AG Barr Becomes 'Hostile Witness' May 1, 2019 - Refuses to Testify May 2, 2019

Barr is showing how much of trumputins dick he will swallow.
Looks like you should get that tampon out of your mouth and get the twist out of your panties... The left has gone totally of the rails and totally fucktard leftwit....

ITS OVER AND YOU LOST.... your made up crimes and lies are exposed and now were going to show your dirty laundry to the world.... Deal with it!!
The Dims in that committee behaved like a gang of one-year-olds who need their diapers changed.
AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday
Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

The hearing tomorrow was supposed to be the same set up as today's with Senators asking the questions. But Liberals were aware they didn't fare well today and wanted to have their committee attorneys asking questions instead of the same losers thwat were used today. Once, these"ethical" members of the hearing changed the rules, Barr saw it for what is was deemed to be. And he gave them a great big, NO THANKS...

Barr is no fool. He has an investigation to head. It's called FISA WARRANTS :) AND then HILLARY AND HER HAMMER.
Barr even called out the dims for (weaponizing the DOJ) using the criminal justice system as a weapon.... That had to leave a mark..


Just a matter of...
Barr hinted to criminal investigations and coming indictments.... As I watched the faces of the democrats when he did this, they were/are freaked out and nervous as hell... When the indictments start to fall, watch how fast they roll on each other to cut a deal sparing them jail time and impeachment proceedings..
Barr hinted to criminal investigations and coming indictments.... As I watched the faces of the democrats when he did this they are freaked out and nervous as hell... When the indictments start to fall watch how fast they roll on each other..

I want there to be perp walks so bad... Can you imagine the butthurt? :21:
Barr hinted to criminal investigations and coming indictments.... As I watched the faces of the democrats when he did this they are freaked out and nervous as hell... When the indictments start to fall watch how fast they roll on each other..

I want there to be perp walks so bad... Can you imagine the butthurt? :21:
Naw.... SWAT teams at 4am and news crews recording it all... pulling Brennan, Comey and others out in their PJ's........
AG Barr's testimony before The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier today was that of a 'hostile witness' and now we are informed that AG Barr is refusing to testify before the committee tomorrow as scheduled.

It looks like AG Barr is attempting to create a 'constitutional crisis' between The US Congress & the executive branch.

Hopefully Barr will see the error of his ways, reconsider his refusal to testify, and hopefully Mueller will eventually testify to clarify his SC report concerning the obstruction issue.

go to 44:00 for the start of questioning/testimony on the first video

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

Defiant Barr grilled by Senate Judiciary Committee on Mueller report

LIVE: Attorney General William Barr Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

Bless his heart.
Barr was hostile? Lol did you see the dems foaming at the mouth??
Barr was hostile? Lol did you see the dems foaming at the mouth??

Barr didn't look hostile to me. He looked like a man who was sick of the bullshit the panel was tossing out.

I'd bet he's anxious to get on with his investigation and what an investigation it should be.

The Dems looked like deer caught in the headlights.

Good for Barr. Trump is his boss, not those useless, grandstanding dweebs.
Kamala drew blood.

I don't know about all her politics, but damn it all she's good at this stuff.
Looks like he's done playing patty-cake with a bunch of grandstanding fuckwits, who are so totally lacking in self-awareness that they're incapable of embarrassment over their own churlishness.

Seems to be a widespread affliction among leftist crackpots everywhere.
time to backbone up and stop catering to the bullshit.
It appears that I found the answer to my question....

The Justice Department, however, said Nadler was being unreasonable by asking for Barr to take questions not only from members of Congress, but also from lawyers on the professional staff of the committee.

Barr, After Acrimonious Day In Congress, Says He'll Skip Another One On Thursday

The statement continued:

Chairman Nadler's insistence on having staff question the attorney general, a Senate-confirmed Cabinet member, is inappropriate. Further, in light of the fact that the majority of the House Judiciary Committee – including chairman Nadler – are themselves attorneys, and the chairman has the ability and authority to fashion the hearing in a way that allows for efficient and thorough questioning by the members themselves, the chairman's request is also unnecessary.

It also appears the Democrats were not happy with outcome of today's hearing and wanted anpther shot. In essence, they agreed that their questions were inept and they want attorneys from committees (Prosecutors???) to do the questioning, not Congress members. Has that ever happened before? Is it possible that the questioneers be non-Congressional members?

That seems to be big time game playing for a second bite of the apple with the pros while the Senators sit the bench.
it's all coming back down to "we didn't get what we want so lets load up and go again".

we're far beyond the bullshit at this point.

they had their 2 year investigation. now they're playing the mueller letter as to say trump WAS corrupt - but it's just mueller doesn't like the way the media is playing it.

welcome to the party mueller. we've not liked how the media has played things for the last 12+ years. but this is what they do so cut out the faux rage cause they're just spinning that all around now.

whatever it takes to get my bag of chips. this is the dems right now. and again, time has come to where we just stop catering to their anger-rage.
I asked a question and never got a straight answer. Just what was the difference between today and tomorrow's hearing? If it was supposed to be the same, no way should a witness expect to be questioned twice. Right?

Well, our Congress has 2 chambers. Each chamber has a committee that holds hearings. Yesterday, that was the Senate (pronounced SIN ATE). The House (pronounced HOW S) is holding their hearings today.


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Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said he will move to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt "if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith."

“Yes, we will continue to negotiate for access to the full report for another couple of days, and yes, we will have no choice but to move quickly to hold the attorney general in contempt if he stalls or fails to negotiate in good faith, but the attorney general must make a choice,” Nadler said.
Nadler gaveled into today's hearing without Barr and explained that the Department of Justice wrote the committee to say it would ignore a subpoena for the full Mueller report.

“The choice is simple, we can stand up to this President in defense of the country and the constitution and the liberty we love, or we can let the moment pass us by," he said.

Good on Nadler; standing up to tyranny & the AmeriKKKan version of Nicolás Maduro.
I saw part of the hearing today, but not all. So tell me why a second hearing was expected when he just got done with one. Help me out there. TIA
Well, you see, there are only so many hours in a day. And they have more questions.

Hope that helps.

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