After Indiana Pizzeria Said They Wouldn’t Cater Gay Weddings, the Backlash Was So Extreme

PMH tries to pretend that unless they put a bullet through your head, they haven't used guns to force you to do something.

It's an ugly Mob-Rule mentality being expressed by militant gays. They truly believe that only their rights matter. And if anyone dare say otherwise, they will resort to threats and violence. They've become the bullies they constantly bitch about.

Has the LBGT become the Westboro of the left?

It appears so to me.

Sadly, yes. They've become the bullies they love to bitch about.

It's all to obvious. The left hate Christians, they can't come right out and say it, so they found a small radical group to do the heavy lifting for them.

Spot On. Communists/Progressives and many gays are the most hateful bigoted people in the country. They don't care about Civil Liberties. It's all about hurting all those who don't share their same beliefs. It is what it is.

Interesting that the threat to burn the business down came just months after Michael Browns Step Father rose above the crowd and incited the crowd gathered to burn ferguson down.

The left have found their patsies and their patsies are doing the radical progressives dirty work for threm.

Targeting Cops and Christians
Yet you display the most hateful bigotry towards people, who just want to live their lives according to their beliefs, in the name of freedom, really? I guess you consider conformity at the point of a gun is freedom.
Where do you guys get this "gun to the head" thing when nothing of the kind is true?

So you're saying government doesn't use guns to force citizen compliance? You want government to force conformity but you're saying they will leave their guns at home, really?
Do they use a gun to get you to drive the speed limit? Stop at red lights? Pay your taxes? Not murder someone? Where are these guns being used? One has never been put to my head, even when the IRS did an audit.

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.
Because I don't want a larger ticket, or to even be arrested, and since it's the law, I pull over. He could be armed with a stuffed animal and I would do the same, it's the law, dummies.

They won't be armed with a stuffed animal will they?
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.
If you thought the way that I would have you, your life would be better.

Thank you for your kind concern, but I am quite happy with my life and do not see any benefit in adopting your hateful worldview.
There is much in this world that it worthy of hate. It's not like you love everyone eh?
Where do you guys get this "gun to the head" thing when nothing of the kind is true?

So you're saying government doesn't use guns to force citizen compliance? You want government to force conformity but you're saying they will leave their guns at home, really?
Do they use a gun to get you to drive the speed limit? Stop at red lights? Pay your taxes? Not murder someone? Where are these guns being used? One has never been put to my head, even when the IRS did an audit.

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.

I had a cop pull his gun on me when I had pulled over to the side of the road because I ran out of gas.
Considering the way you react to life, I'm not surprised, however I once had three cops check me out because I was walking down the center of a rural highway in the middle of the night, stressed out, and smoking. I had no ID, nothing on me but smokes and a lighter. We chatted on the side of the road for five minutes, no guns, and they told me to have a good night and went on their way. No gun was ever required.

No guns? You mean they weren't carrying a gun?

What do you think would have happened if you refused to talk to them?

What a moron.
It's a Mob-Rule mentality for militant gays. If you don't go along, they'll force you by way of threats and violence. They're not the victim at this point. They're the bully. They've proven they don't respect others' beliefs and rights. They truly feel that only their rights matter.

The whole 24/7 Gay Propaganda thing has gotten to be so redundant and over-the-top. Most Americans are beginning to see that. They're not gonna be bullied. They will fight back.
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.
If you thought the way that I would have you, your life would be better.

Thank you for your kind concern, but I am quite happy with my life and do not see any benefit in adopting your hateful worldview.
There is much in this world that it worthy of hate. It's not you love everyone eh?

What we need is another Reagan, what we will probablly get is another damn Bush.

I just wish we had politicans that sign these laws to tell the left wing minority to shut the f.. up.

But left wing fascism is winning. Soon you will not be allowed to RSVP a gay wedding turning down the invitation.

Well, a mass migration to the top of Mount Rushmore waiting for a Mother Ship to rescue us from the evil of Earth and take us to Xanadu isn't going to keep the scum of the earth out of Office.

Waiting for another fucking messiah isn't the answer.

The ANSWER is in keeping the scum of the earth dimocraps OUT of office.

And to do that we need EVERY vote. Every vote.

To those wishing for another Reagan, I suggest an exercise in reality -- Wish for Reagan in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up faster.

To those bitching and moaning that our current crop of Republicans isn't quite Conservative enough, I say, "FUCK YOU!"

Stop whining and get out and vote. I don't care WHO the Republican Nominee is. The WORST Republican is better by a factor of 100 than the BEST dimocrap scumbag.

We either win in 2016 and start to turn this thing around or we're done as a Country. The greatest experiment in the History of Man will die and will be replaced by the NATURAL STATE OF MAN..........


And those of you simple-minded enough to believe that it will be a benign dictatorship.... Please rot in hell. The sooner the better.

ALL Totalitarian governments eventually turn to brutality. All of them
Where do you guys get this "gun to the head" thing when nothing of the kind is true?

So you're saying government doesn't use guns to force citizen compliance? You want government to force conformity but you're saying they will leave their guns at home, really?
Do they use a gun to get you to drive the speed limit? Stop at red lights? Pay your taxes? Not murder someone? Where are these guns being used? One has never been put to my head, even when the IRS did an audit.

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.
Because I don't want a larger ticket, or to even be arrested, and since it's the law, I pull over. He could be armed with a stuffed animal and I would do the same, it's the law, dummies.

They won't be armed with a stuffed animal will they?
Would it matter? They have a big fancy car with flashing lights and a radio. To me that says pull over, and that's what the law says. That happened to me just a few months ago, no gun came out and the cop was very polite. So, where is this gun to the head thing coming from?
Yet you display the most hateful bigotry towards people, who just want to live their lives according to their beliefs, in the name of freedom, really? I guess you consider conformity at the point of a gun is freedom.
Where do you guys get this "gun to the head" thing when nothing of the kind is true?

So you're saying government doesn't use guns to force citizen compliance? You want government to force conformity but you're saying they will leave their guns at home, really?
Do they use a gun to get you to drive the speed limit? Stop at red lights? Pay your taxes? Not murder someone? Where are these guns being used? One has never been put to my head, even when the IRS did an audit.

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.
Because I don't want a larger ticket, or to even be arrested, and since it's the law, I pull over. He could be armed with a stuffed animal and I would do the same, it's the law, dummies.

Horseshit. If the police were only armed with stuffed animals, no one would ever pay their taxes. Only idiots believe otherwise.

It takes a special kind of stupid not to understand that all laws are ultimately enforced with guns. That's why the police carry them.
It's a Mob-Rule mentality for militant gays. If you don't go along, they'll force you by way of threats and violence. They're not the victim at this point. They're the bully.

They've proven they don't respect others' beliefs and rights. They truly feel that only their rights matter. The whole 24/7 Gay Propaganda thing has gotten to be so redundant and over-the-top. Most Americans are beginning to see that. They're not gonna be bullied. They will fight back.

To dimocrap scum, the beliefs of Christendom, Muslims and Jews is of no concern to them.

They just don't care.
So you're saying government doesn't use guns to force citizen compliance? You want government to force conformity but you're saying they will leave their guns at home, really?
Do they use a gun to get you to drive the speed limit? Stop at red lights? Pay your taxes? Not murder someone? Where are these guns being used? One has never been put to my head, even when the IRS did an audit.

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.
Because I don't want a larger ticket, or to even be arrested, and since it's the law, I pull over. He could be armed with a stuffed animal and I would do the same, it's the law, dummies.

They won't be armed with a stuffed animal will they?
Would it matter? They have a big fancy car with flashing lights and a radio. To me that says pull over, and that's what the law says. That happened to me just a few months ago, no gun came out and the cop was very polite. So, where is this gun to the head thing coming from?

Show me where I ever said "gun to the head" those were your words, not mine.
It's an ugly Mob-Rule mentality being expressed by militant gays. They truly believe that only their rights matter. And if anyone dare say otherwise, they will resort to threats and violence. They've become the bullies they constantly bitch about.

Has the LBGT become the Westboro of the left?

It appears so to me.

Sadly, yes. They've become the bullies they love to bitch about.

It's all to obvious. The left hate Christians, they can't come right out and say it, so they found a small radical group to do the heavy lifting for them.

Spot On. Communists/Progressives and many gays are the most hateful bigoted people in the country. They don't care about Civil Liberties. It's all about hurting all those who don't share their same beliefs. It is what it is.

Interesting that the threat to burn the business down came just months after Michael Browns Step Father rose above the crowd and incited the crowd gathered to burn ferguson down.

The left have found their patsies and their patsies are doing the radical progressives dirty work for threm.

Targeting Cops and Christians

Communists/Progressives have always been obsessed with hating Christians. It's a core tenet in the Communist ideology. So naturally, gays and Communists/Progressives are a perfect fit. Christians and all others of faith, need to start fighting back. Or they will be persecuted into extinction.
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.
If you thought the way that I would have you, your life would be better.

Thank you for your kind concern, but I am quite happy with my life and do not see any benefit in adopting your hateful worldview.
There is much in this world that it worthy of hate. It's not like you love everyone eh?

Yes, for example there's you. And there's also all the members of the queer mafia.
I hope that the pizza place goes broke and the people who are against homosexuals have to end up working for them.

Bigotry and discrimination have no place in the land of the free.

Why can't we allow people to be free to be who they are?

Sorry.........but you can't catch gay. You're either born that way or not.

How dare people be free in the land of the free?

Just don't tell them they can't have pizza or they will have a hissy fit and threaten to burn you out
Thought you approved of Second Amendment solutions?

That's nature which requires 2nd amendment solutions. As the Framer's noted, such is essential to the state of freedom.

So now you're endorsing armed rebellion as the legitimate path to equality for gays?

whoa. You endorse the death threats, then...and more...
Do they use a gun to get you to drive the speed limit? Stop at red lights? Pay your taxes? Not murder someone? Where are these guns being used? One has never been put to my head, even when the IRS did an audit.

You keep driving when a cop gets behind you to give you a ticket and see how many guns come out when they finally force you to stop.
Because I don't want a larger ticket, or to even be arrested, and since it's the law, I pull over. He could be armed with a stuffed animal and I would do the same, it's the law, dummies.

They won't be armed with a stuffed animal will they?
Would it matter? They have a big fancy car with flashing lights and a radio. To me that says pull over, and that's what the law says. That happened to me just a few months ago, no gun came out and the cop was very polite. So, where is this gun to the head thing coming from?

Show me where I ever said "gun to the head" those were your words, not mine.
Well, that's what it sounds like with all this "the government is forcing me at gunpoint" stuff, and I rarely, if ever, see anything of the kind.
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principle? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
Tolerance is not enough for the Prog Thugs. Wrong thinking must be destroyed.
Well there is a lot of wrong thinking going around these days.

Yes, and you are a prime example of it. And yet, those of us who recognize it aren't trying to destroy your life.


I'm pretty sure Adlai Stevenson is one of PMH's Liberal hero's. Too bad he doesn't understand the wisdom he expressed in this comment:

"A free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular."
I understand it very well, but I very much doubt he would have supported the No ******* gas station eh?
Let me ask those up in arms over this if you would feel the same way if a company refused service to a kkk rally, upon principal? The kkk has a right to exist and have rallies. Must those that don't support their beliefs be forced to serve them at a rally?
It's principle, and if you serve, serve. That's your job.

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