After every shooting, gun grabbers call for Assault weapons ban, magazine capacity restrictions. Wrong answer.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.

Not restricting access to the powerful murder weapon of choice to that person is the problem
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.

Not restricting access to the powerful murder weapon of choice to that person is the problem

Not restricting access to the powerful murder weapon of choice to that person is the problem

How do you do that?
A couple days and Joe Biden will forget the whole shooting thing ever happened. Then he can get back to figuring out what to do with his Mexican kids wrapped up like burritos in foil blankets, sleeping on the floors of cages.
But Colorado is a gun grabbers dream and Marjorie Taylor Greene points out that Colorado has everything the left has asked for...
• Universal Background Checks
• Red Flag gun seizure laws
• "Hi-capacity" magazine bans
• A passing gun-control grade from
And it still didn't stop a thug like Ahmad Al-Issa from murdering Americans.
Not restricting access to the powerful murder weapon of choice to that person is the problem

But Colorado is a gun grabbers dream and Marjorie Taylor Greene points out that Colorado has everything the left has asked for...
• Universal Background Checks
• Red Flag gun seizure laws
• "Hi-capacity" magazine bans
• A passing gun-control grade from
And it still didn't stop a thug like Ahmad Al-Issa from murdering Americans.

Not to mention, the shooter was already on the radar for trying to go to Syria last year, as well as his social media postings.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
How about blaming the party that turned the crazies loose on society???

Destinys Choice - America Is: Closing of Mental Institutions : democrats Feel Better Now (
I've noticed the same hypocrisy. The Left trashes our culture and relaxes all standards then when chaos results they blame us and want to take our inalienable right to self-defense away. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. All they'll accomplish is to create a massive new class of felons and drive Americans even further apart. I've discussed this with people from OZ and the UK and though they won't admit it, they'd be perfectly okay with far higher numbers of dead and wounded if the government decided to confiscate and Americans resisted. They're just sanctimonious vultures, IMO.
Liberals should do what they always do and blame the racism of the shooter.

How much you wanna bet in this case the liberal media will still blame White Supremacy for driving this Muslim to committ a mass shooting?
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.

Okay, I would be 100% for having a thorough mental health exam for every gun owners, along with allowing police to confiscate your guns if someone reports you for being crazy.

But we aren't going to do that.

Let's not pretend you guys want to open more mental hospitals, either.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
I don't disagree but I have to note that it seems to me that gun control opponents also oppose expanding healthcare to all. Are you willing to pay for more mental health facilities?
Okay, I would be 100% for having a thorough mental health exam for every gun owners, along with allowing police to confiscate your guns if someone reports you for being crazy.
You can start by questioning yourself- and ask yourself if you trust someone you don't trust to administer the test-

shall not be infringed- what escapes you about that? What makes you judge and executioner? What right are you claiming?

What you're saying, in essence is, thought policing is okay with you- are you crazy? By my definition you are. Can I give you the test?
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.

Not restricting access to the powerful murder weapon of choice to that person is the problem

He was well within the rights of the State with his weapon. He had a 15 round mag and a AR-15 Clone. The problem was, Bolder County introduced a law that stated Assault Rifle instead of "AR-15 and it's various Clones" and it was found to be unconstitutional since it would have also encompassed a lot of other hunting and sport rifles as well. Outside of him being bat shit crazy, one of the factors was the failure of the law. He bought the weapon AFTER the law failed. Had it been written properly the weapon would not have been so readily available to him.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
Enough is Enough! Thoughts and Prayers aren't getting anything solved!
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
Enough is Enough! Thoughts and Prayers aren't getting anything solved!

The real problem was, it was a fruitcake with a gun who woke up and decided to kill a lot of people that day. No politics, just insanity.
You can start by questioning yourself- and ask yourself if you trust someone you don't trust to administer the test-

Yeah, for some reason, someone who picks an avi of someone pointing a gun at people is probably a taco short of a combination platter.

shall not be infringed- what escapes you about that? What makes you judge and executioner? What right are you claiming?

Well-Regulated Militia. What escapes you about that.

What you're saying, in essence is, thought policing is okay with you- are you crazy? By my definition you are. Can I give you the test?

You just said what we need are more mental hospitals and less gun control. Okay, the problem is, you'd have to do some kind of mental testing to determine who ends up in the loony bin. So that's really not the argument here.

The argument is, what's more practical in a society where 18% suffer from some kind of mental illness. Locking everyone up, or making it a little harder for the crazies to get guns.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
Listen, assault weapons have no place in this country unless your in the military or in law enforcement. And fuck this mentally ill bs....rednecks mental, nigga's just violent.....what we need to do is raise the price of fuckin bullets. Trying to decide is a white mf is crazy is like trying to figure out what part of a swimming pool has piss in it.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
How about blaming the party that turned the crazies loose on society???

Destinys Choice - America Is: Closing of Mental Institutions : democrats Feel Better Now (

You are probably the last person who would want the mentally ill locked up.

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