AG Barr Becomes 'Hostile Witness' May 1, 2019 - Refuses to Testify May 2, 2019

AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.
Another dog and pony show trial but Barr won’t play and the libbie children are squalling.
Funny. That fat tick Nadler called Bush a fascist when he beat Gore back in 2000. Ignorant parasite.
AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.

What are you gonna do about it?
Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said he will move to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt "if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith."

“Yes, we will continue to negotiate for access to the full report for another couple of days, and yes, we will have no choice but to move quickly to hold the attorney general in contempt if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith, but the attorney general must make a choice,” Nadler said.
Nadler gaveled into today's hearing without Barr and explained that the Department of Justice wrote the committee to say it would ignore a subpoena for the full Mueller report.

“The choice is simple, we can stand up to this President in defense of the country and the constitution and the liberty we love, or we can let the moment pass us by," he said.

Good on Nadler; standing up to tyranny & the AmeriKKKan version of Nicolás Maduro.
Well the fucking idiots are out this morning in force....

Nadler has had full access the the UNREDACTED memo for over a week now and refuses to go to see it. Nadler is a fucking liar and a partisain puke.

Why is it the left lies like a rug on everything? You must be a proud liar too..

Nadler & his committee want to ask Barr some questions; I don't think Nadler & his committee can ask the unredacted report those questions.

You must be some kind of fucking rocket scientist.

No they want their staff lawyers to ask him questions.

Yes; I understand that. So, why is Barr a chicken shit?

And how does that have anything to do with the unredacted report? It doesn't.

You play a lot of games for a dumb ass..
AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.

What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.

Huh? Wait, I thought Timmy was one of you lefty loons?
Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said he will move to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt "if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith."

“Yes, we will continue to negotiate for access to the full report for another couple of days, and yes, we will have no choice but to move quickly to hold the attorney general in contempt if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith, but the attorney general must make a choice,” Nadler said.
Nadler gaveled into today's hearing without Barr and explained that the Department of Justice wrote the committee to say it would ignore a subpoena for the full Mueller report.

“The choice is simple, we can stand up to this President in defense of the country and the constitution and the liberty we love, or we can let the moment pass us by," he said.

Good on Nadler; standing up to tyranny & the AmeriKKKan version of Nicolás Maduro.
Well the fucking idiots are out this morning in force....

Nadler has had full access the the UNREDACTED memo for over a week now and refuses to go to see it. Nadler is a fucking liar and a partisain puke.

Why is it the left lies like a rug on everything? You must be a proud liar too..

Nadler & his committee want to ask Barr some questions; I don't think Nadler & his committee can ask the unredacted report those questions.

You must be some kind of fucking rocket scientist.

No they want their staff lawyers to ask him questions.

Yes; I understand that. So, why is Barr a chicken shit?

And how does that have anything to do with the unredacted report? It doesn't.

You play a lot of games for a dumb ass..
The only piece of shit here is you.. And your no rocket scientist. And speaking of "dumb ass" you really should look in the mirror. Don't forget to get your pussy cap out of moms car and scream at the sky.

Barr is no longer playing your pussy hat wearing games. He is older and wiser than that. But feel free to have Nadler put his on and scream with you..
This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.
This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.
What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
Whatever. What are Democrats gonna do about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing but whine and moan like yourself.
AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

This thing is a fucking grandstanding shit show. Barr clearly doesn't give a shit and the Democrats are making themselves look even more incompetent than usual. I tried watching MSNBC's coverage this morning (I very rarely watch TV news) and couldn't make it 5 minutes. Steve Cohen brought a fucking KFC bucket and a rubber chicken to the proceedings because apparently he thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. NBC focused on these items for 3 whole minutes before I shut the shit off entirely. This is what's considered mainstream 'coverage' of a congressional hearing?? Barr didn't show up, so he's a chicken! Get it?!? :45:

For fucks sake, MSM. If you're not going to inform, what good are you?

Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

LMAO He didn't agree to the second meeting because the Dems wanted staff attorney to question him.

Barr already told them he wouldn't answer staff attorneys questions. So he pretty much told that pack of grand standing buffoons to pound sand. Good for him.

Oh and the only "hostility" I saw was from the idiot Dems on that panel. Hope they have more hearings all through 2019.

They are pretty much paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

What a pack of grand standing buffoons.

LMAO He didn't agree to the second meeting because the Dems wanted staff attorney to question him.

And? Why is that a deal breaker?

He was willing to speak with the panel but not staff attorneys. That's his prerogative. He didn't have to speak with any of them.

He told them flat out he wouldn't be taking questions from staff attorneys. Those panel members should be smart enough to ask questions without staff attorneys.

Its a congressional hearing, not a court of law.
Quick, someone call a waaambulance for that fat tick Nadler. He's having a meltdown.
Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said he will move to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt "if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith."

“Yes, we will continue to negotiate for access to the full report for another couple of days, and yes, we will have no choice but to move quickly to hold the attorney general in contempt if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith, but the attorney general must make a choice,” Nadler said.
Nadler gaveled into today's hearing without Barr and explained that the Department of Justice wrote the committee to say it would ignore a subpoena for the full Mueller report.

“The choice is simple, we can stand up to this President in defense of the country and the constitution and the liberty we love, or we can let the moment pass us by," he said.

Good on Nadler; standing up to tyranny & the AmeriKKKan version of Nicolás Maduro.
Well the fucking idiots are out this morning in force....

Nadler has had full access the the UNREDACTED memo for over a week now and refuses to go to see it. Nadler is a fucking liar and a partisain puke.

Why is it the left lies like a rug on everything? You must be a proud liar too..

Nadler & his committee want to ask Barr some questions; I don't think Nadler & his committee can ask the unredacted report those questions.

You must be some kind of fucking rocket scientist.

No they want their staff lawyers to ask him questions.

Yes; I understand that. So, why is Barr a chicken shit?

And how does that have anything to do with the unredacted report? It doesn't.

You play a lot of games for a dumb ass..
The only piece of shit here is you.. And your no rocket scientist. And speaking of "dumb ass" you really should look in the mirror. Don't forget to get your pussy cap out of moms car and scream at the sky.

Barr is no longer playing your pussy hat wearing games. He is older and wiser than that. But feel free to have Nadler put his on and scream with you..

Oh look, wittle billy bob is getting triggered. LOFL

Pussy hat? Why I wouldn't dream of infringing on your invention there pussy boy.
Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.
Barr didn't show up because he is a slimy mouth piece, lap dog pussy for his master Nicolás Maduro Trump.

Congress has the authority to charge fat ass Barr with contempt & I hope like Hell they do.

No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.
What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
Whatever. What are Democrats gonna do about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing but whine and moan like yourself.

You would have to ask the Dems in the House; I don't have a crystal ball bitch.
No AG would show up to answer questions with any of the committees staff attorney's .
They are trying to have a court instead of a committee hearing.

In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.
What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
Whatever. What are Democrats gonna do about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing but whine and moan like yourself.

You would have to ask the Dems in the House; I don't have a crystal ball bitch.
Nadler is a chicken shit coward. Nadler is scared to death of Barr. Nadler doesn't even have enough courage to ask the questions and needs other lawyers to do it.
Well the fucking idiots are out this morning in force....

Nadler has had full access the the UNREDACTED memo for over a week now and refuses to go to see it. Nadler is a fucking liar and a partisain puke.

Why is it the left lies like a rug on everything? You must be a proud liar too..

Nadler & his committee want to ask Barr some questions; I don't think Nadler & his committee can ask the unredacted report those questions.

You must be some kind of fucking rocket scientist.

No they want their staff lawyers to ask him questions.

Yes; I understand that. So, why is Barr a chicken shit?

And how does that have anything to do with the unredacted report? It doesn't.

You play a lot of games for a dumb ass..
The only piece of shit here is you.. And your no rocket scientist. And speaking of "dumb ass" you really should look in the mirror. Don't forget to get your pussy cap out of moms car and scream at the sky.

Barr is no longer playing your pussy hat wearing games. He is older and wiser than that. But feel free to have Nadler put his on and scream with you..

Oh look, wittle billy bob is getting triggered. LOFL

Pussy hat? Why I wouldn't dream of infringing on your invention there pussy boy.

Poor little leftard is triggered... Did you lose your pussy hat....? Nadler has one for you..
Liberals once again proving to be mental midgets. Liars all of them, including those on this board.
In your wet dreams little Timmy.

Barr won't be under oath; sorry, Barr would not have been under oath but Barr was TOO CHICKEN SHIT to make a showing.
What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
Whatever. What are Democrats gonna do about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing but whine and moan like yourself.

You would have to ask the Dems in the House; I don't have a crystal ball bitch.
Nadler is a chicken shit coward. Nadler is scared to death of Barr. Nadler doesn't even have enough courage to ask the questions and needs other lawyers to do it.

Barr is afraid to answer a few questions because he is a lying sack-O-shit.

I heard meth isn't good for you; just sayin'
What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
Whatever. What are Democrats gonna do about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing but whine and moan like yourself.

You would have to ask the Dems in the House; I don't have a crystal ball bitch.
Nadler is a chicken shit coward. Nadler is scared to death of Barr. Nadler doesn't even have enough courage to ask the questions and needs other lawyers to do it.

Barr is afraid to answer a few questions because he is a lying sack-O-shit.

I heard meth isn't good for you; just sayin'
The Committee members are supposed to ask the questions. Nadler is up against a superior intellect and he knows it. Barr's credentials are impeccable.
Nadler & his committee want to ask Barr some questions; I don't think Nadler & his committee can ask the unredacted report those questions.

You must be some kind of fucking rocket scientist.

No they want their staff lawyers to ask him questions.

Yes; I understand that. So, why is Barr a chicken shit?

And how does that have anything to do with the unredacted report? It doesn't.

You play a lot of games for a dumb ass..
The only piece of shit here is you.. And your no rocket scientist. And speaking of "dumb ass" you really should look in the mirror. Don't forget to get your pussy cap out of moms car and scream at the sky.

Barr is no longer playing your pussy hat wearing games. He is older and wiser than that. But feel free to have Nadler put his on and scream with you..

Oh look, wittle billy bob is getting triggered. LOFL

Pussy hat? Why I wouldn't dream of infringing on your invention there pussy boy.

Poor little leftard is triggered... Did you lose your pussy hat....? Nadler has one for you..

at least you could try being original, Mr. Pussy Hat boi
What are you gonna do about it?

What am I gonna do about it?

That is an asinine question; you must be an ass then.
Whatever. What are Democrats gonna do about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing but whine and moan like yourself.

You would have to ask the Dems in the House; I don't have a crystal ball bitch.
Nadler is a chicken shit coward. Nadler is scared to death of Barr. Nadler doesn't even have enough courage to ask the questions and needs other lawyers to do it.

Barr is afraid to answer a few questions because he is a lying sack-O-shit.

I heard meth isn't good for you; just sayin'

LMAO Barr isn't afraid of those pansies on that board. Hell he doesn't have to meet with them at all.

He'll be starting his investigation into the who, what, where when and how on the entire shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Should be one interesting report and I hope we all get to read it.

Oh and he released copies of that report they all wanted to see to twelve members of Congress the only two that have read it are Republicans.

If the Dems want to throw rocks seems to me they should read the report for any ammunition they need. Guess they aren't smart enough to figure that out.

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