AGW Skepticism and Rationale (Warning: Long)

It is on the record at this point that the IPCC was quite courrpted with several revisions made without consent.

Reading your link (which was indeed quite convincing, however:

Global Warming: More Hot Air

perhaps the reason so much back door tinkering was done is because some felt the urgency to be so great that corrupting the data for the sake of getting a message across was worth it.

Kinda like the movie reefer madness lol. Didn't work for the war on drugs, wont work for GW. When people find you are lying to prove your point, they tend to not listen to anything you say.
It is on the record at this point that the IPCC was quite courrpted with several revisions made without consent.

Reading your link (which was indeed quite convincing, however:

Global Warming: More Hot Air

perhaps the reason so much back door tinkering was done is because some felt the urgency to be so great that corrupting the data for the sake of getting a message across was worth it.

Howard Hayden is a retired physicist who has never written a peer reviewed article on climate.

Here is the real science on global warming...

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Howard Hayden is a retired physicist who has never written a peer reviewed article on climate.

Here is the real science on global warming...

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

I read your link in full and my opinion on it is probably not clear. It is very convincing. The purpose of my link was to show that their is always going to be an oppossing view or more specifically always someone that will attempt to refute someone else. The other point would be that if this is such an open and shut case why the deceoption of the IPCC report? And as far as Hayden is conerned, why did Weart only tell part of the story?
I read your link in full and my opinion on it is probably not clear. It is very convincing. The purpose of my link was to show that their is always going to be an oppossing view or more specifically always someone that will attempt to refute someone else. The other point would be that if this is such an open and shut case why the deceoption of the IPCC report? And as far as Hayden is conerned, why did Weart only tell part of the story?

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the IPCC report or Al Gore. The facts about CO2 are irrefutable. The only thing in question is the sun, and the Stanford Solar Center scientists say that the sun is only 25% of global warming at the most.

We melted the pole in 50 years. I am amazed that people aren't shocked by that. Even Bush and Exxon now accept global warming. Nonetheless, like Custer at Little Big Horn and the Jewish zealots at Masada, a small if dwindling band of global warming deniers continues to fight on, insisting that as long as they hold out against the hordes of smock-clad scientists, no consensus can be said to exist.
Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the IPCC report or Al Gore. The facts about CO2 are irrefutable. The only thing in question is the sun, and the Stanford Solar Center scientists say that the sun is only 25% of global warming at the most.

We melted the pole in 50 years. I am amazed that people aren't shocked by that. Even Bush and Exxon now accept global warming. Nonetheless, like Custer at Little Big Horn and the Jewish zealots at Masada, a small if dwindling band of global warming deniers continues to fight on, insisting that as long as they hold out against the hordes of smock-clad scientists, no consensus can be said to exist.

There you go again saying anyone who does not believe everything you say is a GW denier. Will this cycle never end :)
Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the IPCC report or Al Gore. The facts about CO2 are irrefutable. The only thing in question is the sun, and the Stanford Solar Center scientists say that the sun is only 25% of global warming at the most.

We melted the pole in 50 years. I am amazed that people aren't shocked by that. Even Bush and Exxon now accept global warming. Nonetheless, like Custer at Little Big Horn and the Jewish zealots at Masada, a small if dwindling band of global warming deniers continues to fight on, insisting that as long as they hold out against the hordes of smock-clad scientists, no consensus can be said to exist.




Sorry, the Stanford Solar Center scientists disagree with you.

Global Warming -- Research Issues

25% of the suns radiation is what is makes it to our atmosphere. That 25% along with the earth's natural warming from within makes up the warmth and heat that you and I enjoy every day....

Pluto's surface is roughly between -387--369 degrees Farenheit....I bet it would be warmer if it were closer to the sun...
Why is the pole melting?

Because the that part of the earth may be warming. Is it caused by humans? Can't prove it.... Is it caused by CO2? Can't prove it....
Can you explain why the coast of Texas had 12 inches of snow a a few years ago. Now you answer why it's frozen in the first place? The North Pole melting tells me nothing but that it's returning to it's orginal form...water. Which would have been what that region was ORIGINALLY like.


There is more at work than you, I, or scientist can even imagine to know.
Because the that part of the earth may be warming. Is it caused by humans? Can't prove it.... Is it caused by CO2? Can't prove it....
Can you explain why the coast of Texas had 12 inches of snow a a few years ago. Now you answer why it's frozen in the first place? The North Pole melting tells me nothing but that it's returning to it's orginal form...water. Which would have been what that region was ORIGINALLY like.


There is more at work than you, I, or scientist can even imagine to know.

What is causing that part of the earth to warm?

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