiencies in the rule of law in countries it does not trust politically, especially in Poland and Hungary. The tenor is that the independence of the judiciary is not guaranteed there, and that critical judges come under pressure. All the more astonishing is a message that now comes from Weimar. On Monday morning, there was a large-scale investigative action against Christian Dettmar, the judge in Weimar who made a widely respected decision against the Corona measures and in a specific case declared the obligation to wear masks and rapid tests in schools unlawful. According to his attorney, investigators searched the judge's office as well as his car and home. He is being investigated on initial suspicion of perverting the course of justice. There is an initial suspicion that the judge was guilty of bending the law, as a spokesman for the public prosecutor's office in Erfurt announced on Monday. His cell phone was confiscated. Critics see this as an "arbitrary act," an "attack on the independence of the judiciary" and an attempt to intimidate and frighten other critical judges. The public prosecutor's office, meanwhile, sees "indications that the defendant arbitrarily assumed jurisdiction, although the matter was one of administrative law, for which only administrative legal recourse is available." The major media are reporting on the investigation, but not on the search and seizure action.


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