After the obamacare ruling will this be possible?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
For those who find great satisfaction that obamacare passed because it was ruled a tax, I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT.
The passage of obamacare was to help with the cost of medical care. Now what would stop the government from controlling the numbers of miles you put on your car in the fight to control global warming? You are only allowed to drive a certain numbers of miles or you will be taxed on every mile that you go over your pre-approved set mileage plan.

I actually see this happening if obama is elected. Can you afford the addition tax?
It would never happen. Cars these days run so efficiently you could pretty much turn your car on, close the garage door, go to sleep and wake up in the morning with maybe a headache at the worst.
Not to mention big oil completely owns the GOP and many of the democrats as well. If any kind of legislation was even in the slightest chance of coming up for a vote, you would see the Koch's and other big oil hacks raising holy hell and putting on the biggest lobby effort in history.
It would never happen. Cars these days run so efficiently you could pretty much turn your car on, close the garage door, go to sleep and wake up in the morning with maybe a headache at the worst.
Not to mention big oil completely owns the GOP and many of the democrats as well. If any kind of legislation was even in the slightest chance of coming up for a vote, you would see the Koch's and other big oil hacks raising holy hell and putting on the biggest lobby effort in history.

It would never happen
The supreme court just ruled the government can tax people any way they so choose too. Try again.
Maybe I should have done a search before I started this thread.

Dumb ideas never die in Washington, DC. They just get stuck in committee. Proving that once again is outgoing Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), attempting to revive an idea for a new tax that was so intrusive and unwieldy that even Barack Obama had to disavow it two years ago when his Transportation Secretary started pushing the notion. Conrad points to a new CBO study saying that taxing Americans on their car mileage will provide a windfall for the federal government:

Democrats still trying to push new mileage tax « Hot Air

Mileage tax a "practical option," budget analysts tell Congress
Mileage tax a "practical option," budget analysts tell Congress - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Now what would stop the government from controlling the numbers of miles you put on your car in the fight to control global warming?
Who is sponsoring that bill?

I actually see this happening if obama is elected.

No you can't.

It was a question nothing about a sponsored bill. obamacare did make it possible to happen. But I did a search after I started this threads and found this

Mileage tax a "practical option," budget analysts tell Congress - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Democrats still trying to push new mileage tax « Hot Air

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