After re-election, Obama asked aides how to govern without Congress


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Obama should be kicked out of office. he thumbs his nose at us and Congress and the oath he took...damn dictator wannabe
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Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports that after President Obama won re-election, he tried to find out ways of pushing his second term agenda without the Republican-led Congress.

“Guys, I don’t want politics to be a limit of what you recommend to me,” Obama told senior aides David Plouffe, Lew, Dan Pfeiffer and Pete Rouse a couple of weeks after his reelection, according to a White House aide with direct knowledge of the meeting.

“Let’s come up with an agenda, then let’s figure it out from there as best we can,” he said, prodding them to adopt a more muscular approach to the use of executive power. “We can’t let the driving force of what we pass be Congress.”

This explains President Obama’s frequent mentions of governing without Congress.

all of it here
After re-election, Obama asked aides how to govern without Congress |
This is not news.

The President has a totally dysfunctional Congress.

He was been twice elected with pretty big numbers on a platform to pass the Dream Act, but the House could care less about it. All they ever pass are abortion bills, the repeal of Obamacare, and Paul Ryan's budget, all of which are total fantasies for House Republicans.

It's pretty lousy. The country gave Barack Obama a mandate, but House Republicans are trying to govern as though the President doesn't even exist.

Obamacare is here to stay, but Republicans govern as though they haven't yet heard the news that the Supreme Court decided it was constitutional.

John Boehner has been awful at his job. I can't really remember when Nancy Pelosi took a vote but didn't get the votes she needed. She came prepared. She knew her vote count before hand and held meaningful votes. Not Boehner. How many times has he called for votes only to end up falling short, even though his party controls the House by over 30 seats?

When all your House of Representatives does is pass over 3 dozen abortion bills, over 3 dozen of the same old Obamacare repeals, numerous tries at the Paul Ryan budget, and being good at naming post offices and battleships, what does anyone expect the President of the United States to do? Sit by and twiddle his thumbs hoping for flat-earthers to evolve?
This is not news.

The President has a totally dysfunctional Congress.

He was been twice elected with pretty big numbers on a platform to pass the Dream Act, but the House could care less about it. All they ever pass are abortion bills, the repeal of Obamacare, and Paul Ryan's budget, all of which are total fantasies for House Republicans.

It's pretty lousy. The country gave Barack Obama a mandate, but House Republicans are trying to govern as though the President doesn't even exist.

Obamacare is here to stay, but Republicans govern as though they haven't yet heard the news that the Supreme Court decided it was constitutional.

John Boehner has been awful at his job. I can't really remember when Nancy Pelosi took a vote but didn't get the votes she needed. She came prepared. She knew her vote count before hand and held meaningful votes. Not Boehner. How many times has he called for votes only to end up falling short, even though his party controls the House by over 30 seats?

When all your House of Representatives does is pass over 3 dozen abortion bills, over 3 dozen of the same old Obamacare repeals, numerous tries at the Paul Ryan budget, and being good at naming post offices and battleships, what does anyone expect the President of the United States to do? Sit by and twiddle his thumbs hoping for flat-earthers to evolve?

I don't give a shit if Congress is dysfunctional OR NOT...he isn't our DICTATOR so he can sit there and shove more garbage government on us like all want one move to a county that has one, maybe Venezuela, North lefties seem to like fascist dictators RULING over you
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