AG Barr: Mueller ‘Ignored’ Evidence Of Russian Disinformation In Steele Dossier


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Why would he ignore real evidence in the topic he’s supposed to be investigating?

Oh yeah. It proved Trump was innocent and would have ended his huge payouts from the taxpayers.

Attorney General William Barr said in an interview aired Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigators “ignored” evidence of possible Russian disinformation in the Steele dossier.

“I think that’s one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing,” Barr told CBS News when asked about the possibility that the Kremlin fed disinformation to Christopher Steele, a former British spy who investigated the Trump campaign.

After what was trying to be passed off as his "testimony" before congress, it's arguable that he was too mentally feeble and detached from what was going on in his "investigation".

Agree, which means that replica of a KGB Henchman---Andrew Wiseman---was running things. He should have been disbarred for what he did in previous unethical prosecutions and he should be disbarred now.

This thing is finally unraveling on the Fraudulent Co-Conspirators of the Obama Deep State---and they are, accordingly---squealing like stuck pigs.

It's a sweet damn sound.
After what was trying to be passed off as his "testimony" before congress, it's arguable that he was too mentally feeble and detached from what was going on in his "investigation".
Agree, which means that replica of a KGB Henchman---Andrew Wiseman---was running things. He should have been disbarred for what he did in previous unethical prosecutions and he should be disbarred now.
This thing is finally unraveling on the Fraudulent Co-Conspirators of the Obama Deep State---and they are, accordingly---squealing like stuck pigs.
Andrew Weissman is a thug in a suit, who should have been disbarred for his role in the Enron shakedown.
It is also interesting to note:
"Arthur Andersen was charged with and found guilty of obstruction of justice for shredding the thousands of documents and deleting e-mails and company files that tied the firm to its audit of Enron. "

Then there is the Meryl Lynch bullshit:

Both The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell have exposed Weissmann’s reckless win-until-reversed modus operandi that has destroyed countless lives. Weissmann’s tactics sent four Merrill Lynch executives to prison, until a federal appellate court overturned their convictions and freed the men—but not before upending their lives.
Also, Weissmann’s prosecution of former accounting giant Arthur Andersen for its role in the Enron collapse shuttered the firm, leaving tens of thousands of people unemployed. Several years later the Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Arthur Andersen conviction, but it was too late by then to undo the harm Weissmann had caused.
Further research into Weissmann’s role in the prosecution of Enron executives Jeffrey Skilling, Kenneth Lay, and Richard Causey (the “Enron case”) reveal a more startling and concerning possibility: that Weissmann improperly threatened witnesses. In that case, co-defendants Skilling, Lay, and Causey filed a joint motion to dismiss the criminal charges brought against them, arguing the Enron Task Force, which Weissmann joined in 2002 and headed from 2004 until his abrupt departure in July 2005, engaged in multiple incidents of prosecutorial misconduct.
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Why would he ignore real evidence in the topic he’s supposed to be investigating?

Oh yeah. It proved Trump was innocent and would have ended his huge payouts from the taxpayers.

Attorney General William Barr said in an interview aired Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigators “ignored” evidence of possible Russian disinformation in the Steele dossier.

“I think that’s one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing,” Barr told CBS News when asked about the possibility that the Kremlin fed disinformation to Christopher Steele, a former British spy who investigated the Trump campaign.

This is just the start. Does anyone actually think after Durham has added quite a few prosecutors to his team, that nobody that sat in on the Jan 15th 2017 Oval Office meeting will not be indicted?

You are about to be witness to the take down of a political party the likes we have never seen, and the Left did it to themselves, and there is no taking it back.

Every Republican on this forum knows almost EXACTLY what is going to come out with verifiable proof. Funny thing is------------->so do most of the Democrats on this board, lol. We know they won't admit it, but feel good knowing they are making doo-doo in their pants, knowing the worst for them is yet to come!
Why would he ignore real evidence in the topic he’s supposed to be investigating?

Oh yeah. It proved Trump was innocent and would have ended his huge payouts from the taxpayers.
Point 1. We learned long ago that nothing Billy the Bagman says can be trusted.

Point 2. Since the FBI opened its investigation in to the campaign before they were aware of Steele's findings why does Barr's unproven allegation (an allegation designed to cast doubt on Mueller without evidence)............"about the possibility that the Kremlin fed disinformation to Christopher Steele".....................matter?

Point 3. Why do you assume Barr's innuendo is valid without proof?
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
His professional mission was nothing more than taking 12 million dollars from the DNC and Clinton campaign to make shit up. Exactly what they asked for. The disinformation starts and ends with the democrats.
Why would he ignore real evidence in the topic he’s supposed to be investigating?

Oh yeah. It proved Trump was innocent and would have ended his huge payouts from the taxpayers.
Point 1. We learned long ago that nothing Billy the Bagman says can be trusted.

Point 2. Since the FBI opened its investigation in to the campaign before they were aware of Steele's findings why does Barr's unproven allegation (an allegation designed to cast doubt on Mueller without evidence)............"about the possibility that the Kremlin fed disinformation to Christopher Steele".....................matter?

Point 3. Why do you assume Barr's innuendo is valid without proof?
You go right on living in your fantasy conspiracies world of fiction.
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS - American Liberty Report

BOMBSHELL: Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome – The Millennium Report

10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier
Why would he ignore real evidence in the topic he’s supposed to be investigating?

Oh yeah. It proved Trump was innocent and would have ended his huge payouts from the taxpayers.

Attorney General William Barr said in an interview aired Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigators “ignored” evidence of possible Russian disinformation in the Steele dossier.

“I think that’s one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing,” Barr told CBS News when asked about the possibility that the Kremlin fed disinformation to Christopher Steele, a former British spy who investigated the Trump campaign.

Barr is a crooked AG. What he says means nothing.
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS - American Liberty Report

BOMBSHELL: Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome – The Millennium Report

10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier

It was not fake. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Russians wanted Trump to win not Clinton. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS - American Liberty Report

BOMBSHELL: Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome – The Millennium Report

10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier

It was not fake. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Russians wanted Trump to win not Clinton. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails
Where is the proof that the Russians wanted Trump to win? The claim that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's emails have no evidence to support it. The report the DOJ just issued said these claims are unsupported.

Everything you believe is a lie.
After what was trying to be passed off as his "testimony" before congress, it's arguable that he was too mentally feeble and detached from what was going on in his "investigation".
Agree, which means that replica of a KGB Henchman---Andrew Wiseman---was running things. He should have been disbarred for what he did in previous unethical prosecutions and he should be disbarred now.
This thing is finally unraveling on the Fraudulent Co-Conspirators of the Obama Deep State---and they are, accordingly---squealing like stuck pigs.
Andrew Weissman is a thug in a suit, who should have been disbarred for his role in the Enron shakedown.
It is also interesting to note:
"Arthur Andersen was charged with and found guilty of obstruction of justice for shredding the thousands of documents and deleting e-mails and company files that tied the firm to its audit of Enron. "

Then there is the Meryl Lynch bullshit:

Both The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell have exposed Weissmann’s reckless win-until-reversed modus operandi that has destroyed countless lives. Weissmann’s tactics sent four Merrill Lynch executives to prison, until a federal appellate court overturned their convictions and freed the men—but not before upending their lives.
Also, Weissmann’s prosecution of former accounting giant Arthur Andersen for its role in the Enron collapse shuttered the firm, leaving tens of thousands of people unemployed. Several years later the Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Arthur Andersen conviction, but it was too late by then to undo the harm Weissmann had caused.
Further research into Weissmann’s role in the prosecution of Enron executives Jeffrey Skilling, Kenneth Lay, and Richard Causey (the “Enron case”) reveal a more startling and concerning possibility: that Weissmann improperly threatened witnesses. In that case, co-defendants Skilling, Lay, and Causey filed a joint motion to dismiss the criminal charges brought against them, arguing the Enron Task Force, which Weissmann joined in 2002 and headed from 2004 until his abrupt departure in July 2005, engaged in multiple incidents of prosecutorial misconduct.
@JimBowie1958’s comment quoting The Federalist defending poor Enron from being “shaken down” by Federal prosecutors after its 2002 implosion explains — in an utterly twisted way — the historical background. His exact words: “Andrew Weissman is a thug in a suit, who should have been disbarred for his role in the Enron shakedown. Arthur Andersen was charged with and found guilty of obstruction of justice for shredding the thousands of documents and deleting e-mails and company files that tied the firm to its audit of Enron.” This almost makes it sound like Weissman was a supporter of Andersen’s criminal conduct, as well as being responsible for the supposed “loss of jobs” that resulted from Enron’s and Arthur Andersen’s collapse!

Andrew Weissman and other prosecutors, whatever legal mistakes they made (or were made by judges and private parties suing for damages) played crucial historical roles in confronting out-of-control corrupt cowboy capitalism in that period. Their work was mandated by President Bush to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct in huge imploding corporations like Enron and WorldCom, and carried out mostly under terribly inadequate laws. Fortunately, those scandals and investigations resulted in passing a whole new set of rules for corporate governance, accounting governance, and even “Whistleblower” protections in the corporate world, embodied in the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 and its subsequent amendments. SOX was passed 99-1 in the U.S. Senate precisely because the legal basis for determining what was a crime in corporate and accounting offices was so unclear in those days. SOX of course could not prevent the financial crisis in 2007-2008, which had to do with much larger financial practices of “crony capitalism.” Nevertheless, it was a major step forward, still denounced by a few extreme anti-regulatory Republican “libertarians” like Senator Paul, some big corporate billionaires in both parties, corrupt deep swamp elements who thrive on unaccountability, and of course even many rightwing judges like Kavanaugh (who originally worked with the Bush administration to write the law).

I don’t doubt there are many “thugs in suits” in both parties, and that Andrew Weissman today may be one of them, but the forces supporting President Trump are certainly thuggish themselves, often far more so than those they falsely accuse of being “Deep State Democrats.” The fact is there are deeper issues at play here, and the Republican Establishment and opportunist ideological supporters of Trump, people at The Federalist for example, have their own agenda.
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