AG Sessions to Chicago: Suck it up, Buttercup. No money for you

Jeff Sessions does not have the authority to placer conditions on federal grants. He talks about the rule of law but he apparently does not believe in the rule of law. To do it, he needs to get a authorization from Congress. Also many police organizations who supported Trump also oppose this.

Untrue. Federal grants are renewed annually, so they can't take away a previously approved grant. But future grants are now dependent on compliance.

And if Sessions really wants to play hardball, he could always say "I am filing charges against Mayor Emmanuel for violations of Title 8 USC." for harboring illegals, and deduct the fines from their funding.

Don't believe Sessions would do something like that? Just watch.

The Congress has to place strings on funds. The executive branch does not have that right.

If Sessions wants to show that he is a thug that abuses the law he can do so. This is someone who wants to extort money from people without being charged for a crime.

No, the DOJ is in charge of a bunch of grants and they alone get to decide who gets the money....of course their are others that Congress controls.

Chicago has filed suit and they will win because the criteria given for refusal is arbitrary, politically motivated and unsupported by statute. They could have simply refused to grant money without explanation and gotten away with it but refusing this money AND using it as a partisan political statement will land them in court and they will lose.

They will lose based on what precedent? How do you think the federal government blackmailed all 50 states into establishing a 21-year-old drinking age? They did it by telling them they would withhold 10% of their highway funding if they didn't pass it. The Supreme Court said that was legal, so I don't see where you get your opinion from Chicago is going to win.
Raising the drinking age was uniformly applied across all states and based on a uniform policy enacted by congress. Unless congress acts with a clear set of guidelines as to what constitutes a sanctuary city and apply it across the nation Chicago has every right to challenge arbitrary policies enacted by a bureaucrat with no clear aim other than to force actions not required by current law.
Nothing arbitrary about it. The status of residency is uniform and consistent throughout the United States. No city or State has the right to violate the law and expect funding for doing so.

No city or state can be forced to enforce immigration law. If they refuse to cooperate with ICE, they are not breaking any laws.
They're not being forced to enforce immigration laws. They are free to continue to break federal law. There is now going to be consequences for that.
Well, as long as the little people are going after each other the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated, keep participating in your own demise rubes.
Karma is kicking progressivisms ass, they are reaping what they sow. motherfucker
Sure, that must be it, and amurka is gwaet again. Over half the working population makes less than $30K per year and we're exceptional and shit. What could go wrong? More endless wars of economic colonialism and occupation while we cannibalize society from within for Wall Street. Who's wit me!!!!
Socialist entitlement programs dorf all spending... dipshit
How much do our foreign entanglements in the Middle East, cost?
Propaganda? Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror have to be listed under defense spending not welfare spending.
Jeff Sessions does not have the authority to placer conditions on federal grants. He talks about the rule of law but he apparently does not believe in the rule of law. To do it, he needs to get a authorization from Congress. Also many police organizations who supported Trump also oppose this.

When a federal agency decides to grant funds, they decide the rules for granting those funds, within FARS rules..

You are going to get a lesson from the courts.
I doubt it.
From the behavior of city leaders in Chicago, it looks like the city is looking to hispanics to put down black violence.

Oh goody! They'll finally get that race war they've been dreaming of. But this old white guy's staying at home to watch it on TV.
How's that Hillary plea bargain story coming along? I see you abandoned your fake news story after getting repeatedly humiliated
Made me laugh..
States should be charging persons from out of State up to ten dollars to ensure lawful participation in our markets.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

Human trafficking has always been illegal.

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