After every shooting, gun grabbers call for Assault weapons ban, magazine capacity restrictions. Wrong answer.

After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
I don't disagree but I have to note that it seems to me that gun control opponents also oppose expanding healthcare to all. Are you willing to pay for more mental health facilities?
No but I'd pay for the bullet that stops them cold.
So no prevention. Got it.
You dont got jack. You're just another media fed idiot.
How about keeping criminals locked up?
What do you consider a criminal? The problem with your desire is; there are so many laws they can't be counted- I've seen it stated there are so many federal laws that it's estimated that everyone breaks at least 3 a day-

A criminal action is causing harm to another- being punished for what might happen, what happened because someone in a similar situation harmed another is bogus placating making law writers (the most egregious criminals) appear relevant so they can relish their power over others- there is no greater crime, IMNSHO-
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After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
I don't disagree but I have to note that it seems to me that gun control opponents also oppose expanding healthcare to all. Are you willing to pay for more mental health facilities?
No but I'd pay for the bullet that stops them cold.
So no prevention. Got it.
You dont got jack. You're just another media fed idiot.
I guess the same goes for 52ndStreet (we need is more mental health facilities). It seems you're the only one with jack, I hope you're happy together.
After every mass shooting we hear gov officials call for assault weapons ban , and magazine capacity restrictions. When what we need is more mental health facilities.Don't, blame the inanimate object, blame the mentally I'll person that gave life to the weapon.!!.
I don't disagree but I have to note that it seems to me that gun control opponents also oppose expanding healthcare to all. Are you willing to pay for more mental health facilities?
No but I'd pay for the bullet that stops them cold.
So no prevention. Got it.
You dont got jack. You're just another media fed idiot.
I guess the same goes for 52ndStreet (we need is more mental health facilities). It seems you're the only one with jack, I hope you're happy together.
English please.
How about keeping criminals locked up?
What do you consider a criminal? The problem with your desire is; there are so many laws they can't be counted- I've seen it stated there are so many federal laws that it's estimated that everyone breaks at least 3 a day-

A criminal action is causing harm to another- being punished for what might happen, what happened because someone in a similar situation harmed another is bogus placating making law writers (the most egregious criminals) appear relevant so they can relish their power over others- there is no greater crime, IMNSHO-
Ok then, keep letting them loose, I'll keep my guns.
How about keeping criminals locked up?
What do you consider a criminal? The problem with your desire is; there are so many laws they can't be counted- I've seen it stated there are so many federal laws that it's estimated that everyone breaks at least 3 a day-

A criminal action is causing harm to another- being punished for what might happen, what happened because someone in a similar situation harmed another is bogus placating making law writers (the most egregious criminals) appear relevant so they can relish their power over others- there is no greater crime, IMNSHO-
Ok then, keep letting them loose, I'll keep my guns.

Oh, but the stealthy Vans and Choppers. They are coming soon to a bedroom near you.
Ok then, keep letting them loose, I'll keep my guns.
That doesn't address what I asked.
It doesn't matter what you asked, or what you said. What matters is that me, and many others are not going to give up anything no matter what is asked or said. So you all go ahead and keep asking away, it doesn't matter. You'll have to kill me or try to, to get anything from me and folks like me. We don't care anymore. Remember, we don't care what is said, it doesn't matter.

No, I didn't say that- you have your posters mixed up- who goes to the "loony bin"? Really? We can start with people, like yourself, who make fun of others where they have NO clue about another persons situation- so, whether you like it or not, yes it is THE argument- or, you can volunteer to be first in line, and I'll make the decision-

I could care less about your 'situation". You just haven't given me a compelling reason why you need a gun. You aren't a soldier, you aren't a policeman. You don't need a gun. You WANT a gun. The question being, is it a good idea for you to have one. The rest of your crazy rant almost sounds like what you'd hear from that guy who shot Gabby Giffords over imaginary currency.

"A" problem with your desire is the subjective nature of your desire- you desire to control people with whatever you desire to control with- be it legitimate or rhetorical coercion- and, you want others to enFORCE it for you- and, you want everyone to pay for it- you, and people like you, who refuse to think through (hell, think period) also refuse to acknowledge the results of unintended consequences.

Actually, I've given it quite a lot of thought. We have too many guns, and it's too easy for people who shouldn't have guns to get them. Every time we have a mass shooting, like the ones in Boulder and Atlanta, we find out two things. 1) Everyone in the shooter's life knew he was nuts and 2) it was still much too easy for him to get a gun.

You also seem to forget, the gov't's job is to secure our Liberty, not restrict it- read the pre-amble to the constitution- and, had you had a proper education we wouldn't even be having this conversation, never mind pointing out what a comma is used for.

1) I'm a professional writer... I get paid for my writing.
2) I'm not a product of Public Schools. More like Catholic schools 50 years ago.
3) The problem is, my "liberty" is already restricted in that the rest of society has to work around your gun fetish. We've decided that we would rather put metal detectors in our schools than require people to prove they aren't crazy before we give them a gun. We have police who shoot suspects on a regular basis because they might have a gun.

Public Education is "a" PROBLEM- and your responses/reaction are evidence- wanting/desiring and turning those wants and desires into law is THE problem- law, by definition is to punish- when it's used to placate, unintended consequences are never considered- not to mention, next time, when someone else demands/desires something you don't want/desire/like/approve of they are entitled to tell you to pound sand and laugh at you, and ask; how's it feel, being in the loony bin?

Actually, I'm perfectly willing to meet you guys halfway. While I'd have no problem with a TOTAL gun ban like every other civilized country, I'm willing to go halfway and say, "Yes, you can have a gun, after we have assurances you aren't going to go out on a shooting rampage tomorrow."
obesity kills many more americans than guns...why arent democrats wanting to ban food??????
Are you saying that obesity is being ignored? Tho, I will admit, the one thing that enflames Whitie Righties as much as a threat to their guns is a threat to their junk food.
Democrat play book...

If the shooter is white......scream racism and guns.

If the shooter in non-white.......scream guns, then hide the story as fast as possible.
The problem is not guns or assault rifles, or high capacity magazines. Its mentally ill people with guns. Not the gun, or the assault rifle. The Gun is just lifeless object. We have a human control, or mental control problem. Not a Gun control problem. We have been missing the entire picture for many yeas now.!!Mentally ill people with guns.!
It doesn't matter what you asked, or what you said. What matters is that me, and many others are not going to give up anything no matter what is asked or said. So you all go ahead and keep asking away, it doesn't matter. You'll have to kill me or try to, to get anything from me and folks like me. We don't care anymore. Remember, we don't care what is said, it doesn't matter.
No- I suspect you have no answer- so, you get your panties in a wad- IDC what you do with your panties- I don't believe, in fact, I'm sure, "I" NEVER asked you to give up anything- so, you're mistaken on your first point, which leads to being mistaken on every point, which leads to you can't answer the question-

here, copy and paste:
What do you consider a criminal? The problem with your desire is; there are so many laws they can't be counted- I've seen it stated there are so many federal laws that it's estimated that everyone breaks at least 3 a day-

A criminal action is causing harm to another- being punished for what might happen, what happened because someone in a similar situation harmed another is bogus placating making law writers (the most egregious criminals) appear relevant so they can relish their power over others- there is no greater crime, IMNSHO-

NOW, stupid, where did I ask you (or anyone else) to give up anything?!
It doesn't matter what you asked, or what you said. What matters is that me, and many others are not going to give up anything no matter what is asked or said. So you all go ahead and keep asking away, it doesn't matter. You'll have to kill me or try to, to get anything from me and folks like me. We don't care anymore. Remember, we don't care what is said, it doesn't matter.
No- I suspect you have no answer- so, you get your panties in a wad- IDC what you do with your panties- I don't believe, in fact, I'm sure, "I" NEVER asked you to give up anything- so, you're mistaken on your first point, which leads to being mistaken on every point, which leads to you can't answer the question-

here, copy and paste:
What do you consider a criminal? The problem with your desire is; there are so many laws they can't be counted- I've seen it stated there are so many federal laws that it's estimated that everyone breaks at least 3 a day-

A criminal action is causing harm to another- being punished for what might happen, what happened because someone in a similar situation harmed another is bogus placating making law writers (the most egregious criminals) appear relevant so they can relish their power over others- there is no greater crime, IMNSHO-

NOW, stupid, where did I ask you (or anyone else) to give up anything?!
I'm not surprised your comprehension skills are as low as they are.
Mentally ill people with guns.!
I agree- yet, what makes them mentally ill? Could it be pharmaceuticals (legal ones), or draconian authoritative ambitions by elected criminals? Maybe abuse as a kid? Maybe abuse as an adult? Maybe we don't want to know, or care- let's just lock up everyone- oh wait- lock down sounds so much more palatable-
Mentally ill people with guns.!
I agree- yet, what makes them mentally ill? Could it be pharmaceuticals (legal ones), or draconian authoritative ambitions by elected criminals? Maybe abuse as a kid? Maybe abuse as an adult? Maybe we don't want to know, or care- let's just lock up everyone- oh wait- lock down sounds so much more palatable-
It's just having the guns that makes them crazy, that's why they need to go!
So, why don't you keep your gun laws on the state level? Quit trying to force that bullshit on a state (Texas) that clearly doesn't want that bullshit?

Because it's not about public safety. It's about communist control. You fucking commies can't do what you really want if we can resist.

Because those guns from Texas keep finding their ways into other states. NY Has some sensible gun laws, people just drive down to Virginia and buy a trunkload of guns and bring them to NY.
There in lies your problem- and the reason I'm not going to address the rest of the ridiculous lack of knowledge and thought-

Here's the deal, slick- need is immaterial- want is my right , and yours and everyone else's-

Guy, there's no such thing as "Rights". There are privileges the rest of society thinks you should have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

As a wise man said, "The constitution is not a suicide pact". Frankly, I'm tired of watching small children being carted out in body bags because you have some fetish about guns and think a badly written militia amendment gives you a right to do so.

You offer excuses- not needs for your wants- excuses are merely attempts to justify- reason is a sound explanation- there is NO sound explanation, (reason), for you to try to force your fears and beliefs on others- there are only excuses- and lots of them, but, at the end of the day, you're wrong- and your improper education led you astray-

Dummy, we have 39,000 gun deaths a year. it's not fear, it's a reasonable sense of self-preservation.

I'm tired of putting up with your fetish. So are most Americans.
Democrat play book...

If the shooter is white......scream racism and guns.

If the shooter in non-white.......scream guns, then hide the story as fast as possible.

Naw, man. We scream about guns regardless...

But it's always the same problem when you have a mass shooting.

we find out everyone in his life knew he was nuts, and he got guns anyway.
Democrat play book...

If the shooter is white......scream racism and guns.

If the shooter in non-white.......scream guns, then hide the story as fast as possible.

Naw, man. We scream about guns regardless...

But it's always the same problem when you have a mass shooting.

we find out everyone in his life knew he was nuts, and he got guns anyway.

We find out that law enforcement knew about the guy and did background checks weren't needed....the cops and feds knew about these background check needed....because the cops and feds who knew about these guys did nothing....

You doofus.
So, why don't you keep your gun laws on the state level? Quit trying to force that bullshit on a state (Texas) that clearly doesn't want that bullshit?

Because it's not about public safety. It's about communist control. You fucking commies can't do what you really want if we can resist.

Because those guns from Texas keep finding their ways into other states. NY Has some sensible gun laws, people just drive down to Virginia and buy a trunkload of guns and bring them to NY.

Hey.....dumb ass......Why doesn't Texas, where the guns are from, have the same gun murder rate as New dumb ass.........they have gun stores on every corner, Texans can carry guns legally in public...but New York, with extreme gun control has more gun crime than in Texas...and Texas shares a border with the narco state of Mexico....

You are an idiot....guns aren't the issue......criminals are the issue and how you deal with criminals...New York attacks their police and they release their violent criminals over and over again....that is why they have a higher gun murder rate, you doofus.

Moron.........drug cartels are making guns in their factories on the won't stop criminals from getting guns.

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