AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

Democrat white neighborhoods are richer then Republican rural shitholes're talking about black and brown neighborhoods, people who are discriminated against every day and every way by GOP assholes and bigots and politicians. No sacrifice is too great so we can save the greedy idiot GOP Rich and giant corporations from paying their fair share.... After 35 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, we have the worst upward Mobility, inequality, infrastructure, and opportunity ever and anywhere. we are also the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, great vacations and infrastructure etc etc. Great job, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich...
Why are they so unhappy and not hire blacks that live so close by? Why do you hate blacks?
that is what you get out of all that, brainwashed functional moron?
Shove your ridiculous idiocy up your ass stupid.
They are rich and the blacks are poor helllooooooo you democrats are the racist you just admitted it
Whatever you say, troll. LOL. We have to tax the rich and giant corporations more so we can invest in our people and our infrastructure and our college and training, d****** dupe. Where the hell do you get your news LOL?
So tax the job creators that hire blacks so they go out of business, create restrictions on creating jobs, so blacks stay in shackles and only the rich democrats can participate in democracy.. got cha
I see you remain as uninformed on economics & business.

You get taxed on profits. If your company is hurting & has few profits, your tax is minimal.
The Democratic Party’s renewed urgency to unseat President Donald Trump takes on a whole different meaning amid a report that Attorney General William Barr is indeed investigating the investigators.

A measure the party’s media allies are working feverishly to assign a sinister turn to, presenting the effort to get to the bottom of what may have been an effort to take out a sitting president as using executive branch powers to further personal interests.

The Washington Post reported Monday that Barr has been meeting with British and Italian intelligence officials regarding the investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

Accompanying Barr in Italy was John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who was tapped to investigate the events leading up to a long, exhaustive probe of Trump and his campaign

AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

When the Russians were interfering & members of the Trump campaign were meeting with Russdians and lying about it, nothing should have been investigated?

You assfucks are dumber than shit./

Fact: OUr intel agencies said Russians interfered.

Fact: Many members of Trump's campaign met with the Russians & lied about it.

Blind projection, thy name is realdave. Funny how when you have real evidence of wrongdoing from dems, you ignore it, and instead choose to believe made up shit with no evidence to support it. You stupid or something?
Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Why are they so unhappy and not hire blacks that live so close by? Why do you hate blacks?
that is what you get out of all that, brainwashed functional moron?
Shove your ridiculous idiocy up your ass stupid.
They are rich and the blacks are poor helllooooooo you democrats are the racist you just admitted it
Whatever you say, troll. LOL. We have to tax the rich and giant corporations more so we can invest in our people and our infrastructure and our college and training, d****** dupe. Where the hell do you get your news LOL?
So tax the job creators that hire blacks so they go out of business, create restrictions on creating jobs, so blacks stay in shackles and only the rich democrats can participate in democracy.. got cha
I see you remain as uninformed on economics & business.

You get taxed on profits. If your company is hurting & has few profits, your tax is minimal.

Depends on the tax. A company could be losing their ass, and they can still owe property taxes, FICA taxes and other levies.
What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".
Don't care. Here's a picture of me not caring...

What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

You're full of shit as usual. I have a friend who has a congenital birth defect. He is confined to a wheelchair and has only nubs for fingers on one hand.

Yet every year, he gets a deer on the first day of season. It's the only rifle he can operate.
Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".

Yeah, that only happens in your neighborhood, sweetie
People get so easily led by this whole "We got Em NOW" routine both sides play

I'll wait until someone gets a prison sentence years....before I celebrate.
Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".

Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.

And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.
The Democratic Party’s renewed urgency to unseat President Donald Trump takes on a whole different meaning amid a report that Attorney General William Barr is indeed investigating the investigators.

A measure the party’s media allies are working feverishly to assign a sinister turn to, presenting the effort to get to the bottom of what may have been an effort to take out a sitting president as using executive branch powers to further personal interests.

The Washington Post reported Monday that Barr has been meeting with British and Italian intelligence officials regarding the investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

Accompanying Barr in Italy was John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who was tapped to investigate the events leading up to a long, exhaustive probe of Trump and his campaign

AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

Translation: Barr is attempting to get dirt from foreign countries much as Trump wants Ukraine to investigate Biden. Barr is just as corrupt as Trump.
Dont commit the crime and you've got nothing to worry about
Are you really that dumb, or do you think that's whitty?

Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
You desperate for a win! It’s not going to happen full of rage, encourage democrats to be successful at something, maybe we will vote for you. Give it a shot
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
ObamA!? Lol hahahah to funny

Your new pic is better. I had absolutely zero respect for that kid. Probably smart you changed your pic. I know it shouldn't matter but that pic of that kid fucking with the indian made you seem like a total tool bag.

The final tally is in: 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama.

The president is claiming a big victory on getting Americans back to work again.

“Businesses that were bleeding jobs unleashed the longest streak of job creation on record,” Obama wrote in a letter to the American people this week.

He’s right: The economy has added jobs for 75 straight months


President Donald Trump loves to talk about creating jobs, and now has more than a million jobs to point to.
With July's jobs report, employers have added a total of 1,074,000 jobs during Trump's first six full months in office.

That essentially matches the 1,084,000 jobs created during President Barack Obama's last six months in office. Both round to 1.1 million, and the 10,000 difference is well within the margin of error of the Labor Department estimate.

Of course, Trump's six-month record is far better than Obama's first six months, when 3.4 million jobs were lost. That's because Obama was sworn in during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, when the economy was hemorrhaging jobs.

So you are still stupid, but better pic.
Why what did the kid do?
Trump will not let y'all get away with your law breaking anymore. There will be republicans that will go down also.
The only lawbreaking happening is being done by tRump and his minions.
Trump is making you loons look like fools.
I'll take that to mean you can't refute my post.
When Barr says he is Trump's wing man. Get back to me.
He acts it.
Lol, Holder said he was Obama's right hand man.
Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.
And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.

I shoot deer, alligator, bear, rabbits, birds and people ALL the time.....and get great satisfaction from it all.
Then I take my camera and the photos I shot of all the above home and enjoy them :113:
Just an opinion.....but it takes a lot more skill and prowess to get great shots of wild life with a camera than a bullet.
Just me.

That said, I love plinking and target shooting.
(Don't tell anybody....I murder bottles sometimes with my 22)

You said "people." :laughing0301:

Never saw that. That's funny.

Well I sure did. I have many shots of people. :)

I decided to delete the post.
We live in a effed up society and I could see some jackasses reposting part of that so it's totally out of context.
Last edited:
Actually it's called DNA dumbass.
You named your penis DNA Dumbass?
Lol, thanks for proving my point.
DNA determines the physical. Not the mental.
Yes, and DNA proves a boy cannot be a girl.
Mentally? Yes they need help. Not encouragement to start taking pills and mutilating their bodies.
What a crappy citizen you are, brainwashed functional moron..... Like all doops, you revert to a total troll when confronted with reality.

Actually I'm more of a citizen than yourself. I take pleasure in getting all I can out of my Second Amendment rights. You on the other hand, voluntarily choose to forfeit yours.

What kind of a "citizen" refuses to participate in an American Constitutional right?
I am happy with just hunting rifles and shotguns, all a civilized country needs. We don't need idiots like you armed with military style weapons that are dangerous and lethal and seem to drive idiots like you crazy.

AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.
You named your penis DNA Dumbass?
Lol, thanks for proving my point.
DNA determines the physical. Not the mental.
Yes, and DNA proves a boy cannot be a girl.
Mentally? Yes they need help. Not encouragement to start taking pills and mutilating their bodies.
The huge majority of psycho analysts psychologists and psychiatrists say you are a dumbass bigot. LOL
This has already been done to death.

Move on, it's over.
Thank you for proving my point
There is no "point" as you say. If I follow your attempted distraction you have accomplished your goal.

We aren't going down that road, time to return to the thread topic.
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh

The Impeachment Story Is Simple. Republicans Are just Trying To Confuse You. GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the process and take attention away from what the president did. He repeatedly pressured a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to help him win. It’s all in the White House summary and it’s corroborated by the whistleblower complaint and Trump admitted it. He’s even asking other countries to do it on tv now. The Republican strategy to this is to create confusion, namely by focusing on the legal process of whistleblower law. Not only are their claims false, they are irrelevant to the facts of Trump’s abuse of power. The whistleblower did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Republicans are trying to paper over the facts with confusion, conspiracies and flat-out lies. “This is looking more & more like a deep state scheme,” House Republican Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted Wednesday, invoking an insane conspiracy theory as an explanation for how Schiff got wind of a whistleblower complaint before it was filed. He lied. The question is why?” McCarthy tweeted Wednesday, falsely claiming Schiff had spoken with the whistleblower when he had not. GOP senators, meanwhile, have been spreading misinformation to try to smear the credibility of the whistleblower. They have argued that in order to be considered a “real” whistleblower, you have to have firsthand information of a situation, which is false. “By definition, he’s not a whistleblower because he was reporting hearsay,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) incorrectly told reporters last week. “I think that we are giving too much credit, to someone who does not meet the definition of a whistleblower.” “It’s not a whistleblower because he wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t on the phone call,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said last week, also falsely. They were publicly corrected on Tuesday by one of their own colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The distinctions being drawn between first- and second-hand knowledge aren’t legal ones,”. “It’s just not part of whistleblower protection law or any agency policy.” He added, “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.”

Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.

President Donald Trump believes in a conspiracy theory. His belief in it explains the scandal that could lead to his impeachment.

Specifically, the president is convinced that the Democratic National Committee and his enemies in the U.S. government — the people he sometimes calls the “deep state” — framed Russia as the nation that hacked the DNC in 2016. The world knows this because Trump privately asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to find a supposedly missing computer server that Trump’s fellow conspiracists believe will prove Russia’s innocence — and because his senior aides have been dispatched all over the world to recruit America’s allies to aid an “investigation” of the supposedly malicious origins of the U.S. government’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
People get so easily led by this whole "We got Em NOW" routine both sides play

I'll wait until someone gets a prison sentence years....before I celebrate.
Trump's lawyer and campaign manager both spending years in prison. Only the fact that he is President saves Trump you know.

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