After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn’t Cater Gay Weddings, the Backlash Was So Extreme

Red Herring and Burning Strawman Combined!

Nobody is advocating for that.
Why not, it's the same thing.

Since I assume you will pretend to support freedom of speech, that means you support books that call black people the N-word, right?
The first amendment doesnt always apply once you voluntarily engage in commerce

Horseshit. Where does the Bill of Rights say that?

For some reason, its hard for the socially conservative mind to allow for facts and data making them learn.

You mean like this rule you just made up?
The bill of rights?

Its in the case law regarding the constitution. Maybe youve heard of it.

The case law is nothing but a pile of excuses for shitting on the Constitution.
Show me where I ever said "gun to the head" those were your words, not mine.
Well, that's what it sounds like with all this "the government is forcing me at gunpoint" stuff, and I rarely, if ever, see anything of the kind.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to read into it. Are you saying governments don't use coercion and force of arms?
It uses, and is supposed to, one vastly more often than the other. The letter, the law, not the gun, in the vast majority of cases.

ROFL! What a fucking weasel. So you admit that all laws are enforced with guns.
No, didn't say that at all. Most laws never need anything like a gun, people simply follow the law.

They follow the law because the government will use guns on them if they don't. It takes a special kind of stupid not to understand that.
The massive coordinated Gay Propaganda campaign has played itself out. Most Americans are completely sick of it. Gays aren't seen as the victim anymore. Now they're seen as the bully. They've pushed too much. It's 'The boy who cried Wolf' now. Most just want them to STFU. Enough is enough already. SHEESH!

Agreed. And sadly, they are a minority. The younger generations are far more accepting of gays, and in the natural course of time, legislation has addressed many gay rights issues. The racial faction wants to force feed the process, which actually alienates many who may have supported changes in the law.

It's old & tired now. Everywhere you look on TV, Movies, and so on, it's blatant coordinated aggressive Gay Propaganda. It's too much. The People are over it. It really is just a 'Boy who cried Wolf' scenario now. Time to move on.
When we have Marriage Equality and the PA and labor laws are adjusted, this will all be but an un-fond memory, to you.
Well, that's what it sounds like with all this "the government is forcing me at gunpoint" stuff, and I rarely, if ever, see anything of the kind.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to read into it. Are you saying governments don't use coercion and force of arms?
It uses, and is supposed to, one vastly more often than the other. The letter, the law, not the gun, in the vast majority of cases.

ROFL! What a fucking weasel. So you admit that all laws are enforced with guns.
No, didn't say that at all. Most laws never need anything like a gun, people simply follow the law.

They follow the law because the government will use guns on them if they don't. It takes a special kind of stupid not to understand that.
You're an idiot. Most people follow the law because it's the right thing to do. As I said, you don't live in the real world, obviously.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to read into it. Are you saying governments don't use coercion and force of arms?
It uses, and is supposed to, one vastly more often than the other. The letter, the law, not the gun, in the vast majority of cases.

ROFL! What a fucking weasel. So you admit that all laws are enforced with guns.
No, didn't say that at all. Most laws never need anything like a gun, people simply follow the law.

They follow the law because the government will use guns on them if they don't. It takes a special kind of stupid not to understand that.
You're an idiot. Most people follow the law because it's the right thing to do. As I said, you don't live in the real world, obviously.

Most laws are not the right thing to do, like paying income taxes. I guarantee you that no one would pay income taxes if they knew nothing would happen to them.
It uses, and is supposed to, one vastly more often than the other. The letter, the law, not the gun, in the vast majority of cases.

ROFL! What a fucking weasel. So you admit that all laws are enforced with guns.
No, didn't say that at all. Most laws never need anything like a gun, people simply follow the law.

They follow the law because the government will use guns on them if they don't. It takes a special kind of stupid not to understand that.
You're an idiot. Most people follow the law because it's the right thing to do. As I said, you don't live in the real world, obviously.

Most laws are not the right thing to do, like paying income taxes. I guarantee you that no one would pay income taxes if they knew nothing would happen to them.
Paying your taxes is patriotic. Since you are an American in name only, you wouldn't understand that.
ROFL! What a fucking weasel. So you admit that all laws are enforced with guns.
No, didn't say that at all. Most laws never need anything like a gun, people simply follow the law.

They follow the law because the government will use guns on them if they don't. It takes a special kind of stupid not to understand that.
You're an idiot. Most people follow the law because it's the right thing to do. As I said, you don't live in the real world, obviously.

Most laws are not the right thing to do, like paying income taxes. I guarantee you that no one would pay income taxes if they knew nothing would happen to them.
Paying your taxes is patriotic. Since you are an American in name only, you wouldn't understand that.

That's bullshit without a shred of evidence to support it. Whether it's patriotic or not, no one would pay taxes if they knew they wouldn't suffer any consequences as a result.
They won't be armed with a stuffed animal will they?
Would it matter? They have a big fancy car with flashing lights and a radio. To me that says pull over, and that's what the law says. That happened to me just a few months ago, no gun came out and the cop was very polite. So, where is this gun to the head thing coming from?

Show me where I ever said "gun to the head" those were your words, not mine.
Well, that's what it sounds like with all this "the government is forcing me at gunpoint" stuff, and I rarely, if ever, see anything of the kind.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to read into it. Are you saying governments don't use coercion and force of arms?
It uses, and is supposed to, one vastly more often than the other. The letter, the law, not the gun, in the vast majority of cases.

The coach that advocated burning the business down broke the law, when should we expect to see an arrest? Of course the asshole in Ferguson that said "burn this bitch down" has yet to be arrested for his incitement has he, so I guess as usual, it's do as we say and not as we do for the left.
The massive coordinated Gay Propaganda campaign has played itself out. Most Americans are completely sick of it. Gays aren't seen as the victim anymore. Now they're seen as the bully. They've pushed too much. It's 'The boy who cried Wolf' now. Most just want them to STFU. Enough is enough already. SHEESH!

Agreed. And sadly, they are a minority. The younger generations are far more accepting of gays, and in the natural course of time, legislation has addressed many gay rights issues. The racial faction wants to force feed the process, which actually alienates many who may have supported changes in the law.

It's old & tired now. Everywhere you look on TV, Movies, and so on, it's blatant coordinated aggressive Gay Propaganda. It's too much. The People are over it. It really is just a 'Boy who cried Wolf' scenario now. Time to move on.
When we have Marriage Equality and the PA and labor laws are adjusted, this will all be but an un-fond memory, to you.

Aren't you the one who is always talking about the "real world" where we don't have "marriage equality?"
Would it matter? They have a big fancy car with flashing lights and a radio. To me that says pull over, and that's what the law says. That happened to me just a few months ago, no gun came out and the cop was very polite. So, where is this gun to the head thing coming from?

Show me where I ever said "gun to the head" those were your words, not mine.
Well, that's what it sounds like with all this "the government is forcing me at gunpoint" stuff, and I rarely, if ever, see anything of the kind.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to read into it. Are you saying governments don't use coercion and force of arms?
It uses, and is supposed to, one vastly more often than the other. The letter, the law, not the gun, in the vast majority of cases.

The coach that advocated burning the business down broke the law, when should we expect to see an arrest? Of course the asshole in Ferguson that said "burn this bitch down" has yet to be arrested for his incitement has he, so I guess as usual, it's do as we say and not as we do for the left.

You have to understand that Nazi thugs always undertake their crimes with the official help and approval of the government.
I hope that the pizza place goes broke and the people who are against homosexuals have to end up working for them.

Bigotry and discrimination have no place in the land of the free.

Why can't we allow people to be free to be who they are?

Sorry.........but you can't catch gay. You're either born that way or not.
Please explain how it is that those attacking the business owner are not practicing bigotry and discrimination
After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn’t Cater Gay Weddings, the Backlash Was So Extreme

Of course.

Liberals absolutely cannot stand to have anybody disagree with them.

And they even more strongly object to anybody DOING something that goes against liberal dogma. They will do everything in their power to destroy that Pizza place.

Just as they do every conservative they run into. Liberals feel that conservatives aren't just wrong. They are EVIL, immoral, vicious, dangerous, despicable, and deserve the worst devils in Hell visited upon them... and the liberals are happy to oblige.

Conservatives are well used to that sort of hysteria from liberals, of course, and just laugh it off with the humor it deserves. But this pizza place must have gotten the shock of their lives when the wrath of liberaldom was turned upon them.

It's fun to note that the things liberals feel about conservatives, listed above, actually describe pretty closely what liberals do to conservatives, not the other way around.

Interestingly enough the pizza place closed ... Not because of patrons not giving business to them ... But due to gay activists and their lackeys phoning in false orders and death threats.

Ah... The lefts idea of freedom on display.
I hope that the pizza place goes broke and the people who are against homosexuals have to end up working for them.

Bigotry and discrimination have no place in the land of the free.

Why can't we allow people to be free to be who they are?

Sorry.........but you can't catch gay. You're either born that way or not.
Of course you want these people's live destroyed. After all if its not an opinion or viewpoint that meets the standard of liberal leftist approval it is to be shouted down, impugned and the people punished.
You are the people you claim to hate.....and it is HATE....
Quick! Cram those Christians in the closet and lock the door!

That will keep them safe from angry gays.

They can come out, conditionally, when they agree never to discriminate against any one for any reason.

Let's see how they like it!

When these mealy mouthed Christians can still be straight but stop being narrow then maybe they are ready for the 21st century.

If not, not.

Regards from Rosie
And the angry gay militants? They are free to discriminate with impunity?
I do hope this OPENED up a lot of peoples eyes in the country to the progressives/left/liberals/and the militant homosexual brigade and take it with them when to go to vote for President. they voted them out of Congress and what they do? they go out and get more nasty instead of learning from their mistakes

VOTE them out of lives come 2016 people
Liberals, conservatives, innies, outties. Fuck that shit. SOME gays are taking this wayyyyy overboard. GO TO A GAY PIZZERIA/BAKERY/CHURCH/WHATEVER and help support THEM instead of pushing your way in to someone elses spiritual beliefs.

What all this is about is....paybacks. Plain and simple. "You treated us like shit all these you are going to PAY".

Your comments reveal you understand exactly nothing about this issue.

What our conservative friends do very well is accusing others of doing what they're guilty of. Their tired talking point always goes something like, "I am against special rights for anybody". If you think our LGBT friends are asking for special rights, then you're drinking the right-wing koolaid on this one.

Meanwhile, what this RFRA does is grant special rights for some people in the free market to discriminate against others in the free market. This is why major corporations have come forward with their dissent of the law, which on its face is stupid and unconstitutional.

It's absurd that free-market chest-thumping right-wingers are actually defending the idea that it would be good for business to refuse some people business. Once that gets around, your business is doomed.

On the matter of the pizzeria, who the fuck orders pizza for their weddings other than cowpokes in rural Indiana? Most LBGT'ers don't have kids so they've got money to spend on weddings. You can be sure they don't order pizza!
They aren't asking. They are demanding....Special rights
I do hope this OPENED up a lot of peoples eyes in the country to the progressives/left/liberals/and the militant homosexual brigade and take it with them when to go to vote for President. they voted them out of Congress and what they do? they go out and get more nasty instead of learning from their mistakes

VOTE them out of lives come 2016 people

They think this will help Democrats at the polls, but I think it will backfire on them. They've shown what a bunch of fascist thugs they are. People don't find that attractive.
Liberals, conservatives, innies, outties. Fuck that shit. SOME gays are taking this wayyyyy overboard. GO TO A GAY PIZZERIA/BAKERY/CHURCH/WHATEVER and help support THEM instead of pushing your way in to someone elses spiritual beliefs.

What all this is about is....paybacks. Plain and simple. "You treated us like shit all these you are going to PAY".

Your comments reveal you understand exactly nothing about this issue.

What our conservative friends do very well is accusing others of doing what they're guilty of. Their tired talking point always goes something like, "I am against special rights for anybody". If you think our LGBT friends are asking for special rights, then you're drinking the right-wing koolaid on this one.

Meanwhile, what this RFRA does is grant special rights for some people in the free market to discriminate against others in the free market. This is why major corporations have come forward with their dissent of the law, which on its face is stupid and unconstitutional.

It's absurd that free-market chest-thumping right-wingers are actually defending the idea that it would be good for business to refuse some people business. Once that gets around, your business is doomed.

On the matter of the pizzeria, who the fuck orders pizza for their weddings other than cowpokes in rural Indiana? Most LBGT'ers don't have kids so they've got money to spend on weddings. You can be sure they don't order pizza!
The RFRA protects ALL people from discrimination. In places without said laws, discrimination against Christians is out in the open and acceptable.
The fact the the federal government and 24 states have similar laws is where your shrill faux rage gets the over the top award for knee jerk reactions.
Do you really think these companies that have weighed in on this really give a shit whether or not bake shop is going to serve gay people?.....
Come on. Nobody is that naive.
That's ironic coming from you. This isn't the land of the free if you want to run someone into the ground for expressing their religious beliefs.

The Religious Defense of American Slavery Before 1830

Larry R. Morrison religious justification of slavery before 1830.pdf

Historians, because of their own moral sensibilities, have consistently under valued the slaveholding ethic. However, as Donald G. Mathews has recently shown, this viewpoint was just as natural and consistent as was evangelical abolitionism.

The foundation upon which the slaveholding ethic and the proslavery argument was built was the scriptural defense of slavery.
Please stop the nonsense.
The irony here is the people MOST angry about this are the RWnuts who want ALL gays discriminated against.
The anger is coming from your side.
You people are pissed off because there are laws in place that prevent you from discriminating against groups or individuals based on their religious beliefs.

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