After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

I didn't write it as a haiku but yes those are my words.

What about it? Smirk-Boi wants to (read: was coached to) call it a "smile" after the video got out, instead of owning up to what he did.

Which was to stand quietly, doing nothing while an adult got in his face. Said adult should have known better.

Said adult apparently did know better. He didn't take the bait, did he.

The kid didn't react to the adult's provocation and did nothing to provoke the adult, yet he was smeared by a media eager to jump on a fake bandwagon.

And yet ------- nobody can show any evidence of that "smear". Been waiting two months.

Strange, isn't it?

But yes, the old man didn't react to the kid's provocation, which is a good thing. Could have gotten ugly, and then we would have had a real story instead of a fake one.

Again you Dumb Ass Tard……………………………..

The Indian “Chief Meth Head” walked up to the KID and started beating a flucking drum in his


You Tards make me want to puke with your lies and distortions.

Aaaaaaaand we continue to persist in maintaining the ongoing endless dearth of observation of any evidence whatsoever.

You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, a sizzling-anger Haiku. Cool.
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….
Of course, duh, troll,but did you know that at the moment if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system and the rich are making out like bandits when you do that... For 35 years now and the country is going to pot.
In what way were the children "harmed" in the story? This wouldn't even had BEEN a story that went on for weeks if the parents hadn't pushed, pushed, pushed it, and, let's be honest about what was said about these kids. Nothing really all that harmful. That they behaved badly, which they did, and that they shouldn't have done what they did, which Sandman admitted himself. He said he should have just walked away and he wished he had.

There goes the case right there.

Stop posting while drinking. The WaPo has already ADMITTED they lied.

AGAIN, same question sitting for the last two months.................................................................. Link?

Your first grade education is glaringly obvious. The WaPo admitted they lied.

Yeah? Where?

See what I mean? Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Null. The Void. Blank.... Empty.... Space.


Now crying because you're incapable of a simple search. Watching you cry because you got your ass handed to you again is fun. Again STOP DEFLECTING asshole. Show your proof on Sandman or STFU. YOU are nothing. YOU are the loser. I forget, you claim you wouldn't know AOC witout this board. Proving you neither watch newscasts or read any newspapers. You are dismissed.

There is NO apology and no admission of lying. There is a statement that the paper intends to mount a vigorous defence. There is no case here.
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions. I tell yah what, if he becomes a mental case and gets institutionalized then theres evidence and good reason for a bigger payout...but 275 mil? That is insane gold digging and you know it. That's the exact thing you guys dog the liberal agenda about, envy and pursuit of someone elses fortune.
You live on an imaginary planet of phony scandals and character assassination and misinformation, super duper... Law enforcement and all respected journalists think you are nuts. It is Rupert Murdoch ridiculous demagogues and Dupes like you, you're a disgrace. After 35 years of your giveaway to the rich, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, and benefits in the modern world.

You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions. I tell yah what, if he becomes a mental case and gets institutionalized then theres evidence and good reason for a bigger payout...but 275 mil? That is insane gold digging and you know it. That's the exact thing you guys dog the liberal agenda about, envy and pursuit of someone elses fortune.

Maybe the court will decide for less money, if there is a case, I would not know, I am not an expert in libel laws. Take it to court and see what happens, $250 million seems excessive, but I think it was more symbolic than anything.
You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….
Of course, duh, troll,but did you know that at the moment if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system and the rich are making out like bandits when you do that... For 35 years now and the country is going to pot.

You are full of Shit Tard....

The Rich pay the vast amount of all taxes paid...…..
I don't know if you remember any of the posts in previous threads weeks and months ago but I remember and some of the Lefties on this board were Gleefully saying that Sandman would be ruined for life because he and his Smiling Face are all over the internet whenever Nick tries looking for a job or going to a Prestigious University or say an Appointment to the Supreme Court or if he were to run for President . Point is that there are many lefties that will carry Sandman in their craw for years and try to ruin Nick anytime they can hurt him . ------------------------ Hang the lefty news media [URINALISTS] for all they are worth and also set a Precedent about the kinda reporting they do Grainbelly .
I don't know if you remember any of the posts in previous threads weeks and months ago but I remember and some of the Lefties on this board were Gleefully saying that Sandman would be ruined for life because he and his Smiling Face are all over the internet whenever Nick tries looking for a job or going to a Prestigious University or say an Appointment to the Supreme Court or if he were to run for President . Point is that there are many lefties that will carry Sandman in their craw for years and try to ruin Nick anytime they can hurt him . ------------------------ Hang the lefty news media [URINALISTS] for all they are worth and also set a Precedent about the kinda reporting they do Grainbelly .

Hey, you're the one who keeps dropping his name.

I've always called him "Smirk Boy". Thought that was sufficient to convey who we're talking about.

And AGAIN --- as has been the case for two months now --- you can't "hang the media" for something that never happened. Earth just doesn't work that way.
You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.

oooOOooo, Haiku

That’s the sound you tards make when Trump plugs you in the butt………
I don't know if you remember any of the posts in previous threads weeks and months ago but I remember and some of the Lefties on this board were Gleefully saying that Sandman would be ruined for life because he and his Smiling Face are all over the internet whenever Nick tries looking for a job or going to a Prestigious University or say an Appointment to the Supreme Court or if he were to run for President . Point is that there are many lefties that will carry Sandman in their craw for years and try to ruin Nick anytime they can hurt him . ------------------------ Hang the lefty news media [URINALISTS] for all they are worth and also set a Precedent about the kinda reporting they do Grainbelly .

Hey, you're the one who keeps dropping his name.

I've always called him "Smirk Boy". Thought that was sufficient to convey who we're talking about.

And AGAIN --- as has been the case for two months now --- you can't "hang the media" for something that never happened. Earth just doesn't work that way.

Just wait Tard.....
The Indian “Chief Meth Head” walked up to the KID and started

beating a flucking drum in his face....

You Tards make me want to puke with your lies and distortions
The kid just stood there and smiled his way thru the assault. That smile was a provocative act of aggression!
I don't know if you remember any of the posts in previous threads weeks and months ago but I remember and some of the Lefties on this board were Gleefully saying that Sandman would be ruined for life because he and his Smiling Face are all over the internet whenever Nick tries looking for a job or going to a Prestigious University or say an Appointment to the Supreme Court or if he were to run for President . Point is that there are many lefties that will carry Sandman in their craw for years and try to ruin Nick anytime they can hurt him . ------------------------ Hang the lefty news media [URINALISTS] for all they are worth and also set a Precedent about the kinda reporting they do Grainbelly .

Hey, you're the one who keeps dropping his name.

I've always called him "Smirk Boy". Thought that was sufficient to convey who we're talking about.

And AGAIN --- as has been the case for two months now --- you can't "hang the media" for something that never happened. Earth just doesn't work that way.

Just wait Tard.....

Oh I am waiting. Been waiting for two months. And before that I'm still waiting for Sean Spicer and HIS bullshit suit to happen. Same thing. All fart, no cattle.
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….
Of course, duh, troll,but did you know that at the moment if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system and the rich are making out like bandits when you do that... For 35 years now and the country is going to pot.

You are full of Shit Tard....

The Rich pay the vast amount of all taxes paid...…..
They also get the vast amount of all income LOL. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes.
You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
Some prominent jounalists and pundits framed the kid to be a bad guy before getting the full story. They got the story wrong...or not entirely correct..which lead to your standard social media pitchfork mob reigning down on the poor kid, his family, and school.

He's a minor. Smirking isnt a crime worthy of what he got in blowback which was generated by the misleading headlines and editorials. The kid got death threats. That isnt acceptable and the disseminators of the incorrect narrative are culpable.
You are a Super Duper Strange Dumb Ass Super Duper.....
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
------------------------------------- all I want to do is Punish the Urinalists 'journalists' . they think they are Special and I don't like that attitude Pogo .
The GOP brainwash is very strong I know LOL.....

You don't know Shit you Super Duper Tard......
Any arguments? At all? I know we are not taxing the rich enough and we are falling apart. Opportunity is screwed, people did not just get lazy, super dupers.

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.

Is that because if it were reversed you'd be ecstatic?
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
------------------------------------- all I want to do is Punish the Urinalists 'journalists' . they think they are Special and I don't like that attitude Pogo .

"Attitude" doesn't even enter into it. Sounds like you want to suppress stories you wish wouldn't get out.

Which is exactly what Sean Spicer thought he could do. And that never happened. And I told y'all at the time it would never happen. Well guess what.
I don't know if you remember any of the posts in previous threads weeks and months ago but I remember and some of the Lefties on this board were Gleefully saying that Sandman would be ruined for life because he and his Smiling Face are all over the internet whenever Nick tries looking for a job or going to a Prestigious University or say an Appointment to the Supreme Court or if he were to run for President . Point is that there are many lefties that will carry Sandman in their craw for years and try to ruin Nick anytime they can hurt him . ------------------------ Hang the lefty news media [URINALISTS] for all they are worth and also set a Precedent about the kinda reporting they do Grainbelly .

Hey, you're the one who keeps dropping his name.

I've always called him "Smirk Boy". Thought that was sufficient to convey who we're talking about.

And AGAIN --- as has been the case for two months now --- you can't "hang the media" for something that never happened. Earth just doesn't work that way.

Just wait Tard.....

Oh I am waiting. Been waiting for two months. And before that I'm still waiting for Sean Spicer and HIS bullshit suit to happen. Same thing. All fart, no cattle.

Just remember dick brain....

He who laughs last laughs loudest......

Just "aks" obozo…..

Drop the MIC...............................................................................................

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