AGW and COVID-19 vaccine

Looking for your positions on two questions: Anthropogenic Global Warming and the COVID-19 vaccine

  • I accept AGW theory as valid and I have gotten or will definitely get vaccinated against COVID-19

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • I accept AGW theory but I have not gotten and will definitely not get vaccinated against COVID-19

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I reject AGW theory but I have gotten or will definitely get vaccinated against COVID-19

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I reject AGW theory and I have not gotten and will not get vaccinated against COVID-19

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I reject the human experimental vaxxes, but agree with global warming by humans.
Thanks for the latter, but the EUA approved vaccines are NOT experimental. The experiments were the trials with tens of thousands of subjects over a period of several months. The rate of adverse reactions to any of them has been absolutely microscopic and far, far less of a hazard than the virus.
Mr Blaylock, what is your point of contention with the statement above?
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I was wondering if there is any correlation between accepting or denying man-made global warming and accepting or denying the value of COVID-19 vaccination. It's unlikely we will see enough responses for much statistical validity, but you never know.

Global climate change is real is causing it is just a whacked out conspiracy theory with no solid science to back it up
Thanks for the latter, but the EUA approved vaccines are NOT experimental. The experiments were the trials with tens of thousands of subjects over a period of several months. The rate of adverse reactions to any of them has been absolutely microscopic and far, far less of a hazard than the virus.
Actually, regular trials take years, which is where we are right now, meaning that you're part of the trial, so am I, I'm what's called part of the Control Group, which is essential to any drug trial.
Actually, regular trials take years, which is where we are right now, meaning that you're part of the trial, so am I, I'm what's called part of the Control Group, which is essential to any drug trial.
Who dictates that they take years? The exact same people that approved the EUA.
Safety dictates that it can take years.
Given its life-saving potential, safety also 'dictates' that it be distributed and used as quickly as possible. Again, the FDA sets the rules you want to take as gospel and it is the FDA that has authorized its use under these circumstances. The results clearly show they did not err.
There are mountains of evidence to back up anthropogenicity.
Sunset Tommy and Bob Blaylock,

Have you looked at the references in any of the six IPCC Assessment Reports?
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I can guarantee that a thorough search of your body would find yersinia pestis, the bacteria that caused the Black Death plague of the Middle Ages. And despite the vaccinations you received as a child, It would also find examples of the variola virus that causes smallpox, the poliovirus, morbilivirus that causes measles, paramyxovirus that causes mumps, hepatitis A and B and so forth. A thorough search would find those organisms and more in my body and those of anyone else we wished to search. Their numbers would be limited, due to the efficiency of our immune systems, enhanced by the vaccines we have received and - this is the important part - in the vast majority of individuals we would not be found to be AFFECTED by the presence of these organisms. We would be completely asymptomatic. We would not be ill. THAT is the situation with 99,997 out of 100,000 recipients of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against the COV-SARS2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The lie flitting around this exchange is that our current vaccines are ineffective against the Delta variant. They ARE effective. But the Delta variant is a potent beast and it does differ slightly from the original virus for which our current vaccines were designed. And even in the bodies of the roughly half of this country that have been vaccinated, it is able to reproduce to an extent sufficient to be sloughed - to be expelled by coughs and sneezes and forceful breathing and kissing and licking and sex and any other activity that exchanges or exposes us to the bodily fluids of others. If I am vaccinated and then thoroughly exposed to someone with a full-on COVID-19 infection - say a member of my household who refused the vaccine - I could carry enough particles in my body that, though completely asymptomatic, I could infect someone else who has not been vaccinated. I realize that this differs from much of our common historical experience with vaccines but there are valid and sensible reasons for this situation.

Virtually 100% of the population is vaccinated against a number of infamous childhood diseases. We do not have 50% or more of the population unvaccinated against polio, measles or mumps in the midst of an ongoing pandemic of those diseases including the rise of multiple variant strains. If we did, we would also see asymptomatic, vaccinated individuals able to spread disease to the unvaccinated.

Your selective acceptance of facts has led you to a faulty conclusion. You emphasize this transmissibility but ignore the lack of symptoms - illness - in the vaccinated. That such a high percentage of COVID-19 hospital admissions and even higher percentage of COVID-19 fatalities are UNvaccinated individuals - percentages that do NOT reflect actual vaccination rates among the general population - is an irrefutable piece of evidence that the vaccines are effective, so far, against all strains extant. And, as hundreds of millions of vaccinations have been delivered to individuals around the world with virtually microscopic numbers of adverse reactions and breakthrough infections requiring ICU treatment taking place, refusing the shots, putting your loved ones and the general public at risk, providing a breeding ground for even newer and more deadly variants, is simply irresponsible. I suppose I should apologize for my hostility at those who, in my view, are exercising flawed and irresponsible reasoning. It is not unreasonable to be concerned about the vaccine's side effects. It is not unreasonable to be concerned about the vaccine's efficaciousness. It is, however, unreasonable to apply faulty reasoning to the evidence available to us. It is unreasonable to fail to consider the risk in which your decisions can place others. I urge all who have not gotten the vaccine to do so as quickly as possible. Lives matter.

I see that you will ignore the Director of CDC since you avoided her completely.

"CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated the vaccine does not prevent COVID-19 infection, nor does it stop the vaccinated person from transmitting the infection or the delta variant. According to Director Walensky, the only benefit from the vaccine now is presumably that it reduces the severity of symptoms."

red bolding mine

This is what she said in the interview with CNN

You are too stupid to realize that you have nothing to answer her with, you talked all around it like the choir boy you are.

9 to go!!
Sunset Tommy and Bob Blaylock,

Have you looked at the references in any of the six IPCC Assessment Reports?

I used to POST sections of it 2 and 3 years ago, you and rockhead ignored them you fucking hypocrites!

Now I no longer read them anymore because they are chronically wrong in their assessments, the rate of warming has been below the minimum per decade warming rate since 1990 which is .2C/decade.

The world is COOLER now than in 1998, Fewer Tornadoes in the last few decades, less tropical storm energy since 1995.

America has been COOLING since 2000


8 to go!!!
Thanks for the latter, but the EUA approved vaccines are NOT experimental. The experiments were the trials with tens of thousands of subjects over a period of several months. The rate of adverse reactions to any of them has been absolutely microscopic and far, far less of a hazard than the virus. dolt........any mRNA vaccine is experimental.

Not that our opinion matters on a community message board in the nanosphere of the internet.

What does matter is over 100 million Americans, me included, think that the vax is a con........and they wont be rolling up their sleeves like.........fcuking ever!:hello77:Indeed, the debate on the science is over in the minds of all.
For the unvaxed, the mantra being, "The jabbed can march off for their 37 booster shots until the cows come home. Nobody is sticking that poison shit in our arm!"

And thats the way it going to be......if the Covid obsessed dont like it, they are free to either go out and get a military grade gas mask or a full-on NASA suit.:bye1::bye1:
Given its life-saving potential, safety also 'dictates' that it be distributed and used as quickly as possible. Again, the FDA sets the rules you want to take as gospel and it is the FDA that has authorized its use under these circumstances. The results clearly show they did not err.
I guess the amount of people killed or hurt by the vaccine (my mother-in-law had a stroke 2 weeks after her first shot) is acceptable, or within parameters. But you're for sure part of the trial, make no mistake, and the medium to long term effects of these vaccines are unknown at this point, and your part of that trial.
I guess the amount of people killed or hurt by the vaccine (my mother-in-law had a stroke 2 weeks after her first shot) is acceptable, or within parameters. But you're for sure part of the trial, make no mistake, and the medium to long term effects of these vaccines are unknown at this point, and your part of that trial.

Indeed.......50% of the public has experienced some form of mental snap due to Covid stress. Its actually understandable........but also a problem. The faulty thinking from these people is doing untold damage to our children.........needs to be halted. Now. The mental cases need to be marginalized......perhaps re-education camps and/or a place to stay to get the setting screws right again.

The good news is, the other 50% of the country is done with the nonsense. Last night at a school board meeting in Tennessee, sh*t almost completely got out of the coming weeks, the Covid obsessed heads are going to be spinning like a top on steroids as they watch things go completely off the rails. They'd best hope Delta takes a quick miracle exit.......because if not, the Covid OCD's about to become the most miserable mofus on the planet as their lives devolve into the sh*t show. :hello77:
Global climate change is real is causing it is just a whacked out conspiracy theory with no solid science to back it up
How can you possibly state that? What evidence do you have for that statement? Have you proof that Tyndall's experiment was wrong? That Arrhenius's estimates were in error? That we are not producing billions of tons of CO2 annually? That this rapid change did not start until the industrial revolution. In fact, until then on the long term we had been in a 6000 year cooling period.

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