AG Jeff Sessions - “everyone that enters the country unlawfully is subject to being deported."

If something bad was to happen to a few of those dirty border-jumping cucarachas, the rest of the odious things would slither back to the stinking Third World where their kind belongs.

We mean really bad.

Really, REALLY bad.

Know what we mean.
Well we've engaged in ethnic cleansing before, ain't like we'd be breaking any new ground.

No we have never engaged in ethnic cleansing, most Native Americans died of disease and starvation which they suffered from even worse before the arrival of the evil white man which is why their numbers have grown exponentially since Europeans came to North America.
As it is, anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The president has no authority to exempt certain people from obeying the law. If that's what you want, then go to congress and get the law changed.

Wow you are really impressive. Not only are you a Professor of Physics, but you are a Constitutional Law expert. One wonders how you find time to post on the internet.

Show me the Constitutional right for non-citizen aliens to come to the US in any capacity whatsoever.
If something bad was to happen to a few of those dirty border-jumping cucarachas, the rest of the odious things would slither back to the stinking Third World where their kind belongs.

We mean really bad.

Really, REALLY bad.

Know what we mean.

Wow. How utterly ignorant.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever been to central or South America? Death Squads still rule the roost in most of those countries. In Venezuela the supporters of Madura are firing into the protesters to kill and frighten them.

How can you do anything worse than they are running from? Death, rape, starvation, sickness, and disease are what they grew up in. What you think you can rape some woman worse than the baddies back home could?

Drinking water out of drainage ditches often contaminated with human and farm animal waste is the norm for some of the areas. Yet you think you can make it worse. What an ass
No hon, I'll say what I mean despite your childish attempts to steer a "conversation" into a hissyfit, but your "job creator" class has long supported and lobbied for this "illegal" immigration to have present a labor pool they can exploit more viciously than they can at present get away with exploiting documented americans. Capital in america has always sought out the most fragile population available as a source of cheap labor. Cheaper the better, violence in the maintenance thereof being no issue.

I know SOME illegals are exploited but they still chose to come here and can leave at any time and thus only an idiot like you would call them slaves.

And most of the illegals don't even work and are just on welfare.
There were successful slavery prosecutions in FL in 2008 and 2012, they were chaining migrant workers up in semi trailers so they wouldn't run off. But in a society that has returned to profiteering from bondage with for profuit prisons and convict leasing, what's a little slavery thrown in to prop up "capitalism".

"Illegals" are here at the behest and as a result of all the lobbying your "job creator" class does to maintain this system.

Illegals are here of their own volition, nobody is putting a gun to their head abd forcing them to cross the border.
As it is, anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The president has no authority to exempt certain people from obeying the law. If that's what you want, then go to congress and get the law changed.

Wow you are really impressive. Not only are you a Professor of Physics, but you are a Constitutional Law expert. One wonders how you find time to post on the internet.

Show me the Constitutional right for non-citizen aliens to come to the US in any capacity whatsoever.

Nice quote from James Madison in the article. I'm sure you never heard of him before.
As it is, anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The president has no authority to exempt certain people from obeying the law. If that's what you want, then go to congress and get the law changed.

Wow you are really impressive. Not only are you a Professor of Physics, but you are a Constitutional Law expert. One wonders how you find time to post on the internet.

Show me the Constitutional right for non-citizen aliens to come to the US in any capacity whatsoever.

Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights

Nice quote from James Madison in the article. I'm sure you never heard of him before.

I realize that illegal aliens within the territorial jurisdiction of the US have Constitutional protections but that's not what I fucking asked you is it you fucking moron? I said show me the Constitutional right to immigrate to the United States for any alien in any capacity. Those here illegally already do not have the right to stay, they have the right to due process.
The Mexican government said Thursday the U.S. ignored its own immigration rules when it deported two illegal aliens back to Mexico.

The Secretariat of Foreign Relations, known in Mexico as SRE or the Chancellery, called the deportations of a so-called “Dreamer” and a mother of four a “violation” of immigration policy because neither had a criminal past.

Mexico To US: Deporting Illegal Immigrants Is A ‘Violation’ Of Rules
As it is, anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The president has no authority to exempt certain people from obeying the law. If that's what you want, then go to congress and get the law changed.

Wow you are really impressive. Not only are you a Professor of Physics, but you are a Constitutional Law expert. One wonders how you find time to post on the internet.
When you already know you are correct, you have the time. So far not one libtard has ever proven they are correct.
I realize that illegal aliens within the territorial jurisdiction of the US have Constitutional protections.

No they don't you idiot. Only citizens have constitutional rights. Note the first seven words of the constitution.

The SCOTUS has ruled that they do, that doesn't mean they have the right to be here, but you can't deny an illegal charged with a crime due process anymore than you could for a citizen.
No they don't you idiot. Only citizens have constitutional rights. Note the first seven words of the constitution.

The SCOTUS has ruled that they do, that doesn't mean they have the right to be here, but you can't deny an illegal charged with a crime due process anymore than you could for a citizen.

The Supreme Court has no authority to write laws, The constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." Until congress writes a law giving rights to illegals or the states amend the constitution to give rights to illegals - they have none.!

You are a legal ignoramus.
Jefferson would like to return to the good old days of the Antebellum planter aristocracy. Never gonna happen Jeffie, watch.

HAHAHA. So now illegals (WHO CHOSE TO COME HERE) are the same as slaves????!!!!. uramoron
No hon, I'll say what I mean despite your childish attempts to steer a "conversation" into a hissyfit, but your "job creator" class has long supported and lobbied for this "illegal" immigration to have present a labor pool they can exploit more viciously than they can at present get away with exploiting documented americans. Capital in america has always sought out the most fragile population available as a source of cheap labor. Cheaper the better, violence in the maintenance thereof being no issue.

Well sir, that's over now. Rule of law is in effect. Deal with it.

Me n the fellas have been talking about how bad illegals are for the country for years.

I've personally been underbid 8X on jobs by this fat white cracker that doesn't even do any work and works illegals.
No they don't you idiot. Only citizens have constitutional rights. Note the first seven words of the constitution.

The SCOTUS has ruled that they do, that doesn't mean they have the right to be here, but you can't deny an illegal charged with a crime due process anymore than you could for a citizen.

The Supreme Court has no authority to write laws, The constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." Until congress writes a law giving rights to illegals or the states amend the constitution to give rights to illegals - they have none.!

You are a legal ignoramus.

Neither does POTUS. Therefore Barry's DACA is unconstitutional and invalid.
As it is, anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The president has no authority to exempt certain people from obeying the law. If that's what you want, then go to congress and get the law changed.

Wow you are really impressive. Not only are you a Professor of Physics, but you are a Constitutional Law expert. One wonders how you find time to post on the internet.
When you already know you are correct, you have the time. So far not one libtard has ever proven they are correct.

So enforcement discretion does not exist?

Selective enforcement - Wikipedia

Odd. Since it is practiced every single day by cops, prosecutors, and even enforcement of regulations. Yet the President doesn't have the same authority that every cop on the street claims. When you are given a warning instead of a ticket, it is that discretion. When the Prosdcutor decides that a lesser charge is appropriate that is discrediting. When the President does it that is criminal.

Good to know. So when the IRS agent decides not to throw the book at someone and instead find a lesser violation is he committing s crime? When the Game Warden uses it does it make him a criminal? When the cop ignores a jaywalker is he a crook too?

Tell me again how the President doesn't have the same power as any other person.
Mexican Constitution, Article 33.

"Foreigners are those who do not possess the qualifications set forth in Article 30. They are entitled to the guarantees granted by Chapter I, Title I, of the present Constitution; but the Federal Executive shall have the exclusive power to compel any foreigner whose remaining he may deem inexpedient to abandon the national territory immediately and without the necessity of previous legal action. Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country."

What rights they want in the US again?
The Supreme Court has no authority to write laws, The constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." Until congress writes a law giving rights to illegals or the states amend the constitution to give rights to illegals - they have none.!

You are a legal ignoramus.

Neither does POTUS. Therefore Barry's DACA is unconstitutional and invalid.

Yes indeed and that point has been made many times. Obozo had no authority to give millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here when the LAW says they can't. He needed to get the law changed but congress wouldn't do it so obozo just wrote a law himself.!!!
The Supreme Court has no authority to write laws, The constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." Until congress writes a law giving rights to illegals or the states amend the constitution to give rights to illegals - they have none.!

You are a legal ignoramus.

Neither does POTUS. Therefore Barry's DACA is unconstitutional and invalid.

Yes indeed and that point has been made many times. Obozo had no authority to give millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here when the LAW says they can't. He needed to get the law changed but congress wouldn't do it so obozo just wrote a law himself.!!!
No they don't you idiot. Only citizens have constitutional rights. Note the first seven words of the constitution.

The SCOTUS has ruled that they do, that doesn't mean they have the right to be here, but you can't deny an illegal charged with a crime due process anymore than you could for a citizen.

The Supreme Court has no authority to write laws, The constitution says "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states." Until congress writes a law giving rights to illegals or the states amend the constitution to give rights to illegals - they have none.!

You are a legal ignoramus.

They have the authority to interpret the Constitution (Marbury V. Mason) are you asserting that an illegal alien charged with murder is not entitled to a trial and due process? You are a fucking moron.
Jefferson would like to return to the good old days of the Antebellum planter aristocracy. Never gonna happen Jeffie, watch.

HAHAHA. So now illegals (WHO CHOSE TO COME HERE) are the same as slaves????!!!!. uramoron
No hon, I'll say what I mean despite your childish attempts to steer a "conversation" into a hissyfit, but your "job creator" class has long supported and lobbied for this "illegal" immigration to have present a labor pool they can exploit more viciously than they can at present get away with exploiting documented americans. Capital in america has always sought out the most fragile population available as a source of cheap labor. Cheaper the better, violence in the maintenance thereof being no issue.

Well sir, that's over now. Rule of law is in effect. Deal with it.

Me n the fellas have been talking about how bad illegals are for the country for years.

I've personally been underbid 8X on jobs by this fat white cracker that doesn't even do any work and works illegals.
You and the fellows oughtta get them yahoos you vote for to listen to ya, your "job creator" class lobbies long and hard to have a work force here they can treat differently than those expensive crybaby american workers.

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