After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn’t Cater Gay Weddings, the Backlash Was So Extreme

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.
Because I don't want a larger ticket, or to even be arrested, and since it's the law, I pull over. He could be armed with a stuffed animal and I would do the same, it's the law, dummies.

They won't be armed with a stuffed animal will they?
Would it matter? They have a big fancy car with flashing lights and a radio. To me that says pull over, and that's what the law says. That happened to me just a few months ago, no gun came out and the cop was very polite. So, where is this gun to the head thing coming from?

Show me where I ever said "gun to the head" those were your words, not mine.
Well, that's what it sounds like with all this "the government is forcing me at gunpoint" stuff, and I rarely, if ever, see anything of the kind.

That's right, they subject you to a long series of escalations of force until the final one, which is putting a bullet through your head. Like the Mafia, they like to keep the guns hidden until the last possible moment. However, no one believes the Mafia will hesitate to kill you if you refuse to do what they want you to do.
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Red Herring and Burning Strawman Combined!

Nobody is advocating for that.
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Why not? LBJ did.
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principal? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.

Again, no one put you in charge of deciding what someone else's job is. See, in a free country business owners determine for themselves what their job is. That's one reason they start a business.

The only "principle" involved is your believe that government is authorised to use force against private businesses and make the do whatever the government wants. In other words, the principle is fascism.
It's a Mob-Rule mentality for militant gays. If you don't go along, they'll force you by way of threats and violence. They're not the victim at this point. They're the bully. They've proven they don't respect others' beliefs and rights. They truly feel that only their rights matter.

The whole 24/7 Gay Propaganda thing has gotten to be so redundant and over-the-top. Most Americans are beginning to see that. They're not gonna be bullied. They will fight back.

Thank you...
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Why not? LBJ did.
LBJ was a Texas pig.
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principal? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.

Again, no one put you in charge of deciding what someone else's job is. See, in a free country business owners determine for themselves what their job is. That's one reason they start a business.
You don't live in that country, no one does, since everyone has regulated capitalism.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Red Herring and Burning Strawman Combined!

Nobody is advocating for that.
Why not, it's the same thing.
"... It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open

Now, I gotta say, THAT appears to be injurious to me... and my guess is that THAT is part and parcel of why homosexuals have felt safer in the closet for all but the entirety of human existence.

People are only going to put up with that crap for so long... .

"Crystal O’Connor, the co-owner of Memories Pizza in Indiana, says it may not be safe to re-open their pizzeria after they said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

“I don’t know if we will re-open, or if we can, if it’s safe to re-open,” O’Connor said on TheBlaze TV’s Dana. “We’re in hiding basically, staying in the house.”

O’Connor recently told WBND-TV, “If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

She made it clear that they are happy to serve gay customers, but would not be a part of the wedding because of their religious beliefs. National news outlets quickly picked up the story.

O’Connor said they have since received an endless flood of “bashing” comments on social media, and their Yelp page has been trashed. One reviewer wrote that they serve an “intolerance special with toppings of hate, bigotry, stupidity, and old fashioned beliefs.” And a high school coach from Goshen, Indiana has been suspended after urging people on Twitter to burn down their establishment.

“Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? Agree with #FreedomofReligion bill? ‘That’s a lifestyle they CHOOSE’ Ignorant,” coach Jess Dooley wrote.

O’Connor said the media is distorting what her family truly believes. They are happy to serve gay customers, she reiterated, but object to being forced to participate in a gay wedding, since they don’t believe in gay marriage.

“We’re very hurt and confused and we stood up for what we believe,” she said. “The news just took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays, but we would not condone a wedding. We would not cater that because it’s against our religious beliefs.”

After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn t Cater Gay Weddings the Backlash Was So Extreme It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open Video

There is no excuse for the gay and liberal communities attack on these people. It was a hypothetical question proposed by a reporter. I support gay marriage. However, when this place opens again I plan to order a pizza and have it delivered to the local orphanage or homeless shelter!
Corrected while you were posting, dear.
No, they are a business that can contract with others, if they agree. If they both don't agree on terms, then no contract is made. Happens every day.
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principle? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principal? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.

Again, no one put you in charge of deciding what someone else's job is. See, in a free country business owners determine for themselves what their job is. That's one reason they start a business.
You don't live in that country, no one does, since everyone has regulated capitalism.

It's true, we don't live in a free country. We live in a fascist police state. I've been saying that for years. This whole queer "right to force business owners to serve them" thing is a classic example.
"... It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open

Now, I gotta say, THAT appears to be injurious to me... and my guess is that THAT is part and parcel of why homosexuals have felt safer in the closet for all but the entirety of human existence.

People are only going to put up with that crap for so long... .

"Crystal O’Connor, the co-owner of Memories Pizza in Indiana, says it may not be safe to re-open their pizzeria after they said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

“I don’t know if we will re-open, or if we can, if it’s safe to re-open,” O’Connor said on TheBlaze TV’s Dana. “We’re in hiding basically, staying in the house.”

O’Connor recently told WBND-TV, “If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

She made it clear that they are happy to serve gay customers, but would not be a part of the wedding because of their religious beliefs. National news outlets quickly picked up the story.

O’Connor said they have since received an endless flood of “bashing” comments on social media, and their Yelp page has been trashed. One reviewer wrote that they serve an “intolerance special with toppings of hate, bigotry, stupidity, and old fashioned beliefs.” And a high school coach from Goshen, Indiana has been suspended after urging people on Twitter to burn down their establishment.

“Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? Agree with #FreedomofReligion bill? ‘That’s a lifestyle they CHOOSE’ Ignorant,” coach Jess Dooley wrote.

O’Connor said the media is distorting what her family truly believes. They are happy to serve gay customers, she reiterated, but object to being forced to participate in a gay wedding, since they don’t believe in gay marriage.

“We’re very hurt and confused and we stood up for what we believe,” she said. “The news just took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays, but we would not condone a wedding. We would not cater that because it’s against our religious beliefs.”

After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn t Cater Gay Weddings the Backlash Was So Extreme It May Not Be Safe to Re-Open Video

There is no excuse for the gay and liberal communities attack on these people. It was a hypothetical question proposed by a reporter. I support gay marriage. However, when this place opens again I plan to order a pizza and have it delivered to the local orphanage or homeless shelter!
Make sure to order enough for everyone, cheapskate.
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principal? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.

Again, no one put you in charge of deciding what someone else's job is. See, in a free country business owners determine for themselves what their job is. That's one reason they start a business.
You don't live in that country, no one does, since everyone has regulated capitalism.

It's true, we don't live in a free country. We live in a fascist police state. I've been saying that for years. This whole queer "right to force business owners to serve them" thing is a classic example.
People said the same thing when they were forced to serve *******, and Jews, and Catholics.
The massive coordinated Gay Propaganda campaign has played itself out. Most Americans are completely sick of it. Gays aren't seen as the victim anymore. Now they're seen as the bully. They've pushed too much. It's 'The boy who cried Wolf' now. Most just want them to STFU. Enough is enough already. SHEESH!
Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Red Herring and Burning Strawman Combined!

Nobody is advocating for that.
Why not, it's the same thing.

Since I assume you will pretend to support freedom of speech, that means you support books that call black people the N-word, right?
So now you're endorsing armed rebellion as the legitimate path to equality for gays?

whoa. You endorse the death threats, then...and more...

LOL! So you're going to scratch our eyes out?

You people are adorable when you get all bowed up and butch.
The massive coordinated Gay Propaganda campaign has played itself out. Most Americans are completely sick of it. Gays aren't seen as the victim anymore. Now they're seen as the bully. They've pushed too much. It's 'The boy who cried Wolf' now. Most just want them to STFU. Enough is enough already. SHEESH!
You speak for most americans libodork? Hows that work?
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principal? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.

Again, no one put you in charge of deciding what someone else's job is. See, in a free country business owners determine for themselves what their job is. That's one reason they start a business.
You don't live in that country, no one does, since everyone has regulated capitalism.

It's true, we don't live in a free country. We live in a fascist police state. I've been saying that for years. This whole queer "right to force business owners to serve them" thing is a classic example.
People said the same thing when they were forced to serve *******, and Jews, and Catholics.

They may have, and if they did they were right. Forcing any person to do what he doesn't want is fascism, even if they are loathsome worms like you who say Jews are scum.

I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Red Herring and Burning Strawman Combined!

Nobody is advocating for that.
Why not, it's the same thing.

Since I assume you will pretend to support freedom of speech, that means you support books that call black people the N-word, right?
Yep, and being used in schools. It's part of America's history, and my family owned *******.

And I don't pretend. I support it the way the ACLU does, meaning stand on the sidewalk and scream your fool head off, that's your right.

I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?

Red Herring and Burning Strawman Combined!

Nobody is advocating for that.
Why not, it's the same thing.

Since I assume you will pretend to support freedom of speech, that means you support books that call black people the N-word, right?
The first amendment doesnt always apply once you voluntarily engage in commerce

For some reason, its hard for the socially conservative mind to allow for facts and data making them learn.

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