AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

Meanwhile democrat run neighborhoods are shit holes hundred to getting shot every week people living in rat infested neighborhoods .. trump should just arrest all you failures
Democrat white neighborhoods are richer then Republican rural shitholes're talking about black and brown neighborhoods, people who are discriminated against every day and every way by GOP assholes and bigots and politicians. No sacrifice is too great so we can save the greedy idiot GOP Rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share.... After 35 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, infrastructure, and opportunity ever and anywhere. we are also the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great vacations and infrastructure etc etc. Great job, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich...
Why are they so unhappy and not hire blacks that live so close by? Why do you hate blacks?
that is what you get out of all that, brainwashed functional moron?
Shove your ridiculous idiocy up your ass stupid.
They are rich and the blacks are poor helllooooooo you democrats are the racist you just admitted it
Whatever you say, troll. LOL. We have to tax the rich and giant corporations more so we can invest in our people and our infrastructure and our college and training, d****** dupe. Where the hell do you get your news LOL?
So tax the job creators that hire blacks so they go out of business, create restrictions on creating jobs, so blacks stay in shackles and only the rich democrats can participate in democracy.. got cha
The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous, talk about a witch Hunt LOL, and gave Bill a lot more popularity and showed the GOP to be a bunch of scumbag assholes as always.....
Meanwhile democrat run neighborhoods are shit holes hundred to getting shot every week people living in rat infested neighborhoods .. trump should just arrest all you failures
So, you have never driven in Appalachia.
No I don’t hear of race riots do you? Lol
How many were shot this weekend??
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
These are just a few things, that do not include things he has done this year...

the State Department has done things like enforce Sanctions that Congress issued and other things, but Trump separates himself from those things and uses his mouth to give honor and praise to Putin and works towards all of Putin's goals and not the USA's

    • Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
    • Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
    • Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
    • Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
      • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
    • Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
    • Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
    • Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
    • Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
    • Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
    • Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Putin’s Payout: 12 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s Foreign Policy Agenda - The Moscow Project

Nice try, but not a single one of those talking points has made America weaker or Russia stronger. President Trump on the other hand, has strengthened this country and weakened Russia.
She forgets Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election, so he could work with him better.
On a nuclear arms reduction treaty.
Yeah, Obama wanted to screw America over on it. If it was good for us, why didn't he go ahead and do it?
Maybe because the GOP would not allow him to do anything he wanted, dumbass. And no he did not have control of Congress except for 35 days in session, brainwashed functional moron. And even that in the middle of a GOP corrupt economic meltdown, no time to do anyting that might scare people. That would be anything he wanted to do as far as your ridiculous GOP propaganda machine is concerned....
Lol, if it would've been good for America he could've used it against the republicans.
Meanwhile democrat run neighborhoods are shit holes hundred to getting shot every week people living in rat infested neighborhoods .. trump should just arrest all you failures
Democrat white neighborhoods are richer then Republican rural shitholes're talking about black and brown neighborhoods, people who are discriminated against every day and every way by GOP assholes and bigots and politicians. No sacrifice is too great so we can save the greedy idiot GOP Rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share.... After 35 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, infrastructure, and opportunity ever and anywhere. we are also the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great vacations and infrastructure etc etc. Great job, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich...
Why are they so unhappy and not hire blacks that live so close by? Why do you hate blacks?
that is what you get out of all that, brainwashed functional moron?
Shove your ridiculous idiocy up your ass stupid.
They are rich and the blacks are poor helllooooooo you democrats are the racist you just admitted it
Whatever you say, troll. LOL. We have to tax the rich and giant corporations more so we can invest in our people and our infrastructure and our college and training, d****** dupe. Where the hell do you get your news LOL?

If the government taxes corporations out of existence, they won't be able to pay anything on an ongoing basis or hire anyone.

All that will be left are bureaucrat jobs.
Meanwhile democrat run neighborhoods are shit holes hundred to getting shot every week people living in rat infested neighborhoods .. trump should just arrest all you failures
So, you have never driven in Appalachia.
No I don’t hear of race riots do you? Lol
How many were shot this weekend??
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
So, you have never driven in Appalachia.
No I don’t hear of race riots do you? Lol
How many were shot this weekend??
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
No I don’t hear of race riots do you? Lol
How many were shot this weekend??
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
So, you have never driven in Appalachia.
No I don’t hear of race riots do you? Lol
How many were shot this weekend??
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
How many years do you get for marijuana possession in Kentucky, brainwashed functional moron? How easy is it to get an abortion? And how much does it cost LOL? do you have free birth control for the poor in Kentucky? Do you have free health care if you are poor in Kentucky, dumbass? I hope you enjoy all your free money piling in from Democratic states.
So when you find out that the Russia collusion story was fabricated and Hillary and Obama were behind it. How you gonna feel? Can't be stupid, because you are already past that point.
kinda hard to say it was fabricated when there is evidence collected that proves the Trump campaign met or made contact with the Russians interfering in our election over 160 times, and Trump was negotiating a trump tower moscow during his campaign, all the while Trump was lying to us by telling us on multiple occasions during the campaign that he had no business or proposals in Russia and his campaign had no involvements with Russians...

see Mueller Report, volume 1


You must think there are only 20 Russians in Russia. What makes you think the same Russians Trump was involved with in his business dealings, are the same Russians who supposedly made your post-menopausal ratbag Hillary lose the election?
So, you must think just mom and pop, run of the mill, every day Russian citizens are the 160 contacts made with Trump campaign staff? :lol::lol:

uhhhhh NOPE! They were all connected and all with the same goal.... get Trump elected, for Putin

If that's so, name one single thing Trump has done to benefit Putin or Russia.

I'll give you ten hours to come up with that...

These are just a few things, that do not include things he has done this year...

the State Department has done things like enforce Sanctions that Congress issued and other things, but Trump separates himself from those things and uses his mouth to give honor and praise to Putin and works towards all of Putin's goals and not the USA's

    • Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
    • Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
    • Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
    • Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
      • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
    • Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
    • Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
    • Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
    • Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
    • Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
    • Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Putin’s Payout: 12 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s Foreign Policy Agenda - The Moscow Project

LOL, why shouldn’t Crimea be apart of Russia? I assume you think it and it’s people just belong to the new Ukrainian government, even though they clearly don’t want to be a part of that government.
No I don’t hear of race riots do you? Lol
How many were shot this weekend??
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
How many years do you get for marijuana possession in Kentucky, brainwashed functional moron? How easy is it to get an abortion? And how much does it cost LOL? do you have free birth control for the poor in Kentucky? Do you have free health care if you are poor in Kentucky, dumbass? I hope you enjoy all your free money piling in from Democratic states.
We don’t want it , and it’s NOT FREE SOMEONE IS PAYING FOR IT
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
People living in poverty. You pretend & blame Democrats for poverty in the cities so why aren't your buddies to blame for poverty in the Red States?
You don’t been money when you can engineer your things.. you can’t understand freedom you should visit it some day
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
How many years do you get for marijuana possession in Kentucky, brainwashed functional moron? How easy is it to get an abortion? And how much does it cost LOL? do you have free birth control for the poor in Kentucky? Do you have free health care if you are poor in Kentucky, dumbass? I hope you enjoy all your free money piling in from Democratic states.
We don’t want it , and it’s NOT FREE SOMEONE IS PAYING FOR IT
actually free birth control is better than free because then we don't have to pay for years of welfare for single mothers, dumbass dupe. And free doctors and health care for the poor it's not much more expensive than killing them with ER care and bankruptcy and indignity,and by the way forcing them on to welfare to get Healthcare, jackass.... Brainwashed functional moron. Keep voting against your own interests and those of your friends and family. Keep voting for your propagandizing billionaire Heroes dumbass....
Gibberish. Freedom to get totally screwed over by your lying thieving propagandizing Heroes, brainwashed functional moron?
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....
So you are saying there is more freedom in Baltimore then Kentucky? Lol
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Nice try, but not a single one of those talking points has made America weaker or Russia stronger. President Trump on the other hand, has strengthened this country and weakened Russia.
She forgets Obama wanted Putin to wait till after the election, so he could work with him better.
On a nuclear arms reduction treaty.
Yeah, Obama wanted to screw America over on it. If it was good for us, why didn't he go ahead and do it?
Maybe because the GOP would not allow him to do anything he wanted, dumbass. And no he did not have control of Congress except for 35 days in session, brainwashed functional moron. And even that in the middle of a GOP corrupt economic meltdown, no time to do anyting that might scare people. That would be anything he wanted to do as far as your ridiculous GOP propaganda machine is concerned....
Lol, if it would've been good for America he could've used it against the republicans.
How would the Republican base ever find out, dumbass dupe? He did and you did not hear about it LOL. You live on another planet that is all for the rich and stupid Wars....
I'm talking about the entire country being screwed over by the GOP the last 30 years dumbass. Give away to the rich GOP tax rates. Repeat 1000 times dumbass
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....
His humble Home being a residential skyscraper where Manafort had an office, brainwashed functional moron.

Trump's home address of 725 5th Ave., New York City, is common knowledge. Trump doesn't live in a secret location, unlike Pocahontas. I looked on her supposed tax returns on her campaign website. She blacked out her home address. Why keep it a secret? If the rich Bostonian broad lives in a mansion and is disconnected with the people, we have the right to know. On the other hand, if she is honest, and actually does live in a teepee, the people have a right to know that as well.
We have her tax returns and the IRS says no problem, just like all the other Democratic presidential candidates. Meanwhile there is an orange clown slash fascist in the White House and we have no idea where he got his money or anything else. He's a fraud conman and thief, like the GOP propaganda machine..... Wake up and smell the coffee, conspiracy Nut Job....

You don't get it Franco.

She redacted important information from her return. Her address for one, her social security number for another.

This really limits the ability of the people and the media to look into her affairs and find out what she is hiding.

Why can't she be open about it. Even Trump makes his home address public- he states his apartment is better that those of others, and pics of the Golden Penthouse are online, BTW.
He lives in about 5 different places and we know exactly where dumbass. We also know where Warren lives, idiot. Everything you know is garbage propaganda stupid.

No we don't. Neither Warren's home address nor social security number are on her tax returns.
Just where she got all her money from, brainwashed functional moron. I'm sure she had nothing to do with the fact that her address is not on the tax form U C duh. just another phony Scandal like the hundreds or thousands you know. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. Link?
The rich pay a lot of taxes did you not know this?? Are you brain dead?
After 35 years GOP give away to the rich, the rich pay exactly the same percentage in taxes as the middle class and even many poor. Great job! That's why all the New wealth goes to them, and we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere now. Keep whistling past the graveyard, brainwashed functional moron. And pray you don't get really sick or have a bad accident.....

Not every is a welfare case like yourself. Most of us have private insurance or pay for our own health care, as it should be.
I am happily retired, brainwashed functional moron. And your insurance is cheaper than it was before Obama Care and is guaranteed now. You are welcome. It would be a lot better without GOP sabotage and obstruction. Everything you know is wrong d******....

Tough shit, hillbilly. Like it or not, there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

We President now.
Welcome to the u.s. message board, orange clown. LOL. Do you ever argue the facts, or are you just a troll when you are shown how wrong you are....

The facts are inarguable: You are a minority, you have no power to do anything but whine and cry, and we are controlling this country, whether you like it or not.
kinda hard to say it was fabricated when there is evidence collected that proves the Trump campaign met or made contact with the Russians interfering in our election over 160 times, and Trump was negotiating a trump tower moscow during his campaign, all the while Trump was lying to us by telling us on multiple occasions during the campaign that he had no business or proposals in Russia and his campaign had no involvements with Russians...

see Mueller Report, volume 1


You must think there are only 20 Russians in Russia. What makes you think the same Russians Trump was involved with in his business dealings, are the same Russians who supposedly made your post-menopausal ratbag Hillary lose the election?
So, you must think just mom and pop, run of the mill, every day Russian citizens are the 160 contacts made with Trump campaign staff? :lol::lol:

uhhhhh NOPE! They were all connected and all with the same goal.... get Trump elected, for Putin

If that's so, name one single thing Trump has done to benefit Putin or Russia.

I'll give you ten hours to come up with that...

These are just a few things, that do not include things he has done this year...

the State Department has done things like enforce Sanctions that Congress issued and other things, but Trump separates himself from those things and uses his mouth to give honor and praise to Putin and works towards all of Putin's goals and not the USA's

    • Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
    • Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
    • Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
    • Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
      • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
    • Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
    • Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
      • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
    • Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
    • Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
    • Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
      • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
    • Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
    • Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
      • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Putin’s Payout: 12 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s Foreign Policy Agenda - The Moscow Project

Nice try, but not a single one of those talking points has made America weaker or Russia stronger. President Trump on the other hand, has strengthened this country and weakened Russia.

Only to the willfully blind imo... :rolleyes:

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