Agenda 21: Mind Control And Smart Growth


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Kelleigh Nelson
Mar. 23, 2013

Do you cherish your God-given constitutional right to own property? UN Agenda 21′s Smart Growth is in full bloom across our nation. In East Tennessee the five county local “Regional” program is called Plan East Tennessee, (Regional Plan for Livable Communities), a plan which will eliminate private property rights in these five counties. Link It is a plan for Smart Growth. Rosa Koire, author of, “Behind the Green Mask,” defines Smart Growth on her website, as “Human habitation as it is referred to now is restricted to lands within the Urban Growth Boundaries of the city. Only certain building designs are permitted. Rural property is more and more restricted on what uses can be on it.”

I explained how our former Knoxville City Mayor, Bill Haslam (now Tennessee’s Governor) hired his Democratic opponent, Madeline Rogero to work in his Republican Mayoral administration since the election was very close. He wanted a second term without her running against him. Rogero is now the new Knoxville City Mayor.

These grants, part of the Obama administration’s Partnership for Sustainable Communities, bring together HUD, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Two types of grants were awarded — those to update existing plans, and those to develop sustainability plans from scratch.

Knoxville is also a dues paying member of ICLEI since 2007. From Tom DeWeese’s article, Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson, ” ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Additional groups include American Planning Association, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies.


Read more:
Agenda 21: Mind Control And Smart Growth : Freedom Outpost
"Smart growth" like 100% of government programs with names that imply a result or a value produces the opposite of what it suggests. Smart growth raised its malignant head about twenty years ago in the hands of people with more degrees than sense. In other words the sort of people best described as hypercredentialed urban planners working out side any area of proven skill to lock up the rural surrounds with ersatz zoning as their fathers' euclidean zoning horseshit ensured ghetto areas/urban decay with "projects" and so on in the name of progress.

Neighboring state Maryland has an official "smart growth" policy which has failed miserably where it might have worked, urban areas, and has rural areas under it so fucked up its almost impossible to take a shit without the right permits.

To someone's point about "takings" all zoning laws are forms of "takings". Any time government goes past actual public health in regulating land use it is a taking, or a subordination of landowner rights to the god damned government.
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By Kelleigh Nelson
Mar. 23, 2013

Do you cherish your God-given constitutional right to own property? UN Agenda 21′s Smart Growth is in full bloom across our nation. In East Tennessee the five county local “Regional” program is called Plan East Tennessee, (Regional Plan for Livable Communities), a plan which will eliminate private property rights in these five counties.

The Plan East Tennessee website is here: Project Overview | Regional Plan for Livable Communities

Where does it say it will eliminate private property rights in those five counties? I just skimmed it so maybe I missed it, I've never heard of it until your post.

People are so dumb. Private property rights have been eroded for the past century. Even something as innocuous as a "building permit" by the government in an infringement. Or having to ask permission to repave your own damn driveway is an infringement on property rights.

But it's been done for so long, you don't even recognize it as an end to property rights. When ever the government requires you buy a permit, request permission, or file a form to do something with property YOU BOUGHT, it has eliminated property rights. It doesn't need to say so explicitly.

Do you own property? Try building a tool shed on it without telling the neighborhood or the city first, see what happens. If you live in a dry state, gather all the rain water that falls on your land, see what happens.

Fuckin' property rights. What ever.
The Plan East Tennessee website is here: Project Overview | Regional Plan for Livable Communities

Where does it say it will eliminate private property rights in those five counties? I just skimmed it so maybe I missed it, I've never heard of it until your post.
It doesn't. Plan East Tennessee is a project to create a development plan. I assume if successful, that it will lead to land use restrictions, zoning, and limit the type of development within the region. Regional plans if done right can be of tremendous benefit. If they screw it up, it will hamper development. It's a pretty long stretch to equate this project to some international conspiracy to eliminate private property rights.

There have been regional development plans for years across the country. Property owners who disagree with the plan claim it's taking away their private property rights. What's makes this project different?
The Plan East Tennessee website is here: Project Overview | Regional Plan for Livable Communities

Where does it say it will eliminate private property rights in those five counties? I just skimmed it so maybe I missed it, I've never heard of it until your post.
It doesn't. Plan East Tennessee is a project to create a development plan. I assume if successful, that it will lead to land use restrictions, zoning, and limit the type of development within the region. Regional plans if done right can be of tremendous benefit. If they screw it up, it will hamper development. It's a pretty long stretch to equate this project to some international conspiracy to eliminate private property rights.

There have been regional development plans for years across the country. Property owners who disagree with the plan claim it's taking away their private property rights. What's makes this project different?
I didn't think so, but WehrWolfen claimed it will eliminate private property rights in these five counties. Maybe he's confused, or didn't read his own link.

Agenda 21 is real.
You are correct, it is quite real.

It is a 20 year old nonbinding UN document.
The Plan East Tennessee website is here: Project Overview | Regional Plan for Livable Communities

Where does it say it will eliminate private property rights in those five counties? I just skimmed it so maybe I missed it, I've never heard of it until your post.
It doesn't. Plan East Tennessee is a project to create a development plan. I assume if successful, that it will lead to land use restrictions, zoning, and limit the type of development within the region. Regional plans if done right can be of tremendous benefit. If they screw it up, it will hamper development. It's a pretty long stretch to equate this project to some international conspiracy to eliminate private property rights.

There have been regional development plans for years across the country. Property owners who disagree with the plan claim it's taking away their private property rights. What's makes this project different?
I didn't think so, but WehrWolfen claimed it will eliminate private property rights in these five counties. Maybe he's confused, or didn't read his own link.

Agenda 21 is real.
You are correct, it is quite real.

It is a 20 year old nonbinding UN document.

Am laughing out loud at that. There is maybe a little more to the maligancy described as "smart growth" than some anti-UN nutball link. Anyone who believes smart growth doesn't take away property rights is a few bricks short of a load.

Go to google
Enter "smart growth" and you'll get some options...
About 1,930,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Agenda 21: First introduced at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. (You were probably too busy watching the NBA "Dream Team" to notice!)

Here's the basic Idea:

Herd the US populace into large Urban areas where they can be better controlled, monitored and taxed.

Then lease or sell the open Rural Areas to Multi-National Corporations for Natural Resource Exploitation.

Isn't that great? That's Freedom! Oh you didn't vote for that? Well the Bankers own your elected representatives up to and including the President! Your vote doesn't mean sh*t!

And don't forget to surrender all your guns like the good little Drones that you are!
Am laughing out loud at that. There is maybe a little more to the maligancy described as "smart growth" than some anti-UN nutball link. Anyone who believes smart growth doesn't take away property rights is a few bricks short of a load.

Go to google
Enter "smart growth" and you'll get some options...
About 1,930,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Okay, but to be clear there isn't anything documenting the plan in Tennessee to take away private property rights? That is what I'm having trouble with, what the OP claimed versus what I can find backing it up.

Herd the US populace into large Urban areas where they can be better controlled, monitored and taxed.
How would a nonbinding document herd anyone anywhere in the US?
The Plan East Tennessee website is here: Project Overview | Regional Plan for Livable Communities

Where does it say it will eliminate private property rights in those five counties? I just skimmed it so maybe I missed it, I've never heard of it until your post.

Obviously you are also anti-gun. We know because you always go off half cocked. Read the following 'link''.
Okay I read the link, it contains a bunch of flowery language about a consortium and their somewhat pie-in-the-sky goals for a better community, but it was pretty light on implementation details and I didn't see it mentioning eliminating private property rights.

Since you are using that link to support your claim that Plan East Tennessee will eliminate private property rights, would you kindly point to the paragraph and verbiage in your text that specifies private property rights will be eliminated?

Not sure how whether I'm anti-gun is relevant to you backing up your claims about elimination of private property rights so I'll ignore that, let's focus on the thread.
Just like Kyoto is nonbinding...That doesn't mean that the socialist freaks at the UN are going to relent in their attempts to put it into force in as many places as they can.
You're mistaken.

Kyoto Protocol
"The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty that sets binding obligations on industrialised countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. "
Just like Kyoto is nonbinding...That doesn't mean that the socialist freaks at the UN are going to relent in their attempts to put it into force in as many places as they can.

(caught manufacturing bullshit)

It's binding upon those stupid enough to sign onto it.

Of course, there's nothing stopping any of the signatory nations from ignoring Kyoto with impunity, as was done in the case of the UN oil-for-food scam in Iraq.

(then after being caught now spinning by adding conditionals in qualify previous lie)

funny shit :clap2:
By Kelleigh Nelson
Mar. 23, 2013

Do you cherish your God-given constitutional right to own property? UN Agenda 21′s Smart Growth is in full bloom across our nation. In East Tennessee the five county local “Regional” program is called Plan East Tennessee, (Regional Plan for Livable Communities), a plan which will eliminate private property rights in these five counties. Link It is a plan for Smart Growth. Rosa Koire, author of, “Behind the Green Mask,” defines Smart Growth on her website, as “Human habitation as it is referred to now is restricted to lands within the Urban Growth Boundaries of the city. Only certain building designs are permitted. Rural property is more and more restricted on what uses can be on it.”

I explained how our former Knoxville City Mayor, Bill Haslam (now Tennessee’s Governor) hired his Democratic opponent, Madeline Rogero to work in his Republican Mayoral administration since the election was very close. He wanted a second term without her running against him. Rogero is now the new Knoxville City Mayor.

These grants, part of the Obama administration’s Partnership for Sustainable Communities, bring together HUD, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Two types of grants were awarded — those to update existing plans, and those to develop sustainability plans from scratch.

Knoxville is also a dues paying member of ICLEI since 2007. From Tom DeWeese’s article, Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson, ” ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Additional groups include American Planning Association, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies.


Read more:
Agenda 21: Mind Control And Smart Growth : Freedom Outpost

I do not know enough about this local issue to comment on it.

But I DO SHARE YOUR CONCERNS about the intrusion of the UN on US laws.
Just like Kyoto is nonbinding...That doesn't mean that the socialist freaks at the UN are going to relent in their attempts to put it into force in as many places as they can.

(caught manufacturing bullshit)

It's binding upon those stupid enough to sign onto it.

Of course, there's nothing stopping any of the signatory nations from ignoring Kyoto with impunity, as was done in the case of the UN oil-for-food scam in Iraq.

(then after being caught now spinning by adding conditionals in qualify previous lie)

funny shit :clap2:
Kyoto isn't binding upon anyone who doesn't sign onto it...That's not a lie....And Italy has already been caught cheating.

Swiss catch Italy cheating on Kyoto? |

Germany and France got caught cheating in the UN oil-for-palaces scam....That is a fact.

The same model is being used for Agenda 21...Put it out there, then passively-aggressively get people to go along with it, prior to coming up with a big treaty that ropes countries stupid enough to play along to sign onto it....Such is already happening in places putting the so-called "smart growth" policies into place, like Portland, OR.
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Kyoto isn't binding upon anyone who doesn't sign onto it...That's not a lie....
Okay, and my neighbor's mortgage isn't a legal contract between them and the bank because I didn't sign it too.

Kyoto Protocol is a binding resolution, and your comparison of it to Agenda 21 saying it is also non-binding was utterly retarded. You can spin it any way you want, but you were caught bullshitting and are looking more foolish on the subject the more you post.

Germany and France got caught cheating in the UN oil-for-palaces scam....That is a fact.
Cool fact, but irrelevant to the fact Kyoto is a binding treaty.

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