Again Democrats? Again?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
You know when you catch one person doing something its a crime but when you catch TWO in Different states doing the SAME thing? Okay, so in Flint you have Dillon a democrat who poisoned the people of the town of Flint.

That endangered about one hundred thousand people. Meanwhile the good people of Ohio sought to put an honest republican if office. Well the small city of Sebring population 81 thousand in under democrat control and citizens there were smart enough to build a water treatment plant.

They FORGOT one thing. Democrats would rather LIE then breathe.

Elevated lead levels were detected months ago but local officials failed to warn residents until last week despite pressure from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Some 8,100 people rely on the Sebring water system."

LOCAL democrats KNEW months ago their water was POISON and NEGLECTED to do anything about it. How aware were they?

"The agency said it has "reason to suspect that the operator falsified reports" and has asked the federal Environmental Protection Agency's criminal division for help with the investigation."

"A spokeswoman for the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency said she could not release further details about what types of reports were allegedly falsified or speculate as to why Sebring officials failed to warn the public."

Lead CAUSES brain damage that CANNOT be repaired. In short close to TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND human beings have been harmed in the last 60 days by democrats. And that's the PROVEN amount.

So the LOCAL democrats kept sitting on their hands doing NOTHING but "testing" What good is "testing" when the reports are FALSE? Now Gov "K" TRIED to warn folks as far back as September but LOCAL democrats and media WITHHELD that info until just a WEEK ago.

"The state agency eventually issued its own warning on December 3 about lead contamination in the Sebring water supply but most people in town did not hear about it until last week."

Who in their right mind is even going to trust democrat control or over sight of one of their basic needs? Clean water is the most basic need for ALL life on planet earth. Unless of course you are a democrat then lives simply do not matter.

We well may see many other democrat controlled areas with this problem of hiding and lying. This national scandal may well unfold DURING the election process and citizens of major cities MAY just learn how worthless their lives are to a democrat.

Lead poisoning strikes another US town
If you truly want to ruin something, make democrats be responsible for it!!!!!!!!!


Children and pregnant women in Sebring, Ohio, have been advised not to drink tap water as another poisoning scandal has erupted in the US. Elevated lead levels in the water were detected last year, but local officials failed to notify thousands of residents for months.

When people asked Sebring Mayor Michael Pinkerton, present at the council meeting, if he himself was actually drinking the water, he replied: “In the morning, I let [the water] run for about 30 seconds, just like they said on the brochure, and then I use it, like I have been every day.”

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said in a statementit has"reason to suspect that the operator falsified reports."

An emergency order has been issued forbidding the current licensed operator James Bates from working at the Sebring village water treatment plant, informing him that the agency has taken steps to revoke his operating license for endangering the public.

A spokeswoman for the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency said she could not release any details about what reports were“falsified”or explain why Sebring officials failed to warn the public. "We were working with them for quite a while trying to get information out of them and get them to do the right thing,"Heidi Griesmer told AFP.

"The games the village of Sebring was playing – they gave us incomplete data time and time again, and were not providing documents when they were due," she said. "It made it difficult for our field office to determine whether or not they notified their customers."

Meanwhile, letters from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to the village of Sebring show problems with lead in the water supply dating back to at least November.
Flint 2.0? Officials failed to warn Sebring, Ohio residents of lead-contaminated water for months
If you truly want to ruin something, make democrats be responsible for it!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 61214

Children and pregnant women in Sebring, Ohio, have been advised not to drink tap water as another poisoning scandal has erupted in the US. Elevated lead levels in the water were detected last year, but local officials failed to notify thousands of residents for months.

When people asked Sebring Mayor Michael Pinkerton, present at the council meeting, if he himself was actually drinking the water, he replied: “In the morning, I let [the water] run for about 30 seconds, just like they said on the brochure, and then I use it, like I have been every day.”

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said in a statementit has"reason to suspect that the operator falsified reports."

An emergency order has been issued forbidding the current licensed operator James Bates from working at the Sebring village water treatment plant, informing him that the agency has taken steps to revoke his operating license for endangering the public.

A spokeswoman for the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency said she could not release any details about what reports were“falsified”or explain why Sebring officials failed to warn the public. "We were working with them for quite a while trying to get information out of them and get them to do the right thing,"Heidi Griesmer told AFP.

"The games the village of Sebring was playing – they gave us incomplete data time and time again, and were not providing documents when they were due," she said. "It made it difficult for our field office to determine whether or not they notified their customers."

Meanwhile, letters from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to the village of Sebring show problems with lead in the water supply dating back to at least November.
Flint 2.0? Officials failed to warn Sebring, Ohio residents of lead-contaminated water for months
Those democrats need to be charged and tried as domestic terrorists. And if found guilty? SHOT.

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