AG Sessions to Chicago: Suck it up, Buttercup. No money for you

Nice! :laugh:

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is suing DOJ for defunding sanctuary cities. Jeff Sessions' tough response: "comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement on the city of Chicago’s lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for withholding federal funds due to sanctuary city status:

“No amount of federal taxpayer dollars will help a city that refuses to help its own residents.

“This administration is committed to the rule of law and to enforcing the laws established by Congress. To a degree perhaps unsurpassed by any other jurisdiction, the political leadership of Chicago has chosen deliberately and intentionally to adopt a policy that obstructs this country’s lawful immigration system. They have demonstrated an open hostility to enforcing laws designed to protect law enforcement — Federal, state, and local — and reduce crime, and instead have adopted an official policy of protecting criminal aliens who prey on their own residents. This is astounding given the unprecedented violent crime surge in Chicago, with the number of murders in 2016 surpassing both New York and Los Angeles combined. The city’s leaders cannot follow some laws and ignore others and reasonably expect this horrific situation to improve.

“The Mayor complains that the federal government’s focus on enforcing the law would require a ‘reordering of law enforcement practice in Chicago.’ But that’s just what Chicago needs: a recommitment to the rule of law and to policies that rollback the culture of lawlessness that has beset the city.

“This administration will not simply give away grant dollars to city governments that proudly violate the rule of law and protect criminal aliens at the expense of public safety. So it’s this simple: Comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars.”
Of course not....Chicago serves the RW just fine the way it is.
Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.

Let us know how that case turns out, in about 7 years :laugh:
Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.

So you're for protecting illegal immigrants that commit crimes against Americans, maybe someone in your family will be affected by a illegal immigrant, like Kate Stien , would you still want to protect illegals then.
Oh before you start with the hole thingy about, not all illegal immigrants are murderers, rapists, thieves, I say this One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

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AG Sessions to Chicago: Suck it up, Buttercup. No money for you

Or for Appalachia. Being a GOP stronghold, you would have thought the GOP would help all those poor whites. Guess not.
Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.
how is "uphold the laws of the land" partisan?
Sessions for POUS

Fuck that. That guy is an out of touch 1950s authoritian throwback.

What are his policies you disapprove of? It's that you disapprove of him because he's guilty of being a white male Republican.

Despite the direction in this country of legalizing marijuana Jeff Sessions wants to ramp up prosecutions against it. Despite the direction of many states in the country of finally requiring proof of guilt for civil asset forfeitures Jeff sessions wants to increase civil asset forfeitures without proof of guilt. He is out of touch with the people and shouldn't even be attorney general let alone president

Do you feel guilty for being a white male Republican?
Nice! :laugh:

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is suing DOJ for defunding sanctuary cities. Jeff Sessions' tough response: "comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement on the city of Chicago’s lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for withholding federal funds due to sanctuary city status:

“No amount of federal taxpayer dollars will help a city that refuses to help its own residents.

“This administration is committed to the rule of law and to enforcing the laws established by Congress. To a degree perhaps unsurpassed by any other jurisdiction, the political leadership of Chicago has chosen deliberately and intentionally to adopt a policy that obstructs this country’s lawful immigration system. They have demonstrated an open hostility to enforcing laws designed to protect law enforcement — Federal, state, and local — and reduce crime, and instead have adopted an official policy of protecting criminal aliens who prey on their own residents. This is astounding given the unprecedented violent crime surge in Chicago, with the number of murders in 2016 surpassing both New York and Los Angeles combined. The city’s leaders cannot follow some laws and ignore others and reasonably expect this horrific situation to improve.

“The Mayor complains that the federal government’s focus on enforcing the law would require a ‘reordering of law enforcement practice in Chicago.’ But that’s just what Chicago needs: a recommitment to the rule of law and to policies that rollback the culture of lawlessness that has beset the city.

“This administration will not simply give away grant dollars to city governments that proudly violate the rule of law and protect criminal aliens at the expense of public safety. So it’s this simple: Comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars.”
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about the law?

State have no federal reason to care if someone is from out of State or merely from out of state, since 1808. The federal government has no police power over the several States.
Well, as long as the little people are going after each other the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated, keep participating in your own demise rubes.
Karma is kicking progressivisms ass, they are reaping what they sow. motherfucker
Well, as long as the little people are going after each other the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated, keep participating in your own demise rubes.
Karma is kicking progressivisms ass, they are reaping what they sow. motherfucker
Sure, that must be it, and amurka is gwaet again. Over half the working population makes less than $30K per year and we're exceptional and shit. What could go wrong? More endless wars of economic colonialism and occupation while we cannibalize society from within for Wall Street. Who's wit me!!!!
Well, as long as the little people are going after each other the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated, keep participating in your own demise rubes.
Karma is kicking progressivisms ass, they are reaping what they sow. motherfucker
Sure, that must be it, and amurka is gwaet again. Over half the working population makes less than $30K per year and we're exceptional and shit. What could go wrong? More endless wars of economic colonialism and occupation while we cannibalize society from within for Wall Street. Who's wit me!!!!
Socialist entitlement programs dorf all spending... dipshit
Well, as long as the little people are going after each other the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated, keep participating in your own demise rubes.
Karma is kicking progressivisms ass, they are reaping what they sow. motherfucker
Sure, that must be it, and amurka is gwaet again. Over half the working population makes less than $30K per year and we're exceptional and shit. What could go wrong? More endless wars of economic colonialism and occupation while we cannibalize society from within for Wall Street. Who's wit me!!!!
Socialist entitlement programs dorf all spending... dipshit
How much do our foreign entanglements in the Middle East, cost?
Well, as long as the little people are going after each other the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated, keep participating in your own demise rubes.
Karma is kicking progressivisms ass, they are reaping what they sow. motherfucker
Sure, that must be it, and amurka is gwaet again. Over half the working population makes less than $30K per year and we're exceptional and shit. What could go wrong? More endless wars of economic colonialism and occupation while we cannibalize society from within for Wall Street. Who's wit me!!!!
Socialist entitlement programs dorf all spending... dipshit
How much do our foreign entanglements in the Middle East, cost?
Nice! :laugh:

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is suing DOJ for defunding sanctuary cities. Jeff Sessions' tough response: "comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement on the city of Chicago’s lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for withholding federal funds due to sanctuary city status:

“No amount of federal taxpayer dollars will help a city that refuses to help its own residents.

“This administration is committed to the rule of law and to enforcing the laws established by Congress. To a degree perhaps unsurpassed by any other jurisdiction, the political leadership of Chicago has chosen deliberately and intentionally to adopt a policy that obstructs this country’s lawful immigration system. They have demonstrated an open hostility to enforcing laws designed to protect law enforcement — Federal, state, and local — and reduce crime, and instead have adopted an official policy of protecting criminal aliens who prey on their own residents. This is astounding given the unprecedented violent crime surge in Chicago, with the number of murders in 2016 surpassing both New York and Los Angeles combined. The city’s leaders cannot follow some laws and ignore others and reasonably expect this horrific situation to improve.

“The Mayor complains that the federal government’s focus on enforcing the law would require a ‘reordering of law enforcement practice in Chicago.’ But that’s just what Chicago needs: a recommitment to the rule of law and to policies that rollback the culture of lawlessness that has beset the city.

“This administration will not simply give away grant dollars to city governments that proudly violate the rule of law and protect criminal aliens at the expense of public safety. So it’s this simple: Comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars.”

How nice to see Repugs defending Jeff Sessions.....even though their idiotic hero Trump wants to fire him.

Oops!!! You've been had!
Jeff Sessions does not have the authority to placer conditions on federal grants. He talks about the rule of law but he apparently does not believe in the rule of law. To do it, he needs to get a authorization from Congress. Also many police organizations who supported Trump also oppose this.

When a federal agency decides to grant funds, they decide the rules for granting those funds, within FARS rules..

You are going to get a lesson from the courts.
Jeff Sessions does not have the authority to placer conditions on federal grants. He talks about the rule of law but he apparently does not believe in the rule of law. To do it, he needs to get a authorization from Congress. Also many police organizations who supported Trump also oppose this.

Untrue. Federal grants are renewed annually, so they can't take away a previously approved grant. But future grants are now dependent on compliance.

And if Sessions really wants to play hardball, he could always say "I am filing charges against Mayor Emmanuel for violations of Title 8 USC." for harboring illegals, and deduct the fines from their funding.

Don't believe Sessions would do something like that? Just watch.

The Congress has to place strings on funds. The executive branch does not have that right.

If Sessions wants to show that he is a thug that abuses the law he can do so. This is someone who wants to extort money from people without being charged for a crime.
Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.

They will lose based on what precedent? How do you think the federal government blackmailed all 50 states into establishing a 21-year-old drinking age? They did it by telling them they would withhold 10% of their highway funding if they didn't pass it. The Supreme Court said that was legal, so I don't see where you get your opinion from Chicago is going to win.
Raising the drinking age was uniformly applied across all states and based on a uniform policy enacted by congress. Unless congress acts with a clear set of guidelines as to what constitutes a sanctuary city and apply it across the nation Chicago has every right to challenge arbitrary policies enacted by a bureaucrat with no clear aim other than to force actions not required by current law.
Nothing arbitrary about it. The status of residency is uniform and consistent throughout the United States. No city or State has the right to violate the law and expect funding for doing so.

No city or state can be forced to enforce immigration law. If they refuse to cooperate with ICE, they are not breaking any laws.
Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.

They will lose based on what precedent? How do you think the federal government blackmailed all 50 states into establishing a 21-year-old drinking age? They did it by telling them they would withhold 10% of their highway funding if they didn't pass it. The Supreme Court said that was legal, so I don't see where you get your opinion from Chicago is going to win.
Raising the drinking age was uniformly applied across all states and based on a uniform policy enacted by congress. Unless congress acts with a clear set of guidelines as to what constitutes a sanctuary city and apply it across the nation Chicago has every right to challenge arbitrary policies enacted by a bureaucrat with no clear aim other than to force actions not required by current law.

No it wasn't, Wisconsin for years was 18 and Illinois 21

Cons don't realize it but precedent is being set for when Democrats gain control again. They will have free reign to pull all federal funding from whatever red states or city they have a whim to do so on. This stuff doesn't happen in a vaccuum cons. You think this moment is frozen in time? It isn't, it will pass quickly and the moment will arrive where everything that YOU hold dear will be burned to the ground.

That is the precedent that Drumpf is setting. From here forward gaining power will simply mean burning down every single thing the opposition has done for the previous few years.

And when the day arrives no whining from you losers.

What is red States doing illegal ?

God damn the left are such morons , first pot and now hiding criminals.

Jeff Sessions does not have the authority to placer conditions on federal grants. He talks about the rule of law but he apparently does not believe in the rule of law. To do it, he needs to get a authorization from Congress. Also many police organizations who supported Trump also oppose this.

When a federal agency decides to grant funds, they decide the rules for granting those funds, within FARS rules..

You are going to get a lesson from the courts.

Jeff Sessions does not have the authority to placer conditions on federal grants. He talks about the rule of law but he apparently does not believe in the rule of law. To do it, he needs to get a authorization from Congress. Also many police organizations who supported Trump also oppose this.

Untrue. Federal grants are renewed annually, so they can't take away a previously approved grant. But future grants are now dependent on compliance.

And if Sessions really wants to play hardball, he could always say "I am filing charges against Mayor Emmanuel for violations of Title 8 USC." for harboring illegals, and deduct the fines from their funding.

Don't believe Sessions would do something like that? Just watch.

The Congress has to place strings on funds. The executive branch does not have that right.

If Sessions wants to show that he is a thug that abuses the law he can do so. This is someone who wants to extort money from people without being charged for a crime.

Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.

They will lose based on what precedent? How do you think the federal government blackmailed all 50 states into establishing a 21-year-old drinking age? They did it by telling them they would withhold 10% of their highway funding if they didn't pass it. The Supreme Court said that was legal, so I don't see where you get your opinion from Chicago is going to win.
Raising the drinking age was uniformly applied across all states and based on a uniform policy enacted by congress. Unless congress acts with a clear set of guidelines as to what constitutes a sanctuary city and apply it across the nation Chicago has every right to challenge arbitrary policies enacted by a bureaucrat with no clear aim other than to force actions not required by current law.
Nothing arbitrary about it. The status of residency is uniform and consistent throughout the United States. No city or State has the right to violate the law and expect funding for doing so.

No city or state can be forced to enforce immigration law. If they refuse to cooperate with ICE, they are not breaking any laws.

This is very fascinating....somehow your twisted sense of reason has you convinced that illegals aren't the problem and the very people trying to protect American taxpayers and provide a safer, controlled nation are the problem?
AND...this makes sense to you how?
What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from REAL Americans?

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