After GOP Debate, Hillary Must Be Terrified Of Facing Trump In A Debate. Imagine The Insults?

You people underestimate the difference between a blowhard like Trump bullying other guys and that same blowhard bullying a woman.
No, America has SEEN a pompous, arrogant, elitist, self-important blowhard bullying women for decades, intimidating, harassing, and attempting to silence the victims of her husband's sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and adultery. No one has underestimated Hilary's personal War on Women...except maybe for her own supporters.
Forget the insults...thin of the facts, scandals, and skeletons this man is going to drag out of her closet. She'll be so busy defending her heinous scandalous career to focus on any issues.
Last night showed that Trump has an endless list of scandals himself to be worried about. Clinton will be abe to go toe to toe with Trump and come out the winner. For every scandal Trump tries to use, Clinton will have two to match with his. Trump supporters have no idea about the extent of skeletons Trump is hiding in his closet.
The Donald is in big trouble if he can't curb his tongue....and act like a gentleman!

You people underestimate the difference between a blowhard like Trump bullying other guys and that same blowhard bullying a woman.

Hillary needs to stand back and let Trump be Trump

Answer calmly and stick to the issues
Force Trump to provide specifics and comment that he ducked the question every time he does
Take Trumps personal attacks gracefully and don't retaliate

Hillary needs to remain Presidential to contrast Trumps schoolyard clown
The Donald is in big trouble if he can't curb his tongue....and act like a gentleman!

This is not what the Drumpf fans want. And they seem to think that the rest of us are the same way.
Evidently someone has gotten into Rubio's ear as well because he is acting like an ass, too. Of course the media holding the debates LOVE it because it equals higher ratings. If we were selecting a Presidential candidate based off of professional decorum both Rubio and Trump would have already been booted.
Trump will encourage Hillary to roll around in the mud with him. It is where he operates best

Hillary will just step back and ridicule him for rolling around in the mud
Hillary will have to rig the debates. She'll insist on having the questions in advance or she won't attend. She will insist on being addressed by moderators as "Your Royal Highness".
Forget the insults...thin of the facts, scandals, and skeletons this man is going to drag out of her closet. She'll be so busy defending her heinous scandalous career to focus on any issues.
Last night showed that Trump has an endless list of scandals himself to be worried about. Clinton will be abe to go toe to toe with Trump and come out the winner. For every scandal Trump tries to use, Clinton will have two to match with his. Trump supporters have no idea about the extent of skeletons Trump is hiding in his closet.

The dirt on Trump has hardly begun to come out, and the voters who might actually care about that dirt are not being heard yet.
It disgusted me that Presidential debates are now R rated...Reduced to talk about penis size and how well his is functioning.....

He may be the smartest man in the world AS HE claims, or the BEST performer in bed, but he is just not "equipped" to be President.
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Trump will encourage Hillary to roll around in the mud with him. It is where he operates best

Hillary will just step back and ridicule him for rolling around in the mud
Hillary will have to rig the debates. She'll insist on having the questions in advance or she won't attend. She will insist on being addressed by moderators as "Your Royal Highness".

You out-retard yourself almost every day. You deserve more than just a participation trophy.
Hillary needs to remain Presidential to contrast Trumps schoolyard clown

Trump will encourage Hillary to roll around in the mud with him. It is where he operates best

Hillary will just step back and ridicule him for rolling around in the mud
Hillary will have to rig the debates. She'll insist on having the questions in advance or she won't attend. She will insist on being addressed by moderators as "Your Royal Highness".

You out-retard yourself almost every day. You deserve more than just a participation trophy.
Hilarious and true. Literally LOL. Thanks.
The dirt on Trump has hardly begun to come out, and the voters who might actually care about that dirt are not being heard yet.
The dirt on Hillary IS out but has YET to be shoved in her face. Nothing could be worse (for Trump) than 'losing' $6 Billion, allowing 4 Americans to die needlessly (especially after declaring she was the only 1 who could handle the '2am phone call'), jeopardizing our national security, and further victimizing and demonizing the victims of her husband's sexual deviancy / crimes.
The dirt on Trump has hardly begun to come out, and the voters who might actually care about that dirt are not being heard yet.
The dirt on Hillary IS out but has YET to be shoved in her face. Nothing could be worse (for Trump) than 'losing' $6 Billion, allowing 4 Americans to die needlessly (especially after declaring she was the only 1 who could handle the '2am phone call'), jeopardizing our national security, and further victimizing and demonizing the victims of her husband's sexual deviancy / crimes.

lol Benghazi. Yeah, you hang your dunce cap on that one.

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