After GOP Debate, Hillary Must Be Terrified Of Facing Trump In A Debate. Imagine The Insults?

Forget the insults...thin of the facts, scandals, and skeletons this man is going to drag out of her closet. She'll be so busy defending her heinous scandalous career to focus on any issues.
Last night showed that Trump has an endless list of scandals himself to be worried about. Clinton will be abe to go toe to toe with Trump and come out the winner. For every scandal Trump tries to use, Clinton will have two to match with his. Trump supporters have no idea about the extent of skeletons Trump is hiding in his closet.

Hillary is far more experience than Trump. Hillary will kick Trump ass.... I guarantee you.

Shrillary has never truly been challenged before. She has a short temper and language that would make a sailor blush. She feels she is anointed and will blow up at any challenge to her place in history.

The Donald is one smart dude and will figure out the exact needles required for her to lose her cool. Once America sees her for who and what she is - she'll be toast.
well when Donald backs her into a corner, she will just start coughing and barking like a dog
:omg::eek::tinfoil::crybaby: Then again, Cruz or Rubio would also rip Hillary to shreds, but the difference with "The Donald" would be the personal attacks that Hillary wont see coming.
And not just on her, Donald will likely even throw red meat at Bill, Huma, Weener, and anyone else she is friends with.
Hillary is already having jitters thinking that she may have to debate Donald Trump.
What do you guys think, and hope that Donald Trump asks/says to Hillary Clinton face to face right in front of 35-50 Million viewers that will make her look like a mouse. (or a little puppy barking).
:funnyface: :wtf: :poke:
Hillary has been bitch slapping the GOP since the 1970's. So far, she's won every time.
Them days are long gone. The GOP is fixin' to slap her ass in the hoosegow.
People who do the same thing over and over and over again for decades with the same results expecting different results are called "insane".
It's like the failed Bush tax cuts. Republicans are insane enough to believe it was Bush and not the same tired old policy of GOP tax cuts that failed so horrifically.

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