Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

You actually put forward as a credible source something on the same level as Der Sturmer, Stormfront, Globe or the Star. Pitiful just pitiful.

Not even close.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

Apparently it has hurt you.
Not at all my friend, bigotry and lies are the stuff of ignorance and desparation. I suffer from niether.
Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Yeah, in a way... That whole aggrieved whiteness shtick has no purpose other than to keep the GOP in power. The Goobers take down White blue-collar workers in so-called right-to-work States the same as they do their colored colleagues, don't they? So, sure, White workers on average are better off than Black ones, but really, really, really, in the broader scheme of things, neither group matters, and neither group is set to benefit from all that aggrieved whiteness. Asserting White workers do is just another way to drive a wedge between White workers and workers of color, to the detriment of both groups. In the end, aggrieved blackness over the abomination that is aggrieved whiteness is aggrieved whiteness's best ally, and no one looks friendlier upon that than the Goobers while counting Whites' votes.
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement
You guys are funny.

American Rage: The Esquire/NBC News Survey

By Esquire Editors

LET'S BEGIN WITH THE BIG REVEALS: Half of all Americans are angrier today than they were a year ago. White Americans are the angriest of all. And black Americans are more optimistic about the future of the country and the existence of the American dream. There are depths and dimensions, dark corners and subtle contours to our national mood, and setting aside the issue of who actually has a right to be angry and about what—these pages are neutral territory; everyone is allowed their beef—we found three main factors shaping American rage:

EXPECTATIONS: Are you disappointed? Do you feel stifled and shortchanged and sold a bill of goods? Then you're probably pretty angry. Consider the white men and women in our survey: From their views on the state of the American dream (dead) and America's role in the world (not what it used to be) to how their life is working out for them (not quite what they'd had in mind), a plurality of whites tends to view life through a veil of disappointment. When we cross-tabulate these feelings with reports of daily anger (which are higher among whites than nonwhites), we see the anger of perceived disenfranchisement—a sense that the majority has become a persecuted minority, the bitterness of a promise that didn't pan out—rather than actual hardship. (If anger were tied to hardship, we'd expect to see nonwhite Americans—who report having a harder time making ends meet than whites, per question three—reporting higher levels of anger. This is not the case.)

Indeed, despite having what many would consider a more legitimate case for feeling angry, black Americans are generally less angry than whites. Though they take great issue with the way they are treated by both society in general and the police in particular, blacks are also more likely than whites to believe that the American dream is still alive; that America is still the most powerful country in the world; that race relations have improved over the past eight years; and, most important in the context of expectations, that their financial situation is better than they thought it would be when they were younger. Their optimism in the face of adversity suggests that hope, whatever its other virtues, remains a potent antidote to anger.

American Rage: The Esquire/NBC News Survey
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.
Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Yeah, in a way... That whole aggrieved whiteness shtick has no purpose other than to keep the GOP in power. The Goobers take down White blue-collar workers in so-called right-to-work States the same as they do their colored colleagues, don't they? So, sure, White workers on average are better off than Black ones, but really, really, really, in the broader scheme of things, neither group matters, and neither group is set to benefit from all that aggrieved whiteness. Asserting White workers do is just another way to drive a wedge between White workers and workers of color, to the detriment of both groups. In the end, aggrieved blackness over the abomination that is aggrieved whiteness is aggrieved whiteness's best ally, and no one looks friendlier upon that than the Goobers while counting Whites' votes.

I agree with most of what you say. But here is where we differ, what you call aggrieved blackness is our legitimate grievance against our consistent mistreatment by whites. Aggrieved whiteness is a perception.

But there is no doubt the GOP uses this to manipulate people into voting R.
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.


“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

You actually put forward as a credible source something on the same level as Der Sturmer, Stormfront, Globe or the Star. Pitiful just pitiful.

Not even close.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

Apparently it has hurt you.
Not at all my friend, bigotry and lies are the stuff of ignorance and desparation. I suffer from niether.

Keep telling yourself that.
You actually put forward as a credible source something on the same level as Der Sturmer, Stormfront, Globe or the Star. Pitiful just pitiful.

Not even close.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

Apparently it has hurt you.
Not at all my friend, bigotry and lies are the stuff of ignorance and desparation. I suffer from niether.

Keep telling yourself that.
It doesn't take long for you to get really lame. Have fun with your bigotry and jealousy.
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.


“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you.

Focus on education, not hyperbola and criticism.

When I was a little boy, I would often say to my father; "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

. . . and he would respond, "Yeah? Get used to it, life's not fair." And I really do pity and feel sorry for every minority and subjected minority class in the nation. With that being said, we can not use the federal government to force equal outcomes, only equal opportunity.

Your mistake is trying to use the force of government to try to change the hearts and minds of the population, to FORCE equal outcomes. It can't be done. Yet YOU can be the change you want to see. It can't be done with government, for that will only make things worse..

Only by seeing yourself as one with your brother, no matter what the color of his skin, will he then give a damn about your condition. If you proclaim, he is not white, I am not black, but WE are family, and thus, WE will take care of each other. . .

Then, we all reach the promised land together. Any other strategy will only lead to balkanization.

Until then, you will only make enemies, and enemies do not cooperate, they do not give charity, and they give no quarter.

Sometimes I'm not sure that is what you want.

Unless you are a hired gun that is intending to drive a wedge? :dunno: For I honestly see you always doing more harm than good.
Most whites at USMB have this belief.

"Recent social psychological research, opinion polls, and political movements, such as the Tea Party and the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, have highlighted an increasingly widespread sentiment among white Americans that they are a structurally oppressed racial group. In spite of persistent socio-cultural and political economic structures of white supremacy, real racial inequalities that serve to privilege rather than oppress white people as a group, a politics of aggrieved whiteness has become increasingly prevalent. Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats."

Aggrieved Whiteness: White Identity Politics and Modern American Racial Formation

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.


“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you.

Focus on education, not hyperbola and criticism.

When I was a little boy, I would often say to my father; "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

. . . and he would respond, "Yeah? Get used to it, life's not fair." And I really do pity and feel sorry for every minority and subjected minority class in the nation. With that being said, we can not use the federal government to force equal outcomes, only equal opportunity.

Your mistake is trying to use the force of government to try to change the hearts and minds of the population, to FORCE equal outcomes. It can't be done. Yet YOU can be the change you want to see. It can't be done with government, for that will only make things worse..

Only by seeing yourself as one with your brother, no matter what the color of his skin, will he then give a damn about your condition. If you proclaim, he is not white, I am not black, but WE are family, and thus, WE will take care of each other. . .

Then, we all reach the promised land together. Any other strategy will only lead to balkanization.

Until then, you will only make enemies, and enemies do not cooperate, they do not give charity, and they give no quarter.

Sometimes I'm not sure that is what you want.

Unless you are a hired gun that is intending to drive a wedge? :dunno: For I honestly see you always doing more harm than good.

Whites will be criticized until they decide to educate themselves out of racism. I don't know what you white people think you are, but you seem to believe you can criticize others and demand they do something but your asses can't be criticized. Fuck that.

Don't preach to me about doing what whites have not ever done. Until you whites start seeing US as brothers equal every way, we will remain divided. Plan and simple.

Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.


“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you.

Focus on education, not hyperbola and criticism.

When I was a little boy, I would often say to my father; "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

. . . and he would respond, "Yeah? Get used to it, life's not fair." And I really do pity and feel sorry for every minority and subjected minority class in the nation. With that being said, we can not use the federal government to force equal outcomes, only equal opportunity.

Your mistake is trying to use the force of government to try to change the hearts and minds of the population, to FORCE equal outcomes. It can't be done. Yet YOU can be the change you want to see. It can't be done with government, for that will only make things worse..

Only by seeing yourself as one with your brother, no matter what the color of his skin, will he then give a damn about your condition. If you proclaim, he is not white, I am not black, but WE are family, and thus, WE will take care of each other. . .

Then, we all reach the promised land together. Any other strategy will only lead to balkanization.

Until then, you will only make enemies, and enemies do not cooperate, they do not give charity, and they give no quarter.

Sometimes I'm not sure that is what you want.

Unless you are a hired gun that is intending to drive a wedge? :dunno: For I honestly see you always doing more harm than good.

Whites will be criticized until they decide to educate themselves out of racism. I don't know what you white people think you are, but you seem to believe you can criticize others and demand they do something but your asses can't be criticized. Fuck that.

Don't preach to me about doing what whites have not ever done. Until you whites start seeing US as brothers equal every way, we will remain divided. Plan and simple.

I already stated, I agree with you, the system has inherent endemic systematic flaws that tilt the system against women, gays, and minorities.

That's life.

You can either spend it whining, or count what blessings you do have, and rise to the challenge to help yourself and those you can.

I wasn't trying to sound critical. If you took it that way, I sincerely apologize friend. Have a joyous holiday weekend, best of luck with whatever you hope to accomplish.
whites are the majority and blacks fail at school
they should be and of course will be the ''dominant'' race
when you have dumbasses in control, the community/etc goes to shit
Let me find that one black guy who says what I want to hear thinking it validates my argument.


“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance (the Negro makes) -- the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you.

Focus on education, not hyperbola and criticism.

When I was a little boy, I would often say to my father; "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

. . . and he would respond, "Yeah? Get used to it, life's not fair." And I really do pity and feel sorry for every minority and subjected minority class in the nation. With that being said, we can not use the federal government to force equal outcomes, only equal opportunity.

Your mistake is trying to use the force of government to try to change the hearts and minds of the population, to FORCE equal outcomes. It can't be done. Yet YOU can be the change you want to see. It can't be done with government, for that will only make things worse..

Only by seeing yourself as one with your brother, no matter what the color of his skin, will he then give a damn about your condition. If you proclaim, he is not white, I am not black, but WE are family, and thus, WE will take care of each other. . .

Then, we all reach the promised land together. Any other strategy will only lead to balkanization.

Until then, you will only make enemies, and enemies do not cooperate, they do not give charity, and they give no quarter.

Sometimes I'm not sure that is what you want.

Unless you are a hired gun that is intending to drive a wedge? :dunno: For I honestly see you always doing more harm than good.

Whites will be criticized until they decide to educate themselves out of racism. I don't know what you white people think you are, but you seem to believe you can criticize others and demand they do something but your asses can't be criticized. Fuck that.

Don't preach to me about doing what whites have not ever done. Until you whites start seeing US as brothers equal every way, we will remain divided. Plan and simple.

I already stated, I agree with you, the system has inherent endemic systematic flaws that tilt the system against women, gays, and minorities.

That's life.

You can either spend it whining, or count what blessings you do have, and rise to the challenge to help yourself and those you can.

I wasn't trying to sound critical. If you took it that way, I sincerely apologize friend. Have a joyous holiday weekend, best of luck with whatever you hope to accomplish.

No, racism is not life. If you had to endue the shit, you would not be so cavalier in your attitude about it.

This is not abut whining and as long as whites keep calling it that, there is going to be anger. I tse he chllnge fr 32 years. I simply feel that whites cannot tell us how we need to look at them as brothers and to not see color when they have never done that.

Happy holidays to you and yours as well.
Some forum members tend to think that Whites existence is racist, but they aren't racist.

Too ridiculous for words, really...
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

So to be blunt, this is fiction whites created to maintain white socio-political hegemony or white leadership and dominance over others. It is based in a belief of entitlement

Oshay Duke Jackson BUFFOONERY.jpg

"The buffoonery remains at an all time high" ~Oshay Duke Jackson, creator & CEO of, popular YouTube and Patreon social commentator, as well as American medical student studying abroad.

Have my fellow group members ever listened to apparent reasonably responsible Americans sharing their thoughts and concerns about issues affecting our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

During this 14:00 broadcast Mr. ODJ shares thoughts and concerns, as well as SOLUTIONS focused on improving the Quality of Life for many black or American citizens of African descent.

"The Man Got His Foot On My Neck" Published on Nov 12, 2018 by Oshay Duke Jackson


American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
When I was a little boy, I would often say to my father; "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

. . . and he would respond, "Yeah? Get used to it, life's not fair." And I really do pity and feel sorry for every minority and subjected minority class in the nation. With that being said, we can not use the federal government to force equal outcomes, only equal opportunity.

Your mistake is trying to use the force of government to try to change the hearts and minds of the population, to FORCE equal outcomes. It can't be done. Yet YOU can be the change you want to see. It can't be done with government, for that will only make things worse..
While you're correcy that hearts and minds can not be changed by government and that racism can't be forced away by governments, I don't agree that government interventions will only make things worse and I can tell you why.

Let's say that the majority of white people during the time of legal discrimination & segregation in the U.S. were not actual racist however they were members of the priviledged race living in a white supremacist society. Perhaps for them, speaking out against racism or going against the status quo would or could result in undesired backlash. Most people will not put themselves at risk of harm - reputational, financial, physical or loss of societal status, etc. - simply to stand up for or help a stranger. There are people however who will comply when ordered to do or refrain from doing something. This specific point actually came up in a discussion of how it took almost 20 years after the end of WWII before the first U.S. airlines would hire it's first African American pilot even though men such as the Tuskegee Airme had proven their skills far beyond what was generally required of their white counterparts. It was only after a successful lawsuit and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that the first black pilot was hired and the airlines admitted that they were concerned about the loss of business from their racist passengers. However once the law changed, they, as well as all of the other companies could truthfully state "we have to start hiring black pilots, it's against the law for us to not hire them because that's racial discrimination".
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Let's say that the majority of white people during the time of legal discrimination & segregation in the U.S. were not actual racist however they were members of the priviledged race living in a white supremacist society. Perhaps for them, speaking out against racism or going against the status quo would or could result in undesired backlash. Most people will not put themselves at risk of harm - reputational, financial, physical or loss of societal status, etc. - simply to stand up for or help a stranger.

Hello, NVM. Your entire analysis makes sense.

Conversely, let's say in 2018 a majority of black American citizens believe Racism is not impeding their success, though they do believe people and community harming FVVKERY or SAVAGERY condoned by illogical thinking, PRO BLACK minded Americans is impeding their success, as well as harming the reputation of responsible black American citizens.

NewsVine_Mariyam, what, if any new laws would aid, as well as protect from BACKLASH, harm or critcism our successful, accomplished black American citizens choosing to speak out against the FVVKERY, SAVAGERY and ATROCITIES this womon mentions in her rant about PRO BLACK minded Americans?

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed-8.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
When I was a little boy, I would often say to my father; "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

. . . and he would respond, "Yeah? Get used to it, life's not fair." And I really do pity and feel sorry for every minority and subjected minority class in the nation. With that being said, we can not use the federal government to force equal outcomes, only equal opportunity.

Your mistake is trying to use the force of government to try to change the hearts and minds of the population, to FORCE equal outcomes. It can't be done. Yet YOU can be the change you want to see. It can't be done with government, for that will only make things worse..
While you're correcy that hearts and minds can not be changed by government and that racism can't be forced away by governments, I don't agree that government interventions will only make things worse and I can tell you why.

Let's say that the majority of white people during the time of legal discrimination & segregation in the U.S. were not actual racist however they were members of the priviledged race living in a white supremacist society. Perhaps for them, speaking out against racism or going against the status quo would or could result in undesired backlash. Most people will not put themselves at risk of harm - reputational, financial, physical or loss of societal status, etc. - simply to stand up for or help a stranger. There are people however who will comply when ordered to do or refrain from doing something. This specific point actually came up in a discussion of how it took almost 20 years after the end of WWII before the first U.S. airlines would hire it's first African American pilot even though men such as the Tuskegee Airme had proven their skills far beyond what was generally required of their white counterparts. It was only after a successful lawsuit and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that the first black pilot was hired and the airlines admitted that they were concerned about the loss of business from their racist passengers. However once the law changed, they, as well as all of the other companies could truthfully state "we have to start hiring black pilots, it's against the law for us to not hire them because that's racial discrimination".


You have actually just supported my contention with out realizing it. Thank you.

What you are making reference to, and using as your example of is the past. At that time, in the past, the government, under official policy, had rules that officially barred minorities, abused their rights, and favored the majority.

In India likewise, it had a caste system, and S. Africa also had apartheid. IN all of these examples it cause egregious social harms. This is what the conflict in Israel is over right now. Folks don't believe there is a two tier law system in that land, but the reality on the ground is that there probably is.

I agree with you. When ever the government enforces one set of rules for one ethnicity, one sex, one gender, one minority, etc. it will cause friction and social disintegration. IM2 is actually on this board trying to convince members that the government needs to create more of this, more codified legalese, on the books, making it official, discriminating one person from another.

How do you think society and members in it will eventually respond to each other if the eyes of the law see them differently?

We need to move forward as a species, not backwards.

Remember, we are all the same inside, we all have the same feelings the same challenges, separation from each other is an illusion, and race is a social construct.

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