After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn’t Cater Gay Weddings, the Backlash Was So Extreme


This Pizza place does not cater to weddings.

They don't cater gay weddings. The bigots

They don't cater straight weddings. The bigots

They don't cater, black, white, Hispanic, oriental, interracial or inter species weddings. The bigots.

You can't make this shit up.


This Pizza place does not cater to weddings.

They don't cater gay weddings. The bigots

They don't cater straight weddings. The bigots

They don't cater, black, white, Hispanic, oriental, interracial or inter species weddings. The bigots.

You can't make this shit up.


what? who the hell orders pizza for a wedding.
this whole thing makes a lot of people look stupid. all of them on the left
Your right to refuse service has to be based on a non-discriminatory classification.

Bad news there scamp. By refusing to serve... discrimination has been initiated.

You don't serve loud and disruptive people because they can harm your reputation as a business. Loud and Disruptive people are a classification but the purpose is legitimate.

You're discriminating against a class of people known as Loud and Disruptive. Which would include the homosexuals who have disrupted these people's business, among others.

Discriminating against the service of those whose behavior increases liability in the moment... is the same thing as discriminating against those whose behavior increases cultural liability.

Which of course, is the case where one is faced with the choice of condoning the celebration which seeks to normalize mental disorder, or not participating in such, therein discouraging the normalization of insanity.

It's not a right, it's sacred responsibility... OKA: The Duly of every American.
We need to respect all Citizens' beliefs and rights. And i think most Americans are accepting and tolerant of Homosexuality at this point. Gays are no longer the victim. Now they're behaving like the bully. They're not respecting others' beliefs and rights. The constant Gay Propaganda is too much. Many Americans have had enough. You can only push too much.

They are not trying to be bullies, they are trying to be treated like everyone else and are dealing with bullies that try to make laws that legalize not treating them as equals.
No they aren't. They got what they wanted and now have moved on to attempting to destroy anyone's life that dares even disagree with them. But this has been the tactic of the left for about ten years now so not surprised to see it coming to a head.

Tolerance is no longer enough. The Ideologically Unpure most be destroyed or converted to total Acceptance.
Sounds like ISIS doesn't it? Denounce your religion, join ours our face the consequences.

And more generally, it sounds like Totalitarians throughout world history.
Join the gay militant fascists or you get a sign painted on your home and business, Haven't we seen this somewhere before?
Looks they are doubling down on stupid...

Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down

This is the only logical end for militant gay activism. Now a gay/LGBT group in Wyoming is demanding that the government shut down any church that has the temerity to believe that homosexuality is wrong.

BREAKING Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down John Hawkins Right Wing News
Not all that surprising it's come to this is it? Tolerance is a one way street for these people.
Remember when the gays said "let us get. Married and we won't cause you trouble"?


Oh I remember watching Crossfire in the 80s, when the advocate for Normalizing Sexual Abnormality scoffed on the edge of outrage, at the very suggestion that simply accepting homosexuals as 'normal' would lead to their demanding to join the Military... and inevitably MARRIAGE!

"Oh that's ridiculous! It's a slippery slope fallacy Marriage is the joining of a man and a woman. Why would gay people want to be married? I've never heard any gay person express a desire to be married. ..."

It was of course all a lie; deceit, advanced through fraudulent means, toward the goal of misleading the ignorant.
Looks they are doubling down on stupid...

Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down

This is the only logical end for militant gay activism. Now a gay/LGBT group in Wyoming is demanding that the government shut down any church that has the temerity to believe that homosexuality is wrong.

BREAKING Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down John Hawkins Right Wing News

Sassy, did you get in on the 600 page discussion, where the Homo-Fascists denied, for 600 pages, that Homosexuals had any desire to interfere with Churches, Christian beliefs, etc, etc?

Lies and dam' lies... such is the nature of evil.
From Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, after he sign the Indiana RFRA:

Pence: “Resolving this controversy, making clear that every person feels welcome and respected in our state is best for Indiana”

“The freedom of religion for every Hoosier is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States and in the Indiana Constitution, which reads, ‘No law shall, in any case whatever, control the free exercise and enjoyment of religious opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience.’ For generations, these protections have served as a bulwark of religious liberty for Hoosiers and remain a foundation of religious liberty in the State of Indiana, and that will not change.

“Last week the Indiana General Assembly passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act raising the judicial standard that would be used when government action intrudes upon the religious liberty of Hoosiers, and I was pleased to sign it.

“Over the past week this law has become a subject of great misunderstanding and controversy across our state and nation. However we got here, we are where we are, and it is important that our state take action to address the concerns that have been raised and move forward.

“Last weekend I called upon the Indiana General Assembly to clarify that this new judicial standard would not create a license to discriminate or to deny services to any individual as its critics have alleged. I am grateful for the efforts of legislators, business and other community leaders who came together to forge this clarifying language in the law.

“Hoosiers deserve to know, that even with this legislation, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act enhances protections for every church, non-profit religious organization or society, religious school, rabbi, priest, preacher, minister or pastor in the review of government action where their religious liberty is infringed. The law also enhances protection in religious liberty cases for groups of individuals and businesses in conscience decisions that do not involve provision of goods and services, employment and housing.

“In the midst of this furious debate, I have prayed earnestly for wisdom and compassion, and I have felt the prayers of people across this state and across this nation. For that I will be forever grateful.

“There will be some who think this legislation goes too far and some who think it does not go far enough, but as governor I must always put the interest of our state first and ask myself every day, ‘What is best for Indiana?’ I believe resolving this controversy and making clear that every person feels welcome and respected in our state is best for Indiana.

“Our state is rightly celebrated for our pro-business environment, and we enjoy an international reputation for the hospitality, generosity, tolerance and kindness of our people. Hoosier hospitality is not a slogan; it is our way of life. Now that this is behind us, let’s move forward together with a renewed commitment to the civility and respect that make this state great.”
From Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, after he sign the Indiana RFRA:

Pence: “Resolving this controversy, making clear that every person feels welcome and respected in our state is best for Indiana”

“The freedom of religion for every Hoosier is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States and in the Indiana Constitution, which reads, ‘No law shall, in any case whatever, control the free exercise and enjoyment of religious opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience.’ For generations, these protections have served as a bulwark of religious liberty for Hoosiers and remain a foundation of religious liberty in the State of Indiana, and that will not change.

“Last week the Indiana General Assembly passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act raising the judicial standard that would be used when government action intrudes upon the religious liberty of Hoosiers, and I was pleased to sign it.

“Over the past week this law has become a subject of great misunderstanding and controversy across our state and nation. However we got here, we are where we are, and it is important that our state take action to address the concerns that have been raised and move forward.

“Last weekend I called upon the Indiana General Assembly to clarify that this new judicial standard would not create a license to discriminate or to deny services to any individual as its critics have alleged. I am grateful for the efforts of legislators, business and other community leaders who came together to forge this clarifying language in the law.

“Hoosiers deserve to know, that even with this legislation, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act enhances protections for every church, non-profit religious organization or society, religious school, rabbi, priest, preacher, minister or pastor in the review of government action where their religious liberty is infringed. The law also enhances protection in religious liberty cases for groups of individuals and businesses in conscience decisions that do not involve provision of goods and services, employment and housing.

“In the midst of this furious debate, I have prayed earnestly for wisdom and compassion, and I have felt the prayers of people across this state and across this nation. For that I will be forever grateful.

“There will be some who think this legislation goes too far and some who think it does not go far enough, but as governor I must always put the interest of our state first and ask myself every day, ‘What is best for Indiana?’ I believe resolving this controversy and making clear that every person feels welcome and respected in our state is best for Indiana.

“Our state is rightly celebrated for our pro-business environment, and we enjoy an international reputation for the hospitality, generosity, tolerance and kindness of our people. Hoosier hospitality is not a slogan; it is our way of life. Now that this is behind us, let’s move forward together with a renewed commitment to the civility and respect that make this state great.”
Behind him, not a chance...
Looks they are doubling down on stupid...

Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down

This is the only logical end for militant gay activism. Now a gay/LGBT group in Wyoming is demanding that the government shut down any church that has the temerity to believe that homosexuality is wrong.

BREAKING Gay Group Demands Christian Churches be Shut Down John Hawkins Right Wing News

The link talks about losing tax exempt status rather than being shut down.

Not the same thing at all.

A right wing nutter site being dishonest.

I'm shocked, I tell ya. Shocked!

Regards from Rosie
"... It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open

Now, I gotta say, THAT appears to be injurious to me... and my guess is that THAT is part and parcel of why homosexuals have felt safer in the closet for all but the entirety of human existence.

People are only going to put up with that crap for so long... .

"Crystal O’Connor, the co-owner of Memories Pizza in Indiana, says it may not be safe to re-open their pizzeria after they said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

“I don’t know if we will re-open, or if we can, if it’s safe to re-open,” O’Connor said on TheBlaze TV’s Dana. “We’re in hiding basically, staying in the house.”

O’Connor recently told WBND-TV, “If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

She made it clear that they are happy to serve gay customers, but would not be a part of the wedding because of their religious beliefs. National news outlets quickly picked up the story.

O’Connor said they have since received an endless flood of “bashing” comments on social media, and their Yelp page has been trashed. One reviewer wrote that they serve an “intolerance special with toppings of hate, bigotry, stupidity, and old fashioned beliefs.” And a high school coach from Goshen, Indiana has been suspended after urging people on Twitter to burn down their establishment.

“Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? Agree with #FreedomofReligion bill? ‘That’s a lifestyle they CHOOSE’ Ignorant,” coach Jess Dooley wrote.

O’Connor said the media is distorting what her family truly believes. They are happy to serve gay customers, she reiterated, but object to being forced to participate in a gay wedding, since they don’t believe in gay marriage.

“We’re very hurt and confused and we stood up for what we believe,” she said. “The news just took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays, but we would not condone a wedding. We would not cater that because it’s against our religious beliefs.”

After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn t Cater Gay Weddings the Backlash Was So Extreme It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open Video

By providing pizzas to a gay wedding, that does not mean they condone the wedding or support it. It just means they are in business to sell food, and so they sell it to whomever it is that is willing to pay for it, not just those that they like. This idea that selling a product or a service to a gay couple equates to supporting gay marriage is just absurd.

Would you feel the same it were a NAMBLA meeting?

He's a libturd, so he probably does.

Stupid people always equate pedophiles to be the same thing as consenting gay couples. It's proof positive that they are lacking something upstairs.
By providing pizzas to a gay wedding, that does not mean they condone the wedding or support it.

It literally means just that...

It just means they are in business to sell food, and so they sell it to whomever it is that is willing to pay for it, not just those that they like. This idea that selling a product or a service to a gay couple equates to supporting gay marriage is just absurd.

So, you wouldn't have a problem with that group selling Al Qaeda (ISIS) Pizza, wherein Islamic Terrorism, Inc. came in to their business, said "We're throwing a party for Akmed, who is going to blow up Auditor's Children's School tomorrow and we'd like 72 Pies?"

Maybe you'd prefer, under that narrow and, from your perspective, tediously subjective point of view that they call the cops... just before they jump over the counter and start kicking the hell out of the Haji, drag his ass into the prep room and begin debriefing him in the most effective and expedient means possible?

I mean I use that analogy to sharpen the point... because fewer idiots will disagree that murdering children in their school, through the use of a suicide bomber is wrong and that its never 'right' to in any way promote the interests of those who advance such vicious ideas.

If we can agree on that point, then you can surely agree with me that where a person sees the normalization of the mental disorder that presents with Sexual Deviancy as a danger to society, that it is only reasonable that they not allow themselves to be used as a means to promote such, no matter how wrong you think they are and how small and insignificant you may believe their refusal to be used, may be.

Whattaya say?

What is there to say? You're an idiot.
"... It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open

Now, I gotta say, THAT appears to be injurious to me... and my guess is that THAT is part and parcel of why homosexuals have felt safer in the closet for all but the entirety of human existence.

People are only going to put up with that crap for so long... .

"Crystal O’Connor, the co-owner of Memories Pizza in Indiana, says it may not be safe to re-open their pizzeria after they said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

“I don’t know if we will re-open, or if we can, if it’s safe to re-open,” O’Connor said on TheBlaze TV’s Dana. “We’re in hiding basically, staying in the house.”

O’Connor recently told WBND-TV, “If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

She made it clear that they are happy to serve gay customers, but would not be a part of the wedding because of their religious beliefs. National news outlets quickly picked up the story.

O’Connor said they have since received an endless flood of “bashing” comments on social media, and their Yelp page has been trashed. One reviewer wrote that they serve an “intolerance special with toppings of hate, bigotry, stupidity, and old fashioned beliefs.” And a high school coach from Goshen, Indiana has been suspended after urging people on Twitter to burn down their establishment.

“Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? Agree with #FreedomofReligion bill? ‘That’s a lifestyle they CHOOSE’ Ignorant,” coach Jess Dooley wrote.

O’Connor said the media is distorting what her family truly believes. They are happy to serve gay customers, she reiterated, but object to being forced to participate in a gay wedding, since they don’t believe in gay marriage.

“We’re very hurt and confused and we stood up for what we believe,” she said. “The news just took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays, but we would not condone a wedding. We would not cater that because it’s against our religious beliefs.”

After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn t Cater Gay Weddings the Backlash Was So Extreme It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open Video

By providing pizzas to a gay wedding, that does not mean they condone the wedding or support it. It just means they are in business to sell food, and so they sell it to whomever it is that is willing to pay for it, not just those that they like. This idea that selling a product or a service to a gay couple equates to supporting gay marriage is just absurd.

Would you feel the same it were a NAMBLA meeting?

He's a libturd, so he probably does.

Stupid people always equate pedophiles to be the same thing as consenting gay couples. It's proof positive that they are lacking something upstairs.

I equate paedophiles to be liberal Democrats, which they most certainly are.
Bigotry and discrimination have no place in the land of the free.

"Land of the free"

That's ironic coming from you. This isn't the land of the free if you want to run someone into the ground for expressing their religious beliefs.

And how exactly were they discriminating? As far as I know they didn't have a record of discriminating against anyone.

How were they discriminating? A great question, sir, and here is my humble reply:

There was no discrimination of any kind and that is a truth which is beyond the possibility of rational debate. Lets examine the facts. First, there is no evidence that Memories Pizza failed to serve every customer the same with total disregard of their race, religion, political affiliation or any other demographic distinction including sexual preference. Comments from those in the community prove the employees of the pizzeria treated every one well and treated everyone the same.

Second, the pizzeria served pizza to go with total disregard as to who would share their product. There is no doubt that if a gay man had ordered 50 pizzas for his wedding he could have gotten them. Of course there was no reason for the gay person to announce his sexual preference and the employees certainly had no desire to ask; however, even if the gay man had stated he wanted the pizzas for his gay wedding, the evidence suggests he would have gotten them without incident.

Third, the issue has never been about serving customers in the pizzeria. This whole thing started when a young female employee – in response to a purely hypothetical question - said she would not want to cater a gay wedding. There is one hell of a difference between selling pizzas in a pizzeria and catering an event, specifically a gay wedding. Without addressing the legality of the issues involved, it should be self-evident that some people might find such involvement to be offensive and contrary to deeply held religious beliefs. The reason I do not have to delve into the legal issues is that the law is not applicable in this situation. The undeniable fact is that Memories Pizza had never catered a wedding of any kind nor were they ever asked to cater a wedding! You don't need a JD to understand that those who don't cater weddings of any kind do not discriminate against gays by refusing to cater their weddings. One last fact: the girl who responded to that hypothetical question is not the owner of Memories Pizza. When put in proper perspective her personal opinion is neither significant nor newsworthy.

Some posters have opined that the attack on the pizzeria was simply the lawful use of market forces. While this is true, at least in the legal sense, I cannot understand how people could be so brutally vindictive and heartless. I would never do anything to cause someone to lose his job or business simply because he disagreed with me on any issue. In the end the kindness of strangers, including some who are gay, prevented the business from going under. Let's just call it a victory for the good guys and a defeat for the haters.
"... It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open

Now, I gotta say, THAT appears to be injurious to me... and my guess is that THAT is part and parcel of why homosexuals have felt safer in the closet for all but the entirety of human existence.

People are only going to put up with that crap for so long... .

"Crystal O’Connor, the co-owner of Memories Pizza in Indiana, says it may not be safe to re-open their pizzeria after they said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

“I don’t know if we will re-open, or if we can, if it’s safe to re-open,” O’Connor said on TheBlaze TV’s Dana. “We’re in hiding basically, staying in the house.”

O’Connor recently told WBND-TV, “If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

She made it clear that they are happy to serve gay customers, but would not be a part of the wedding because of their religious beliefs. National news outlets quickly picked up the story.

O’Connor said they have since received an endless flood of “bashing” comments on social media, and their Yelp page has been trashed. One reviewer wrote that they serve an “intolerance special with toppings of hate, bigotry, stupidity, and old fashioned beliefs.” And a high school coach from Goshen, Indiana has been suspended after urging people on Twitter to burn down their establishment.

“Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? Agree with #FreedomofReligion bill? ‘That’s a lifestyle they CHOOSE’ Ignorant,” coach Jess Dooley wrote.

O’Connor said the media is distorting what her family truly believes. They are happy to serve gay customers, she reiterated, but object to being forced to participate in a gay wedding, since they don’t believe in gay marriage.

“We’re very hurt and confused and we stood up for what we believe,” she said. “The news just took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays, but we would not condone a wedding. We would not cater that because it’s against our religious beliefs.”

After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn t Cater Gay Weddings the Backlash Was So Extreme It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open Video

By providing pizzas to a gay wedding, that does not mean they condone the wedding or support it. It just means they are in business to sell food, and so they sell it to whomever it is that is willing to pay for it, not just those that they like. This idea that selling a product or a service to a gay couple equates to supporting gay marriage is just absurd.

Would you feel the same it were a NAMBLA meeting?

He's a libturd, so he probably does.

Stupid people always equate pedophiles to be the same thing as consenting gay couples. It's proof positive that they are lacking something upstairs.

I equate paedophiles to be liberal Democrats, which they most certainly are.

Yes politics determines if you are a pedophile. You're about as bright as a burnt out light bulb.

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