Aggressive driving

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
I've been watching quite a few driving videos on YouTude, one called Idiots in Cars.

Why are Americans so aggressive, especially at junctions. Sometimes people make mistakes, so why not get your foot off the accelerator pedal for a couple of seconds? As soon as lights turn green, why not double check it's safe to set off? When someone is wanting to change lane, why not let them?

Why do Americans feel like it's their God given right to barge on at one million miles an hour?
I've been watching quite a few driving videos on YouTude, one called Idiots in Cars.

Why are Americans so aggressive, especially at junctions. Sometimes people make mistakes, so why not get your foot off the accelerator pedal for a couple of seconds? As soon as lights turn green, why not double check it's safe to set off? When someone is wanting to change lane, why not let them?

Why do Americans feel like it's their God given right to barge on at one million miles an hour? are driven 24/7--MILLIONS all the time --all day -- everyday ......and I see a lot of crazy shit...I'm '''surprised'' there are not more deaths--.....but, it goes to show how safe driving is......remember, it's per capita
DukeU I had some jackass do that to me yesterday!! only he pulled in front of me and checked brake!! cause there was a car in front of him, he only had 1 car length between me and the next car--and he pulled in--only to stop at a light about 100 yards away!! --so, I turned left and got past that light
..he was initially behind me
@DukeU I had some jackass do that to me yesterday!! only he pulled in front of me and checked brake!! cause there was a car in front of him, he only had 1 car length between me and the next car--and he pulled in--only to stop at a light about 100 yards away!! --so, I turned left and got past that light
..he was initially behind me

It happens almost daily to me, drives me insane. :102:
DukeU I cuss and give the finger a lot---just for fun ..not so much at the other people, but just for me to have a laugh .......I see people at 515 am in a hurry!!! ????.....
..I knew someone who lived about 3 blocks from work, and he'd always be late...workers at my work come in and run to the ''punch'' clock--just about every day!!! why don't they leave 5 minutes earlier???!!!!

There's nearly thirty five thousand people killed in car accidents every year!!!


It's a pandemic and those cars should all be wearing masks and social distancing.

If they'd only get vaccinated it would save lives!!!


...a lot of people, speed up, only to have to stop at a light....I see it all the time....I save mucho gas by watching the stoplights/etc......I accelerate slowly....and don't use my brakes as much .....
my dad used to see how far he could drive and never touch the brakes,, he could go for miles,,

I followed his tactics,, slow and steady while paying attention,,
Another one of my favorites :rolleyes: are the left laners who will ride your bumper expecting you to get over. So, you get over and let them pass only to watch them continue to ride in left lane with someone on their bumper and make that person change lanes to pass.
...I was driving on a two lane road - [ 1 each way ] ..speed limit is 30 mph....I'm going 37 to 40 mph ....biker behind me passes me!!!!! and there are 2 schools on this road......caught up with him at the next stoplight = idiot

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