AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

One of that happened-
R Mueller
It all happened. Read a newspaper or something. Google it geez.

Think about it Franco, if the MSM sources are littered with spooks from the lettered agencies, and these are the same agencies that are causing the chaos, why would anything that is printed in those sources be entirely accurate?

The entire Mueller report is likely a complete fabrication.
View attachment 282290

Why did nothing ever happen to Roger Stone? Do you even know?

Tell me what Mueller's report said on that?

How come those Russian's that were "indicted" never came to trial? Do you know? Because they would have had to seen evidence the BOB did not have. . . . :71:

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
The FBI relied on CrowdStrike’s “conclusion” to blame Russia for hacking DNC servers, though the private firm never produced a final report and the FBI never asked them to, as Ray McGovern explains.
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . The revelation came in a court filing by the government in the pre-trial phase of Roger Stone, a long-time Republican operative who had an unofficial role in the campaign of candidate Donald Trump. Stone has been charged with misleading Congress, obstructing justice and intimidating a witness.

The filing was in response to a motion by Stone’s lawyers asking for “unredacted reports” from CrowdStrike in an effort to get the government to prove that Russia hacked the DNC server. “The government … does not possess the information the defandant seeks,” the filing says.

In his motion, Stone’s lawyers said he had only been given three redacted drafts. In a startling footnote in the government’s response, the DOJ admits the drafts are all that exist. “Although the reports produced to the defendant are marked ‘draft,’ counsel for the DNC and DCCC informed the government that they are the last version of the report produced,” the footnote says.

In other words CrowdStrike, upon which the FBI relied to conclude that Russia hacked the DNC, never completed a final report and only turned over three redacted drafts to the government.

Stone on his way to court in February. (Victoria Pickering/Flickr)

These drafts were “voluntarily” given to the FBI by DNC lawyers, the filing says. “No redacted information concerned the attribution of the attack to Russian actors,” the filing quotes DNC lawyers as saying.

In Stone’s motion his lawyers argued: “If the Russian state did not hack the DNC, DCCC, or [Clinton campaign chairman John] Podesta’s servers, then Roger Stone was prosecuted for obstructing a congressional investigation into an unproven Russian state hacking conspiracy … The issue of whether or not the DNC was hacked is central to the Defendant’s defense.”


VIPS does not believe the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed an affidavit in Stone’s case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.”


On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.

Two weeks later, then CIA Director Mike Pompeo branded WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” and the U.S. put pressure on Ecuador, which had given Assange asylum, to expel him from its London embassy. He was on April 11 when British police arrested him. On the same day he was convicted of skipping bail on a Swedish investigation that had since been dropped. Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in London’s max-security Belmarsh prison.

Comey, it seems a safe bet, still worries that Assange or one of his associates, will provide “technical evidence” enough to prove “who did not engage in the DNC releases. . . . ”

One simple question: Does Congress or FBI have proof that Russians hacked DNC server?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....
You must think there are only 20 Russians in Russia. What makes you think the same Russians Trump was involved with in his business dealings, are the same Russians who supposedly made your post-menopausal ratbag Hillary lose the election?
So, you must think just mom and pop, run of the mill, every day Russian citizens are the 160 contacts made with Trump campaign staff? :lol::lol:

uhhhhh NOPE! They were all connected and all with the same goal.... get Trump elected, for Putin

If that's so, name one single thing Trump has done to benefit Putin or Russia.

I'll give you ten hours to come up with that...

These are just a few things, that do not include things he has done this year...

the State Department has done things like enforce Sanctions that Congress issued and other things, but Trump separates himself from those things and uses his mouth to give honor and praise to Putin and works towards all of Putin's goals and not the USA's

    • Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
    • Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
    • Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
    • Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
      • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
    • Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
    • Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
    • Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
    • Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
    • Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
    • Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Putin’s Payout: 12 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s Foreign Policy Agenda - The Moscow Project

Nice try, but not a single one of those talking points has made America weaker or Russia stronger. President Trump on the other hand, has strengthened this country and weakened Russia.

Only to the willfully blind imo... :rolleyes:

Willfully blind is a good thing. Never give audience to the devil.
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
Only You scumbag Republicans have the ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster laws on your side so you can pass tax cuts on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else, dumbass dupe.THAT IS ALL YOUR PROPAGANDIZING LYING THIEVING HEROES CARE ABOUT. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere MEANS SOMETHING, STUPID.
So, you must think just mom and pop, run of the mill, every day Russian citizens are the 160 contacts made with Trump campaign staff? :lol::lol:

uhhhhh NOPE! They were all connected and all with the same goal.... get Trump elected, for Putin

If that's so, name one single thing Trump has done to benefit Putin or Russia.

I'll give you ten hours to come up with that...

These are just a few things, that do not include things he has done this year...

the State Department has done things like enforce Sanctions that Congress issued and other things, but Trump separates himself from those things and uses his mouth to give honor and praise to Putin and works towards all of Putin's goals and not the USA's

    • Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
    • Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
    • Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
    • Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
      • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
    • Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
    • Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
    • Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
    • Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
    • Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
    • Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Putin’s Payout: 12 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s Foreign Policy Agenda - The Moscow Project

Nice try, but not a single one of those talking points has made America weaker or Russia stronger. President Trump on the other hand, has strengthened this country and weakened Russia.

Only to the willfully blind imo... :rolleyes:

Willfully blind is a good thing. Never give audience to the devil.

And another fundamentalist gets totally screwed over all so you can fight fairly regulated abortion choice. Brainwashed functional Idiot
It all happened. Read a newspaper or something. Google it geez.

Think about it Franco, if the MSM sources are littered with spooks from the lettered agencies, and these are the same agencies that are causing the chaos, why would anything that is printed in those sources be entirely accurate?

The entire Mueller report is likely a complete fabrication.
View attachment 282290

Why did nothing ever happen to Roger Stone? Do you even know?

Tell me what Mueller's report said on that?

How come those Russian's that were "indicted" never came to trial? Do you know? Because they would have had to seen evidence the BOB did not have. . . . :71:

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
The FBI relied on CrowdStrike’s “conclusion” to blame Russia for hacking DNC servers, though the private firm never produced a final report and the FBI never asked them to, as Ray McGovern explains.
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . The revelation came in a court filing by the government in the pre-trial phase of Roger Stone, a long-time Republican operative who had an unofficial role in the campaign of candidate Donald Trump. Stone has been charged with misleading Congress, obstructing justice and intimidating a witness.

The filing was in response to a motion by Stone’s lawyers asking for “unredacted reports” from CrowdStrike in an effort to get the government to prove that Russia hacked the DNC server. “The government … does not possess the information the defandant seeks,” the filing says.

In his motion, Stone’s lawyers said he had only been given three redacted drafts. In a startling footnote in the government’s response, the DOJ admits the drafts are all that exist. “Although the reports produced to the defendant are marked ‘draft,’ counsel for the DNC and DCCC informed the government that they are the last version of the report produced,” the footnote says.

In other words CrowdStrike, upon which the FBI relied to conclude that Russia hacked the DNC, never completed a final report and only turned over three redacted drafts to the government.

Stone on his way to court in February. (Victoria Pickering/Flickr)

These drafts were “voluntarily” given to the FBI by DNC lawyers, the filing says. “No redacted information concerned the attribution of the attack to Russian actors,” the filing quotes DNC lawyers as saying.

In Stone’s motion his lawyers argued: “If the Russian state did not hack the DNC, DCCC, or [Clinton campaign chairman John] Podesta’s servers, then Roger Stone was prosecuted for obstructing a congressional investigation into an unproven Russian state hacking conspiracy … The issue of whether or not the DNC was hacked is central to the Defendant’s defense.”


VIPS does not believe the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed an affidavit in Stone’s case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.”


On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.

Two weeks later, then CIA Director Mike Pompeo branded WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” and the U.S. put pressure on Ecuador, which had given Assange asylum, to expel him from its London embassy. He was on April 11 when British police arrested him. On the same day he was convicted of skipping bail on a Swedish investigation that had since been dropped. Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in London’s max-security Belmarsh prison.

Comey, it seems a safe bet, still worries that Assange or one of his associates, will provide “technical evidence” enough to prove “who did not engage in the DNC releases. . . . ”

One simple question: Does Congress or FBI have proof that Russians hacked DNC server?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....

And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
Only You scumbag Republicans have the ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster laws on your side so you can pass tax cuts on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else, dumbass dupe.THAT IS ALL YOUR PROPAGANDIZING LYING THIEVING HEROES CARE ABOUT. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere MEANS SOMETHING, STUPID.

Keep it up, commie, you're heading for a burst blood vessel.

Maybe they'll put you in the same room with Comrade Sanders. :21:
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
We can stop you from doing all the dumbass giveaway to the rich garbage and cuts in services garbage you want to do, except for those giveaway to the rich tax rates and cuts and services for the rest. Thanks to your Garbage reconciliation. Most things Trump wants to do are stopped by basic unconstitutionality and illegality....
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
Only You scumbag Republicans have the ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster laws on your side so you can pass tax cuts on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else, dumbass dupe.THAT IS ALL YOUR PROPAGANDIZING LYING THIEVING HEROES CARE ABOUT. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere MEANS SOMETHING, STUPID.

Keep it up, commie, you're heading for a burst blood vessel.

Maybe they'll put you in the same room with Comrade Sanders. :21:
No argument as usual, troll?
Think about it Franco, if the MSM sources are littered with spooks from the lettered agencies, and these are the same agencies that are causing the chaos, why would anything that is printed in those sources be entirely accurate?

The entire Mueller report is likely a complete fabrication.
View attachment 282290

Why did nothing ever happen to Roger Stone? Do you even know?

Tell me what Mueller's report said on that?

How come those Russian's that were "indicted" never came to trial? Do you know? Because they would have had to seen evidence the BOB did not have. . . . :71:

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
The FBI relied on CrowdStrike’s “conclusion” to blame Russia for hacking DNC servers, though the private firm never produced a final report and the FBI never asked them to, as Ray McGovern explains.
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . The revelation came in a court filing by the government in the pre-trial phase of Roger Stone, a long-time Republican operative who had an unofficial role in the campaign of candidate Donald Trump. Stone has been charged with misleading Congress, obstructing justice and intimidating a witness.

The filing was in response to a motion by Stone’s lawyers asking for “unredacted reports” from CrowdStrike in an effort to get the government to prove that Russia hacked the DNC server. “The government … does not possess the information the defandant seeks,” the filing says.

In his motion, Stone’s lawyers said he had only been given three redacted drafts. In a startling footnote in the government’s response, the DOJ admits the drafts are all that exist. “Although the reports produced to the defendant are marked ‘draft,’ counsel for the DNC and DCCC informed the government that they are the last version of the report produced,” the footnote says.

In other words CrowdStrike, upon which the FBI relied to conclude that Russia hacked the DNC, never completed a final report and only turned over three redacted drafts to the government.

Stone on his way to court in February. (Victoria Pickering/Flickr)

These drafts were “voluntarily” given to the FBI by DNC lawyers, the filing says. “No redacted information concerned the attribution of the attack to Russian actors,” the filing quotes DNC lawyers as saying.

In Stone’s motion his lawyers argued: “If the Russian state did not hack the DNC, DCCC, or [Clinton campaign chairman John] Podesta’s servers, then Roger Stone was prosecuted for obstructing a congressional investigation into an unproven Russian state hacking conspiracy … The issue of whether or not the DNC was hacked is central to the Defendant’s defense.”


VIPS does not believe the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed an affidavit in Stone’s case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.”


On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.

Two weeks later, then CIA Director Mike Pompeo branded WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” and the U.S. put pressure on Ecuador, which had given Assange asylum, to expel him from its London embassy. He was on April 11 when British police arrested him. On the same day he was convicted of skipping bail on a Swedish investigation that had since been dropped. Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in London’s max-security Belmarsh prison.

Comey, it seems a safe bet, still worries that Assange or one of his associates, will provide “technical evidence” enough to prove “who did not engage in the DNC releases. . . . ”

One simple question: Does Congress or FBI have proof that Russians hacked DNC server?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....

And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Well people on the Trump campaign Met with Russian government people over a hundred times and never wrote anything down oh, the mobbed-up Manhattan real estate assholes LOL. And Trump told them to go ahead and hack Hillary's email hours before they did try. they met with the Russians over a hundred times and never told anybody about it and lied about it. I guess that's not suspicious at all. Right, brainwashed functional idiot? Too bad you don't get about 3/4 of the news. as agreed to by every respected media outlet and law enforcement in the world. You are a disgrace, super duper.
Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
Only You scumbag Republicans have the ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster laws on your side so you can pass tax cuts on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else, dumbass dupe.THAT IS ALL YOUR PROPAGANDIZING LYING THIEVING HEROES CARE ABOUT. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere MEANS SOMETHING, STUPID.
Under the old tax system we had a 39% tax top rate. All the rich people uses tax breaks to bring it down to 15% or close to it. And that includes Prog agenda loving rich men and women. No one lead by example. Prog politicians constantly harping the same thing but frauds to the last one. You forgot about the working class peasant. Even thoug you harp over and over about them. You help the privileged employed in that class while letting the rest sink or swim. You need them to pay for your agendas. A nice massive tax cut for the peasants will be a good start with no bait and switch crap.

Why did nothing ever happen to Roger Stone? Do you even know?

Tell me what Mueller's report said on that?

How come those Russian's that were "indicted" never came to trial? Do you know? Because they would have had to seen evidence the BOB did not have. . . . :71:

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
The FBI relied on CrowdStrike’s “conclusion” to blame Russia for hacking DNC servers, though the private firm never produced a final report and the FBI never asked them to, as Ray McGovern explains.
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . The revelation came in a court filing by the government in the pre-trial phase of Roger Stone, a long-time Republican operative who had an unofficial role in the campaign of candidate Donald Trump. Stone has been charged with misleading Congress, obstructing justice and intimidating a witness.

The filing was in response to a motion by Stone’s lawyers asking for “unredacted reports” from CrowdStrike in an effort to get the government to prove that Russia hacked the DNC server. “The government … does not possess the information the defandant seeks,” the filing says.

In his motion, Stone’s lawyers said he had only been given three redacted drafts. In a startling footnote in the government’s response, the DOJ admits the drafts are all that exist. “Although the reports produced to the defendant are marked ‘draft,’ counsel for the DNC and DCCC informed the government that they are the last version of the report produced,” the footnote says.

In other words CrowdStrike, upon which the FBI relied to conclude that Russia hacked the DNC, never completed a final report and only turned over three redacted drafts to the government.

Stone on his way to court in February. (Victoria Pickering/Flickr)

These drafts were “voluntarily” given to the FBI by DNC lawyers, the filing says. “No redacted information concerned the attribution of the attack to Russian actors,” the filing quotes DNC lawyers as saying.

In Stone’s motion his lawyers argued: “If the Russian state did not hack the DNC, DCCC, or [Clinton campaign chairman John] Podesta’s servers, then Roger Stone was prosecuted for obstructing a congressional investigation into an unproven Russian state hacking conspiracy … The issue of whether or not the DNC was hacked is central to the Defendant’s defense.”


VIPS does not believe the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed an affidavit in Stone’s case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.”


On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.

Two weeks later, then CIA Director Mike Pompeo branded WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” and the U.S. put pressure on Ecuador, which had given Assange asylum, to expel him from its London embassy. He was on April 11 when British police arrested him. On the same day he was convicted of skipping bail on a Swedish investigation that had since been dropped. Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in London’s max-security Belmarsh prison.

Comey, it seems a safe bet, still worries that Assange or one of his associates, will provide “technical evidence” enough to prove “who did not engage in the DNC releases. . . . ”

One simple question: Does Congress or FBI have proof that Russians hacked DNC server?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....

And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Well people on the Trump campaign Met with Russian government people over a hundred times and never wrote anything down oh, the mobbed-up Manhattan real estate assholes LOL. And Trump told them to go ahead and hack Hillary's email hours before they did try. they met with the Russians over a hundred times and never told anybody about it and lied about it. I guess that's not suspicious at all. Right, brainwashed functional idiot? Too bad you don't get about 3/4 of the news. as agreed to by every respected media outlet and law enforcement in the world. You are a disgrace, super duper.

Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
Only You scumbag Republicans have the ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster laws on your side so you can pass tax cuts on the rich and cuts in services for everyone else, dumbass dupe.THAT IS ALL YOUR PROPAGANDIZING LYING THIEVING HEROES CARE ABOUT. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere MEANS SOMETHING, STUPID.
Under the old tax system we had a 39% tax top rate. All the rich people uses tax breaks to bring it down to 15% or close to it. And that includes Prog agenda loving rich men and women. No one lead by example. Prog politicians constantly harping the same thing but frauds to the last one. You forgot about the working class peasant. Even thoug you harp over and over about them. You help the privileged employed in that class while letting the rest sink or swim. You need them to pay for your agendas. A nice massive tax cut for the peasants will be a good start with no bait and switch crap.
Before Reagan, the top tax rate was 70 percent. He cut it to 50% and had some success. Then on the way out basically he cut it to 28%, and 28% or 39% or anywhere in between or 50% is not enough to keep a healthy economy. and yes I know they do not actually pay that amount. But it goes up. As it is there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training for our workforce. And the amount we tax giant corporations making gigantic profits is a total scandal. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass you're voting for scumbag greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash you with garbage propaganda. I love this inquiry because if you pay any attention, you will discover everything you know is a bunch of crap. According to every respected journalists law enforcement politician in the entire world LOL. But you listen to idiots bought off like Sean and Rush Limbaugh and much worse....

Why did nothing ever happen to Roger Stone? Do you even know?

Tell me what Mueller's report said on that?

How come those Russian's that were "indicted" never came to trial? Do you know? Because they would have had to seen evidence the BOB did not have. . . . :71:

FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced
The FBI relied on CrowdStrike’s “conclusion” to blame Russia for hacking DNC servers, though the private firm never produced a final report and the FBI never asked them to, as Ray McGovern explains.
FBI Never Saw CrowdStrike Unredacted or Final Report on Alleged Russian Hacking Because None was Produced

". . . The revelation came in a court filing by the government in the pre-trial phase of Roger Stone, a long-time Republican operative who had an unofficial role in the campaign of candidate Donald Trump. Stone has been charged with misleading Congress, obstructing justice and intimidating a witness.

The filing was in response to a motion by Stone’s lawyers asking for “unredacted reports” from CrowdStrike in an effort to get the government to prove that Russia hacked the DNC server. “The government … does not possess the information the defandant seeks,” the filing says.

In his motion, Stone’s lawyers said he had only been given three redacted drafts. In a startling footnote in the government’s response, the DOJ admits the drafts are all that exist. “Although the reports produced to the defendant are marked ‘draft,’ counsel for the DNC and DCCC informed the government that they are the last version of the report produced,” the footnote says.

In other words CrowdStrike, upon which the FBI relied to conclude that Russia hacked the DNC, never completed a final report and only turned over three redacted drafts to the government.

Stone on his way to court in February. (Victoria Pickering/Flickr)

These drafts were “voluntarily” given to the FBI by DNC lawyers, the filing says. “No redacted information concerned the attribution of the attack to Russian actors,” the filing quotes DNC lawyers as saying.

In Stone’s motion his lawyers argued: “If the Russian state did not hack the DNC, DCCC, or [Clinton campaign chairman John] Podesta’s servers, then Roger Stone was prosecuted for obstructing a congressional investigation into an unproven Russian state hacking conspiracy … The issue of whether or not the DNC was hacked is central to the Defendant’s defense.”


VIPS does not believe the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Bill Binney, a former NSA technical director and a VIPS member, filed an affidavit in Stone’s case. Binney said: “WikiLeaks did not receive stolen data from the Russian government. Intrinsic metadata in the publicly available files on WikiLeaks demonstrates that the files acquired by WikiLeaks were delivered in a medium such as a thumb drive.”


On March 31, 2017 WikiLeaks released the most damaging disclosure up to that point from what it called “Vault 7” — a treasure trove of CIA cybertools leaked from CIA files. This disclosure featured the tool “Marble Framework,” which enabled the CIA to hack into computers, disguise who hacked in, and falsely attribute the hack to someone else by leaving so-called tell-tale signs — like Cyrillic, for example.

The CIA documents also showed that the “Marble” tool had been employed in 2016.

Two weeks later, then CIA Director Mike Pompeo branded WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” and the U.S. put pressure on Ecuador, which had given Assange asylum, to expel him from its London embassy. He was on April 11 when British police arrested him. On the same day he was convicted of skipping bail on a Swedish investigation that had since been dropped. Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in London’s max-security Belmarsh prison.

Comey, it seems a safe bet, still worries that Assange or one of his associates, will provide “technical evidence” enough to prove “who did not engage in the DNC releases. . . . ”

One simple question: Does Congress or FBI have proof that Russians hacked DNC server?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....

And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Well people on the Trump campaign Met with Russian government people over a hundred times and never wrote anything down oh, the mobbed-up Manhattan real estate assholes LOL. And Trump told them to go ahead and hack Hillary's email hours before they did try. they met with the Russians over a hundred times and never told anybody about it and lied about it. I guess that's not suspicious at all. Right, brainwashed functional idiot? Too bad you don't get about 3/4 of the news. as agreed to by every respected media outlet and law enforcement in the world. You are a disgrace, super duper.

Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.
One simple question: Does Congress or FBI have proof that Russians hacked DNC server?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....

And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Well people on the Trump campaign Met with Russian government people over a hundred times and never wrote anything down oh, the mobbed-up Manhattan real estate assholes LOL. And Trump told them to go ahead and hack Hillary's email hours before they did try. they met with the Russians over a hundred times and never told anybody about it and lied about it. I guess that's not suspicious at all. Right, brainwashed functional idiot? Too bad you don't get about 3/4 of the news. as agreed to by every respected media outlet and law enforcement in the world. You are a disgrace, super duper.

Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
Every single Republican and Democrat on the Senate and House intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees and came out and said it was the Russians and it is obvious. The fact you don't know that is just another symptom of your cluelessness, brainwash functional moron. watch the BBC everyday for a year and shut the f*** **....

And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Well people on the Trump campaign Met with Russian government people over a hundred times and never wrote anything down oh, the mobbed-up Manhattan real estate assholes LOL. And Trump told them to go ahead and hack Hillary's email hours before they did try. they met with the Russians over a hundred times and never told anybody about it and lied about it. I guess that's not suspicious at all. Right, brainwashed functional idiot? Too bad you don't get about 3/4 of the news. as agreed to by every respected media outlet and law enforcement in the world. You are a disgrace, super duper.

Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.
All anybody wants at this point is background checks on all sales and maybe banning more assault rifles. We already have 17 million of them out there for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron.
All anybody wants at this point is background checks on all sales and maybe banning more assault rifles. We already have 17 million of them out there for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron.
89% want universal background checks. NRA GOP chump...
And yet these Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and House intelligence committees as well as every respected media and law enforcement in the world, couldn't find proof that Donald Trump "colluded" with the Russians, in order to "steal" an election?

You're gonna hurt yourself if you don't quit trying so hard.
Well people on the Trump campaign Met with Russian government people over a hundred times and never wrote anything down oh, the mobbed-up Manhattan real estate assholes LOL. And Trump told them to go ahead and hack Hillary's email hours before they did try. they met with the Russians over a hundred times and never told anybody about it and lied about it. I guess that's not suspicious at all. Right, brainwashed functional idiot? Too bad you don't get about 3/4 of the news. as agreed to by every respected media outlet and law enforcement in the world. You are a disgrace, super duper.

Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

Dupe. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with "hunting rifles and shotguns." And if you think this is a "civilized country" how about I just drop you off at the corner of MLK Blvd. and Main St. in any large metropolitan area, at 3:00 AM.

But I'm sure you could wow the local ghetto goblins with your story about how "caring" and "tolerant" you are of other races, and how you're a liberal and a Democrat.

The ensuing event would be hilarious to watch on Youtube. :laughing0301:
Fake news.

Old fake news in fact.

This is what desperation looks like folks, rehashing already debunked conspiracy theories in a vain effort to distract people from reality.
What did the text say?
This has already been done to death.

Move on, it's over.
Thank you for proving my point
There is no "point" as you say. If I follow your attempted distraction you have accomplished your goal.

We aren't going down that road, time to return to the thread topic.
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh
Couldn't care less actually. My worry is he will lie about what he finds.
The Mueller report.

You should read it.
A nothing burger. The Barr report will be great, it will make the Muller report. A piece of fiction.
This "Barr report" will never even happen. There will be rumor and innuendo but never anything official. To steal a phrase often wrongly used by you conservitards "there is no "there" there".
Trump will not let y'all get away with your law breaking anymore. There will be republicans that will go down also.
The only lawbreaking happening is being done by tRump and his minions.
Trump is making you loons look like fools.
I'll take that to mean you can't refute my post.

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