AG Barr: Mueller ‘Ignored’ Evidence Of Russian Disinformation In Steele Dossier

"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS - American Liberty Report

BOMBSHELL: Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome – The Millennium Report

10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier

It was not fake. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Russians wanted Trump to win not Clinton. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails
Where is the proof that the Russians wanted Trump to win? The claim that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's emails have no evidence to support it. The report the DOJ just issued said these claims are unsupported.

Everything you believe is a lie.

Fools like you will believe anything. The Senate Intelligence Committee found that the Russians interfered in our elections to help Trump. The DOJ under Barr is corrupt just like Barr himself.
Actually, not it didn't. The transcripts for the intelligence committee were released, and they show no evidence of such cooperation whatsoever. Adolph Schiffler was shown to be the world's biggest liar.
Evidence already shows Mueller was working on the Dossier with Oher before he was named Special Counsel, before the OFFICIAL investigation began....meaning he is dirty as hell.

Send Weismann and Mueller to prison...with Barry, Biden, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker, Clinesmith, etc...
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS - American Liberty Report

BOMBSHELL: Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome – The Millennium Report

10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier

It was not fake. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Russians wanted Trump to win not Clinton. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails
Where is the proof that the Russians wanted Trump to win? The claim that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's emails have no evidence to support it. The report the DOJ just issued said these claims are unsupported.

Everything you believe is a lie.

Fools like you will believe anything. The Senate Intelligence Committee found that the Russians interfered in our elections to help Trump. The DOJ under Barr is corrupt just like Barr himself.
Actually, not it didn't. The transcripts for the intelligence committee were released, and they show no evidence of such cooperation whatsoever. Adolph Schiffler was shown to be the world's biggest liar.

You are a bold faced liar. The Senate Intelligence Committee agreed with the intelligence agencies' assessment that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump. Mueller also found that Trump's campaign gave internal polling data and other information to a individual tied in with Russian Intelligence.
Evidence already shows Mueller was working on the Dossier with Oher before he was named Special Counsel, before the OFFICIAL investigation began....meaning he is dirty as hell.

Send Weismann and Mueller to prison...with Barry, Biden, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker, Clinesmith, etc...

Evidence shows no such thing. Fascist pigs like you want to jail everyone.
Evidence shows no such thing. Fascist pigs like you want to jail everyone.
Thank you for that irrational, emotional outburst, lil snowflake; however, Oher testified under oath that he was working with Steele and Mueller on the Dossier BEFORE the official investigation began and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted a thorough internal investigation of the Russia narrative, on Carter Page, and on Michael Flynn. She stated they came up with NOITHING - no evidence of wrong-doing, no illegal Collusion.
-- Released documents show the FBI itself assessed the Dossier, provided by the Russian Intel Service through Steele, was Russian Propaganda. Strzok reportedly worked with Mueller.
-- Oher testified he worked with Mueller and Steele BEFORE an official investigation on Trump was begun, before Mueller became Special Counsel.
-- The FBI agents conducting the investigation of Flynn reported they found no criminal evidence and were about to close the investigation ... when Strzok stepped in and ordered it to remain open.

FBI documents show the FBI KNEW page was working with / talking to Russians because he was working for the State Department as an informant....information the FBI withheld from the FISA Court....because it DESTROYED their LIE about the Trump team colluding with Russians. Doing so is a CRIME.

FBI documents show the FBI withheld exculpatory information on Flynn from the FISA Court as well Doping so was / is a CRIME!

Do You REALLY think:
- Then FBI Director Comey did NOT talk to his 'MENTOR', former FBI Director Mueller...did not share with him what the FBI had done?
- Mueller, a former FBI Director, never attempted to find out from the FBVI - form his protege' - what Comey and the FBI had done so far before becoming Special Counsel / upon becoming Special Counsel?

Evidence shows Mueller not only talked to Comey and found out what thy were doing, it shows MUELLER KNEW the Dossier was Russian propaganda and continued the investigation anyway for YEARS!
Every argument / lie Democrats, the Fake news treasonous media, and snowflakes attempt to throw out in defense of the now-exposed criminals have more holes in them than Swiss cheese, contain less common sense than God gave a door knob, and are easily shredded by the overwhelming, massive amount of evidence - testimony under oath, official FBI / govt documents being released now, etc....

Barry has been fully exposed, as has BIDEN, as having been fully aware of the treasonous criminal acts perpetrated....and shows Barry pulled the puppet strings, directed the criminal play....

Obama, BIDEN, Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strzok, Page Baker, Clinesmith, Oher, and more - all the dots have been connected, their crimes exposed!
"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”
Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS - American Liberty Report

BOMBSHELL: Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome – The Millennium Report

10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier

It was not fake. At least 2 parts of it were true. The Russians wanted Trump to win not Clinton. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails
Where is the proof that the Russians wanted Trump to win? The claim that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's emails have no evidence to support it. The report the DOJ just issued said these claims are unsupported.

Everything you believe is a lie.

Fools like you will believe anything. The Senate Intelligence Committee found that the Russians interfered in our elections to help Trump. The DOJ under Barr is corrupt just like Barr himself.
Actually, not it didn't. The transcripts for the intelligence committee were released, and they show no evidence of such cooperation whatsoever. Adolph Schiffler was shown to be the world's biggest liar.

You are a bold faced liar. The Senate Intelligence Committee agreed with the intelligence agencies' assessment that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump. Mueller also found that Trump's campaign gave internal polling data and other information to a individual tied in with Russian Intelligence.
During the House intelligence committee hearings, numerous members of the Obama administration testified that there was no evidence to support such a claim. Susan Wright, Brennan, Clapper and so on.

--“When asked directly, none of the interviewed witnesses provided evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.”
--“The committee found no evidence that President Trump’s pre-campaign business dealings formed the basis for collusion during the campaign.”

--“There is no evidence that Trump associates were involved in the theft or publication of Clinton campaign-related emails, although Trump associates had numerous ill-advised contact with Wikileaks.”
--“Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort attended a June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower where they expected to receive—but did not ultimately obtain—derogatory information on candidate Clinton from Russian sources.”

--“The committee found no evidence that meetings between Trump associates—including Jeff Sessions—and official representatives of the Russian government—including Ambassador Kislyak—reflected collusion, coordination, or conspiracy with the Russian government.”
Evidence shows no such thing. Fascist pigs like you want to jail everyone.
Thank you for that irrational, emotional outburst, lil snowflake; however, Oher testified under oath that he was working with Steele and Mueller on the Dossier BEFORE the official investigation began and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted a thorough internal investigation of the Russia narrative, on Carter Page, and on Michael Flynn. She stated they came up with NOITHING - no evidence of wrong-doing, no illegal Collusion.
-- Released documents show the FBI itself assessed the Dossier, provided by the Russian Intel Service through Steele, was Russian Propaganda. Strzok reportedly worked with Mueller.
-- Oher testified he worked with Mueller and Steele BEFORE an official investigation on Trump was begun, before Mueller became Special Counsel.
-- The FBI agents conducting the investigation of Flynn reported they found no criminal evidence and were about to close the investigation ... when Strzok stepped in and ordered it to remain open.

FBI documents show the FBI KNEW page was working with / talking to Russians because he was working for the State Department as an informant....information the FBI withheld from the FISA Court....because it DESTROYED their LIE about the Trump team colluding with Russians. Doing so is a CRIME.

FBI documents show the FBI withheld exculpatory information on Flynn from the FISA Court as well Doping so was / is a CRIME!

Do You REALLY think:
- Then FBI Director Comey did NOT talk to his 'MENTOR', former FBI Director Mueller...did not share with him what the FBI had done?
- Mueller, a former FBI Director, never attempted to find out from the FBVI - form his protege' - what Comey and the FBI had done so far before becoming Special Counsel / upon becoming Special Counsel?

Evidence shows Mueller not only talked to Comey and found out what thy were doing, it shows MUELLER KNEW the Dossier was Russian propaganda and continued the investigation anyway for YEARS!

Evidence shows that the Steele dossier was not Russian propaganda. The Russians were helping Trump not Clinton. They hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails. Trump's campaign gave internal polling data and other campaign information to a associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. The Russians bought pro-Trump ads on social media. The Senate Intelligence Committee agreed with the Intelligence agencies who found the same thing. At least 2 things in the Steele report was true.
Every argument / lie Democrats, the Fake news treasonous media, and snowflakes attempt to throw out in defense of the now-exposed criminals have more holes in them than Swiss cheese, contain less common sense than God gave a door knob, and are easily shredded by the overwhelming, massive amount of evidence - testimony under oath, official FBI / govt documents being released now, etc....

Barry has been fully exposed, as has BIDEN, as having been fully aware of the treasonous criminal acts perpetrated....and shows Barry pulled the puppet strings, directed the criminal play....

Obama, BIDEN, Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strzok, Page Baker, Clinesmith, Oher, and more - all the dots have been connected, their crimes exposed!

The trouble is that they committed no crimes. Nothing has bee3n exposed except your sick mind. The only treason was the one committed by Trump's campaign. They knew the Russians were helping them so they made it easy. That is why they gave internal polling data and campaign information to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.
The trouble is that they committed no crimes.

You are either insane or willingly false.

FISA Court abuses, illegally spying on Americans, manufacturing crimes, knowingly using Russian propaganda in an attempt to remove a President....

Either way, you have proven to be a waste of time talking to...

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