AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on his Reputation: "Everyone Dies"


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Gotta love this guy. This sounds like a man with a job to do despite the lies being thrown towards him. He knows his soul and conscious are clear and he'll do what he has to come hell or high water. When a man can say "everyone dies" then you know threats mean nothing to him. My respect for him just went two-fold.

Honey Badger Don't Care: AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on His Reputation: "Everyone Dies"
Hopefully Barr croaks sooner rather than later
He was working in Reagan's era he must be close to death...Wait, I worked during the Reagan era also..
Gotta love this guy. This sounds like a man with a job to do despite the lies being thrown towards him. He knows his soul and conscious are clear and he'll do what he has to come hell or high water. When a man can say "everyone dies" then you know threats mean nothing to him. My respect for him just went two-fold.

Honey Badger Don't Care: AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on His Reputation: "Everyone Dies"
Hopefully Barr croaks sooner rather than later
Why? Afraid of what he's going to expose about Hillary and Obama!
Gotta love this guy. This sounds like a man with a job to do despite the lies being thrown towards him. He knows his soul and conscious are clear and he'll do what he has to come hell or high water. When a man can say "everyone dies" then you know threats mean nothing to him. My respect for him just went two-fold.

Honey Badger Don't Care: AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on His Reputation: "Everyone Dies"
Hopefully Barr croaks sooner rather than later
Why? Afraid of what he's going to expose about Hillary and Obama!
Nobody that your fat orange fuck hires is going to ever expose anything
Gotta love this guy. This sounds like a man with a job to do despite the lies being thrown towards him. He knows his soul and conscious are clear and he'll do what he has to come hell or high water. When a man can say "everyone dies" then you know threats mean nothing to him. My respect for him just went two-fold.

Honey Badger Don't Care: AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on His Reputation: "Everyone Dies"

Yep.....Barr took some time off from kissing Trump's ass to have an interview to confirm that he is indeed a Trump stooge.....and proud of it.....LMAO

(anyone else guess that Barr is basically opting for a SCOTUS job???)
Gotta love this guy. This sounds like a man with a job to do despite the lies being thrown towards him. He knows his soul and conscious are clear and he'll do what he has to come hell or high water. When a man can say "everyone dies" then you know threats mean nothing to him. My respect for him just went two-fold.

Honey Badger Don't Care: AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on His Reputation: "Everyone Dies"
Hopefully Barr croaks sooner rather than later
Why? Afraid of what he's going to expose about Hillary and Obama!
Nobody that your fat orange fuck hires is going to ever expose anything
Think again, commie! This Barr quote from his CBS News interview shows his grasp of history

“Republics have fallen because of Praetorian Guard mentality where govt officials get arrogant, they identify national interest with own political preferences and they feel that anyone who has diff opinion is an enemy of the state”

Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, , Lynch, Rice, and others are toast.
Gotta love this guy. This sounds like a man with a job to do despite the lies being thrown towards him. He knows his soul and conscious are clear and he'll do what he has to come hell or high water. When a man can say "everyone dies" then you know threats mean nothing to him. My respect for him just went two-fold.

Honey Badger Don't Care: AG Barr on Partisan Attacks on His Reputation: "Everyone Dies"
Hopefully Barr croaks sooner rather than later
Why? Afraid of what he's going to expose about Hillary and Obama!
Nobody that your fat orange fuck hires is going to ever expose anything
Think again, commie! This Barr quote from his CBS News interview shows his grasp of history

“Republics have fallen because of Praetorian Guard mentality where govt officials get arrogant, they identify national interest with own political preferences and they feel that anyone who has diff opinion is an enemy of the state”

Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, , Lynch, Rice, and others are toast.
^ too stupid
This reminds me how snowflakes HATED former fired FBI Director Comey for conducting an investigation into Hillary's proven crimes.....

...then flip-flopped and praised him for being the best thing since sliced bread when he closed the investigation after declaring despite her breaking laws she was too stupid to know she was doing it and thus would not recommend indictment....

...then they flip-flopped again and declared he was the son of Beelzebub when he re-opened the investigation days before the election after his FBI agents discovered Hillary Aide Huma Abedin had illegally sent ever Hillary e-mail and file - to include the classified ones - to her unsecured unencrypted home laptop (the one that usually sat atop hubby Anthony Weiner's naked junk as he sexted under-aged girls)....

...and finally they flip-flopped one last time days later, professing the virtues of 'Saint James', when Comey declared there was nothing illegal about Huma's actions and closed the case again...

All of this just proved anyone who supports and protects their liberal Democrat 'deities' is honored and praised, anyone who opposes them are vilified...but anyone who is branded 'Enemy #1' for opposing Democrats can redeem themselves and return to a place of honor and respect within their ranks by coming back to the fold.


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