After Refusing To Bring Up A Vote On ENDA, Boner Takes Things To A New Level,..

dear gawd, how many times has this been posted?

just change the title to hate on republicans same chit different day

I'm just wondering what other groups the OP thinks should not have First Amendment rights? It would be very telling.
By now having a radical anti-gay organization called the World Congress of Families come down to the capitol and meet with him personally.

It looks like Boner has made it clear he has thrown all sanity out the window and will continue to side with hate.

A move by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to grant meeting space in the U.S. Capitol to a group that has lavishly praised Russia's law against "homosexual propaganda" has drawn the ire of a gay-rights group.

"Speaker Boehner's embrace of these ambassadors of hate is shameful and despicable. These individuals have supported the subhuman treatment of LGBT people around the world, and now they want to do the same here," said Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin in a statement Friday. "The fact that the Speaker would welcome a panelist who praised Uganda’s proposal to sentence gay people to death should shock the conscience of all Americans."

John Boehner Hit For Giving Space To Group That Loves Russia's Gay Propaganda Laws

I'm just curious... in an innocuous sort of way: do you have a family?

Pro family isn't necessarily anti-gay. Sure there are factions out there that are.

But traditional family values are just that- traditional. As in man meet woman, man marry woman, man and woman make babby. Babby grow to meet woman and make more babby.

What is disconcerting to me as the male head of a traditional family is the untowardly and forced incursion upon society (of which I and my family are a part) of the alternative lifestyle which by definition has no relevance in the propagation of humankind. Don't get me wrong- I wouldn't deny my gay niece, my gay cousins, or my gay friends (or possibly my gay daughter- I'm not sure yet) their willful decision to comport their lifestyles otherwise.

But I will be Goddamned if a legislative decree force me to actually condone such practice and require me to accept it as a traditional family value.

Because it ain't.

Ya get me, Vern?

How is not allowing workplace discrimination against sexual orientation force anything on your family? :eusa_eh:

Interesting that no one has an answer :eusa_think:

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