After Seeing This Video, I wonder if There Will be a White Nation in Europe in 2050


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Europeans have drank deeply from the open borders, multicultural poison and asked for a second helping.

This is insanity and is being brought to America by the leftwing Marxists.

video that is going viral in Europe about the true 'refugee' situation

WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe

ā€˜With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nationsā€™, a slick, hard-hitting film about the European migrant crisis is going viral in Europe, already watched at least half a million times.

Although the 19-minute film may feel like a dispatch from the future, it is cut entirely from recent news reports, police camera footage, and interviews. Kicking off with scenes of a modern car ferry disgorging thousands of illegals into Greece, the film then cuts to dozens of aerial shots of columns of migrants marching north into Europe.

The film then changed to the harrowing testimony of one young Greek woman who was unable to hide her horror and despair at the scale of the migrant crisis sweeping over her home island of Lesbos. Just six miles from the Turkish coast, the island was subjected to migrant riots in September as newcomers turned on their hosts for not moving them to mainland Europe fast enough.

As Breitbart London reported at the time, the tearful woman tells a news crew: ā€œWe are in danger, every day, every minute. We need someone to protect us. They come into our houses. I want to go to work, but I canā€™t. Our children want to go to school, but they canā€™t. They have stolen our lives!ā€.

Also featured is American presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who gives his opinion on the migrant crisis: ā€œIā€™ve been watching this migration, and Iā€™ve seen the people.

ā€œI mean, these are men. They are mostly men, and they are strong menā€¦ they look like prime time solders. Look, Europe is going to have to handle, but they are going to have riots in Germany.

ā€œI always thought Merkel was a great leader, but what sheā€™s done in Germany is insaneā€.

The video is being rapidly shared on social media and online message boards and has been viewed at least half a million times, having been uploaded to platforms including YouTube and Facebook among others dozens of times.

Although the main thrust of the film is to goad native Europeans against mass migration and the negative effects of multiculturalism, the film also paradoxically takes a swipe at one European minority group who stand to lose almost the most from mass Muslim immigration. It also includes a short clip of discredited, anti-Semitic politician Nick Griffin, former Member of the European Parliament and leader of the British National Party.

The inclusion of Mr. Griffin, an unpopular figure even in Britainā€™s nationalist right and the rapid success of the film in the Netherlands suggests the film may not have been edited by a British citizen.

Breitbart London has reported at length on the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe which has arrived with mass migration. From Jews being specifically targeted for degrading house-invasion rape-thefts to Jews being excluded from Holocaust commemorations because of Muslim attendees hijacking events, migrant-Europe is now hostile towards Jews at a level not seen in decades.

Of course the leftists, if you ask them, have already discredited the entire video, the whole thing having been recorded in a Hollywood backlot owned by the Koch brothers, lol.
Sweden is to reintroduce border controls at its southern frontier from midday today, suspending the ā€˜Schengenā€™ free movement agreement with neighbouring countries Germany and Denmark.
The move is a significant u-turn for the grand coalition government led by left-wing Social Democrat Stefan Lƶfven, who just two days ago slammed the centre-right ā€˜Moderateā€™ party for suggesting the country control its borders.
Rejecting the conservative suggestion out of hand, Mr. Lƶfven called the plan badly thought out, and in his opinion likely to make the refugee crisis worse, not better. Now just days later and as the PM attended the joint European Union-African Union migrant crisis summit in Malta, Swedish home affairs minister Anders Ygeman announced the change.
The exact details of how the closure will work are not yet clear. Sweden police will be holding a press conference at midday (1100 London) as the borders close to make clear the specifics of the situation.
What is clear at present is that migrants without travel documents will be turned away at the border, even if they want to claim asylum. This is a major development, as so many migrants travelling across Europe lose their passports and identity documents ā€” either on purpose or by accident ā€” and thence claim to be Syrian refugees, the most likely nationality to receive asylum.

CLOSED: Sweden Suspends Free Movement, Set To Turn Migrants Away In Major Policy U-Turn

OMG< a leftwing nitwit finally did something constructive to save his country from thousands of rapes and demographic suicide, lol, will wonders ever cease?
In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world`s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

The white population is shrinking not only in relative but in absolute terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earthā€”a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germanyā€”will vanish by 2060.

The peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who are about to inherit the earth as whites pass away, will treat us better than our ancestors treated them in the five centuries that Western Man ruled the world
The peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who are about to inherit the earth as whites pass away, will treat us better than our ancestors treated them in the five centuries that Western Man ruled the world
The rape these refugees are committing in Europe and the slaughter they perpetrate in the Third World put the lie to your bullshit, Guano.

We still ahve time to turn this around, so dont go into your happy dance just yet.

On second thought, do your happy dance. Reading the tripe from anti-white racists like you is doing more to wake people up than you can possibly imagine.

WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe

CLOSED: Sweden Suspends Free Movement, Set To Turn Migrants Away In Major Policy U-Turn
Europeans have drank deeply from the open borders, multicultural poison and asked for a second helping.

This is insanity and is being brought to America by the leftwing Marxists.

video that is going viral in Europe about the true 'refugee' situation

WATCH: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe

ā€˜With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nationsā€™, a slick, hard-hitting film about the European migrant crisis is going viral in Europe, already watched at least half a million times.

Although the 19-minute film may feel like a dispatch from the future, it is cut entirely from recent news reports, police camera footage, and interviews. Kicking off with scenes of a modern car ferry disgorging thousands of illegals into Greece, the film then cuts to dozens of aerial shots of columns of migrants marching north into Europe.

The film then changed to the harrowing testimony of one young Greek woman who was unable to hide her horror and despair at the scale of the migrant crisis sweeping over her home island of Lesbos. Just six miles from the Turkish coast, the island was subjected to migrant riots in September as newcomers turned on their hosts for not moving them to mainland Europe fast enough.

As Breitbart London reported at the time, the tearful woman tells a news crew: ā€œWe are in danger, every day, every minute. We need someone to protect us. They come into our houses. I want to go to work, but I canā€™t. Our children want to go to school, but they canā€™t. They have stolen our lives!ā€.

Also featured is American presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who gives his opinion on the migrant crisis: ā€œIā€™ve been watching this migration, and Iā€™ve seen the people.

ā€œI mean, these are men. They are mostly men, and they are strong menā€¦ they look like prime time solders. Look, Europe is going to have to handle, but they are going to have riots in Germany.

ā€œI always thought Merkel was a great leader, but what sheā€™s done in Germany is insaneā€.

The video is being rapidly shared on social media and online message boards and has been viewed at least half a million times, having been uploaded to platforms including YouTube and Facebook among others dozens of times.

Although the main thrust of the film is to goad native Europeans against mass migration and the negative effects of multiculturalism, the film also paradoxically takes a swipe at one European minority group who stand to lose almost the most from mass Muslim immigration. It also includes a short clip of discredited, anti-Semitic politician Nick Griffin, former Member of the European Parliament and leader of the British National Party.

The inclusion of Mr. Griffin, an unpopular figure even in Britainā€™s nationalist right and the rapid success of the film in the Netherlands suggests the film may not have been edited by a British citizen.

Breitbart London has reported at length on the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe which has arrived with mass migration. From Jews being specifically targeted for degrading house-invasion rape-thefts to Jews being excluded from Holocaust commemorations because of Muslim attendees hijacking events, migrant-Europe is now hostile towards Jews at a level not seen in decades.

Of course the leftists, if you ask them, have already discredited the entire video, the whole thing having been recorded in a Hollywood backlot owned by the Koch brothers, lol.

Uh, have you read the bible lately.....the last shall be first and the first shall be get you white ass in line, you pink fuck!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLO
Homosexual activism, radical feminism, hedonism, drug addiction, and abortion will together destroy any society. Isn't it obvious?

White liberals in North America and Europe will keep telling themselves how wonderful and superior they are as they march to extinction. Liberals are so proud of the vices that are destroying them. lol
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Homosexual activism, radical feminism, hedonism, drug addiction, and abortion will together destroy any society. Isn't it obvious?

White liberals in North America and Europe will keep telling themselves how wonderful and superior they are as they march to extinction. Liberals are so proud of the vices that are destroying them. lol
The Truth underlying all libtard policies is that they hate Western civilization, hate being white and hate themselves too if they are white, the embodiment of their hatred.
After Seeing This Video, I wonder if There Will be a White Nation in Europe in 2050

And just exactly why should there be?

Asians and Hispanics hate blacks; and without whites to protect them blacks will be wiped out

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