"After Half Century in Prison, Elderly Black Panther Should Not Be Left to Die"

if you cannot do the time, don't do the crime!

He's a convicted murderer. He should have been put to death decades ago, and not allowed to waste resources that could have been used to the benefit of actual human beings.

Under no circumstances should he ever be released as long as he is alive.
It would be so much easier if we just took these felony convicts and executed them by firing squad, hanging or (my preference) drawing & quartering. Far more economical and it opens up space to incarcerate the misdemeanor offenders for life.
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

Does New Jersey have the death penalty?
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

Does New Jersey have the death penalty?

It is very rare these days to hear of a black getting the death penalty no matter what he is convicted of.
It would be so much easier if we just took these felony convicts and executed them by firing squad, hanging or (my preference) drawing & quartering. Far more economical and it opens up space to incarcerate the misdemeanor offenders for life.
Throw 'em to the LIONS.
if you cannot do the time, don't do the crime!

This fellow can't be released IMHO. His coconspirator is still on the lam in Cuba.

Now, if Cuba were to extradite Ms. Shakur, I could see the cause for a prisoner exchange?
if you cannot do the time, don't do the crime!

This fellow can't be released IMHO. His coconspirator is still on the lam in Cuba.

Now, if Cuba were to extradite Ms. Shakur, I could see the cause for a prisoner exchange?
No way. Off them both.
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

From the article in the OP:

He is a former Black Panther, convicted for the killing of a New Jersey state trooper in the same incident that saw the revolutionary Assata Shakur wounded and captured.
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

From the article in the OP:

He is a former Black Panther, convicted for the killing of a New Jersey state trooper in the same incident that saw the revolutionary Assata Shakur wounded and captured.

So how did Assata Shakur wind up in cuba?
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

From the article in the OP:

He is a former Black Panther, convicted for the killing of a New Jersey state trooper in the same incident that saw the revolutionary Assata Shakur wounded and captured.

O.K. I read up on it. She is the Auntie of Tupac Shakur gunned down in Las Vegas.

Some black criminals posing as visitors to the correctional facilty in connecticut whre she was being held pulled out pistols and broke her out of jail......later she fled to Cuba.
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

From the article in the OP:

He is a former Black Panther, convicted for the killing of a New Jersey state trooper in the same incident that saw the revolutionary Assata Shakur wounded and captured.

O.K. I read up on it. She is the Auntie of Tupac Shakur gunned down in Las Vegas.

Some black criminals posing as visitors to the correctional facilty in connecticut whre she was being held pulled out pistols and broke her out of jail......later she fled to Cuba where she was granted asylum.
It would be so much easier if we just took these felony convicts and executed them by firing squad, hanging or (my preference) drawing & quartering. Far more economical and it opens up space to incarcerate the misdemeanor offenders for life.
Quartering can be fun, like four people making a wish on a four-way wishbone!
All that blather and they did not even mention his crime.......now I see it is murder....who did he murder?

From the article in the OP:

He is a former Black Panther, convicted for the killing of a New Jersey state trooper in the same incident that saw the revolutionary Assata Shakur wounded and captured.

So how did Assata Shakur wind up in cuba?

There are several American terrorists and bombers with asylum in Cuba. It's a haven for murderers and scum of all kinds. that's why Obama loved it so much and removed sanctions; they rewarded him with more political prisoners incarcerations and an attack on our embassy that injured many of our diplomats and their families. That made Democrats smile even more.

Various American fugitives in Cuba have found political asylum in Cuba after participating in militant activities in the Black power movement or the Independence movement in Puerto Rico.[1] Other fugitives in Cuba include defected CIA agents and others.[2] The Cuban government formed formal ties with the Black Panther Party in the 1960s, and many fugitive Black Panthers would find political asylum in Cuba, but after their activism was seen being repressed in Cuba many became disillusioned.[3] House Concurrent Resolution 254, passed in 1998, put the number at 90.[4] One estimate, c. 2000, put the number at approximately 100.[5]
Another friend of Castro's was faggot 'rights activist' and noted pedophile Allen Ginsburg, who got to hug Castro when he spoke at the UN. The faggot 'rights' movement was a commie front and a haven for pedophiles like founder Harry Hay and Ginsburg and co.


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