After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn’t Cater Gay Weddings, the Backlash Was So Extreme

By providing pizzas to a gay wedding, that does not mean they condone the wedding or support it. It just means they are in business to sell food, and so they sell it to whomever it is that is willing to pay for it, not just those that they like. This idea that selling a product or a service to a gay couple equates to supporting gay marriage is just absurd.

Would you feel the same it were a NAMBLA meeting?

He's a libturd, so he probably does.

Stupid people always equate pedophiles to be the same thing as consenting gay couples. It's proof positive that they are lacking something upstairs.

I equate paedophiles to be liberal Democrats, which they most certainly are.

Yes politics determines if you are a pedophile. You're about as bright as a burnt out light bulb.

I think you may have gotten it backwards
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law - Yahoo News

"The amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act approved Thursday by both chambers prohibits service providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service."

Happy days. Say goodbye to the Pizza Bigot's right to not cater gay weddings, they just lost it.

Funny isn't it. They started out trying to codify the right to refuse service on religious grounds, and ended up codifying the the gay right to service regardless of the owner's religion.

Saw an interesting article today on their basis for RICO suit against the mob. If sound think I'd take that half mill and go for it.
Looks they are doubling down on stupid...

Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down

This is the only logical end for militant gay activism. Now a gay/LGBT group in Wyoming is demanding that the government shut down any church that has the temerity to believe that homosexuality is wrong.

BREAKING Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down John Hawkins Right Wing News

The link talks about losing tax exempt status rather than being shut down.

Not the same thing at all.

A right wing nutter site being dishonest.

I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked!

Regards from Rosie

Well good, they can start hitting Mosque, Black church's and on and on and on and on you don't them making up the rules for everyone
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law - Yahoo News

"The amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act approved Thursday by both chambers prohibits service providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service."

Happy days. Say goodbye to the Pizza Bigot's right to not cater gay weddings, they just lost it.

Funny isn't it. They started out trying to codify the right to refuse service on religious grounds, and ended up codifying the the gay right to service regardless of the owner's religion.

Pense won't be Governor next term. He can forget running for President. That's what is behind all this.
This laws needs to be challenged and taken to SCOTUS. It violates 1st Amendment religious freedoms. This issue is not going away.
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law - Yahoo News

"The amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act approved Thursday by both chambers prohibits service providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service."

Happy days. Say goodbye to the Pizza Bigot's right to not cater gay weddings, they just lost it.

Funny isn't it. They started out trying to codify the right to refuse service on religious grounds, and ended up codifying the the gay right to service regardless of the owner's religion.

Pense won't be Governor next term. He can forget running for President. That's what is behind all this.

I don't know. It might not hurt him. there is more religious and conservative people in the country than these idiots wailing over some pizza joint and this law
By providing pizzas to a gay wedding, that does not mean they condone the wedding or support it. It just means they are in business to sell food, and so they sell it to whomever it is that is willing to pay for it, not just those that they like. This idea that selling a product or a service to a gay couple equates to supporting gay marriage is just absurd.

Would you feel the same it were a NAMBLA meeting?

He's a libturd, so he probably does.

Stupid people always equate pedophiles to be the same thing as consenting gay couples. It's proof positive that they are lacking something upstairs.

I equate paedophiles to be liberal Democrats, which they most certainly are.

Yes politics determines if you are a pedophile. You're about as bright as a burnt out light bulb.

What's the distinction between a pedophile and one who openly promotes the normalization of the disease that promotes pedophilia?

Now, the contributor to which you responded spoke to the Democrat Party, but in truth the Democrat Party represents the Ideological Left. And the Ideological Left represents the Normalization of the Mental Disorder that presents as Sexual Abnormality and Pedophilia is a presentation of that mental disorder.

So, in truth, politics IS intertwined in the pursuit of the legalization pedophilia. You see, the same reasoning which irrationally concludes that homosexuality is not deviancy, also concludes that 'some children may actually benefit from a loving sexual relationship with a caring adult'.
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law
Indiana lawmakers OK changes to religious objections law - Yahoo News

"The amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act approved Thursday by both chambers prohibits service providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service."

Happy days. Say goodbye to the Pizza Bigot's right to not cater gay weddings, they just lost it.

Funny isn't it. They started out trying to codify the right to refuse service on religious grounds, and ended up codifying the the gay right to service regardless of the owner's religion.



What we are in the process of doing, is re-codifying that homosexuality is the consequence of mental disorder that presents through sexual abnormality.

You need to believe that because this isn't accomplished instantly, that it is not being done. The coolest part is that YOU and the cult are doing everything in your pitiful means to help get that done. And ... (I must admit that this is my favorite part) you're helpless to stop yourselves from doing it... because, you're all quite insane.

This will not end well... and we know THAT, because it has been done many times throughout human history, and it has NEVER ended well.
You do realize that hackers have algorithms and can make it look like 10 people are 10,000 people.

This is more faux outrage over a made up story.
You do realize that hackers have algorithms and can make it look like 10 people are 10,000 people.

This is more faux outrage over a made up story.

Yes... it's evil, doing what a reasonable person should reasonably expect evil to be doing; fraudulently advancing deceit, as a means to influence the ignorant.
This laws needs to be challenged and taken to SCOTUS. It violates 1st Amendment religious freedoms. This issue is not going away.
Don't bother. They ruled on this kind of thing, 60 years ago.
Totally different. Democrats didn't write Jim Crow laws because of religion. Your party members hated blacks for their color. Still do, btw, but you tolerate them for their vote.
According to an update I just received from gofundme, Memories Pizza has received $842,387 from 29,160 contributors in a period of 2 days.
This laws needs to be challenged and taken to SCOTUS. It violates 1st Amendment religious freedoms. This issue is not going away.
Don't bother. They ruled on this kind of thing, 60 years ago.
Totally different. Democrats didn't write Jim Crow laws because of religion. Your party members hated blacks for their color. Still do, btw, but you tolerate them for their vote.
Learn why Heart of Atlanta Motel matters.
Religion is a lifestyle choice.

Assuming that choice for your lifestyle does not endow you with the freedom to deny the inherent civil rights of gays.

There is not, and never has been, a right to discriminate against a class of persons due to choosing to practice a religion.

Regards from Rosie
Beg to differ Rosie the diner.
All anti discrimination laws INCLUDE RELIGION.......

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