Ah, yes ... Another Granny Story


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2009
Rocky Top, TN
So, OK - I've been taking trazodone for the last 19 years - low dose, non-addictive anti-depressant which doctors discovered many years ago also helped induced sleep in their patients. And that's exactly what my doctor wanted me to do: sleep instead of tearing my bed all to hell every night particularly since there was no one else helping me do it. Never mind.

OK - so a week or so ago I got a refill. The pharmacy aide asked me if I had taken trazodone before and I said I had. I know how it works and I know my body - never the first problem with this drug in 19 years. Well, she just wanted me to know they had a new supplier and showed me that the pills were somewhat yellow but that was the only difference. Fine. I trotted my happy little lily white ass out the front door.

When I finished off the couple trazodone I already had, I popped one of the new trazodone pills and let me tell you - that shit PUT MY LIGHTS OUT. I was in such a deep sleep that I may as well have been in a coma. I took the stuff for a couple nights and slept like the dead and then I started getting chest pains and I'm thinking, "What the hell is this all about?" So I'm looking at these pills and started to put two and two together ... and then it happened. I started eating junk food like the devil himself had possessed me and was making me do it.

I don't buy sodas, chips, cookies, candy and stuff - not in my diet. My idea of junk food is fresh fruit, dried apricots ... Craisins ... nuts ... popcorn once in awhile. In about a week's time I consumed some 5 or 6 liters of soda, not one, but TWO bags of pretzels any candy I could get my hands on and about a half box of pre-packaged donut snacks. It was like junk food insanity.

I called my daughter's mother-in-law who is a pharmacist and told her what was going on and she told me to stop the meds immediately until I could talk to my doctor. (THANK YOU, Nana!) I spent a few days and nights of sleep deprivation over the weekend and about 4:30 or so this morning I emailed my doctor. Then I remembered that I had some cough syrup around so took a swig of that stuff and somehow mercifully got an hour or two of sleep. Had an email from the doctor when I got up and he said to use Benadryl for the time being and that maybe I should report the situation to the FDA because not all generic drugs are equal.

Went back to the pharmacy this evening and talked to the pharmacist - whose eyes were popping out. She said I should contact the FDA and did a quick check to verify that indeed they had a new supplier. The pills were made for a company operating out of West Virginia, but the pills were actually made in India. I said to the pharmacist, "WHAT?! India?! This stuff probably was made with contaminated water from the Ganges River!"

That river is one of the filthiest rivers on the planet. Those people jump into that thing taking holy baths or whatever it is they do to get to wherever it is their souls go after death. It's contaminated as hell. It's no damned wonder the pills were yellow - they probably couldn't get the Holy Cow piss completely out of it and then there's all the filth and diseases from the people not to mention the cow dung that's also seeping into the damned river. Kill those damned cows! They aren't holy and your people will stop starving to death!!

I've probably got cow piss running in my veins now and a liver (or some other body part) full of cow dung fibers and I'll have to drink filtered Clorox water for the next six months to get rid of it. And I'm screaming holy hell about why the FDA is letting the shit come into the country in the first place - they're supposed to be protecting us.

Back to Nana ... when I told her the pills were made in India she explained to me that they come in because the FDA doesn't know anything about them. She explained that Walmart has stores all over the world and they are constantly shifting product from distribution points in one country into distribution points in other countries and the FDA doesn't know it's going on. She said that Walmart is as crooked as a dog's hind leg - and further that I shouldn't buy meats from Walmart because they pump it full of formaldehide and ship it from the west coast to the east coast, etc.

So for all you people out there who are screaming for national health care and drugs from other countries because they're cheaper than they are from the greedy American pharmaceutical companies ... take a tip.
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Moi aussi.

Hope you are feeling better Granny Ol Gal.
So, OK - I've been taking trazodone for the last 19 years - low dose, non-addictive anti-depressant which doctors discovered many years ago also helped induced sleep in their patients. And that's exactly what my doctor wanted me to do: sleep instead of tearing my bed all to hell every night particularly since there was no one else helping me do it. Never mind.

I'm pleased you realize there is a cheap and easy alternative.:razz:
That myth of not importing pills from Canada and such becuase of safety risks is garbage.
Most pills are not made in the USA.
Why the hell would anyone put Ganges water in trazadone?

I'm inclined to think Granny's losing it. Trazadone is NOT a drug you should stop taking cold turkey.

"While trazodone is not a true member of the SSRI class of antidepressants, it does still share many properties of the SSRIs, especially the possibility of discontinuation syndrome if the medication is stopped too quickly.[40] Care must therefore be taken when coming off the medication, usually by a gradual process of tapering down the dose over a period of time.

A person who abruptly stops taking trazodone, even in doses as low as 25 mg (common for use as a sleep aid for people with anxiety disorders), may experience adverse mental reactions such as emotional instability, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts. Although such warnings may be included in printed materials supplied with the drug, physicians prescribing trazodone, particularly those who are not psychiatrists, might not give oral warnings."

Trazodone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jesus H. Christ, granny, if you'd been taking it for 19 fucking years you should have known that. I'll bet you had some serious sleep issues. You're lucking you didn't fucking die.

I really doubt there was anything wrong with the pills you got. Chances are you either got the wrong dosage, took it with a food or drug it interacts with (another issue with trazadone) or you screwed up your own dose.
Just curious - do you also feel that the Toyota sudden acceleration problems were caused by the drivers?
Just curious - do you also feel that the Toyota sudden acceleration problems were caused by the drivers?

If they were idiots who don't know what is in their meds or how they're supposed to take them, I'd say that was definitely a possibility.
You don't know that.
You don't know that.

It's one of my superpowers. I'm really, really good at honing in on nutjobs.

And identifying when someone has fucked up their meds. I've been exposed to a LOT of people taking drugs like trazadone...and regarding their meds, it's best to take everything they say with a pinch of salt. Actually, it's best to take everything they say with a pinch of salt.

No offense, Granny. I'm fond of grannies. My mom is a granny and so am I. I still think you're loopy about the meds.

It was the Ganges river thing that tipped me off.
I fear Granny may be having a psychotic break at the moment.

Really, it's a super, super bad idea to stop antidepressants without weaning off first.

I also wonder when the last time she had a liver screen done to see how her liver is functioning. That can also really affect the effect of those drugs.
You don't know that.

It's one of my superpowers. I'm really, really good at honing in on nutjobs.

And identifying when someone has fucked up their meds. I've been exposed to a LOT of people taking drugs like trazadone...and regarding their meds, it's best to take everything they say with a pinch of salt. Actually, it's best to take everything they say with a pinch of salt.

No offense, Granny. I'm fond of grannies. My mom is a granny and so am I. I still think you're loopy about the meds.

It was the Ganges river thing that tipped me off.

I've know Granny for a few years - she's a good old gal. And this thread makes me worried for her. I don't think she's getting good medical advice.
Actually, Granny is not off her Oats and didn't get her dosages mixed up. She's very well aware of SSRI's and of not stopping cold turkey. However, when a pill makes an adverse effect that drastic ... I'm off the sucker. I'm not going to continue to deal with something that's messing me up that bad. My other SSRIs are holding me up just fine. My doctor has the situation under control.

My post was partially serious and partly facetious. I'm sorry, Allie, but I don't fuck around with drugs. Period. I have too much to lose.

When I think of India, I think of squalor, disease, starvation, filth, snake charmers and people who stink. They just do. And the sacred waters of the Ganges River are contaminated as hell. And from what I can tell from the internet, the company in W. Virginia that has the label has had numerous lawsuits regarding multiple generic drugs they are putting out on the market.

All these cheaper products that are being made overseas are not really all that great. There are too many product warnings on quality and safety - and it's not all coming out of India. We very badly need to bring all kinds of production brought back into this country. There's a "Jobs Bill" we could use.
You don't know that.

It's one of my superpowers. I'm really, really good at honing in on nutjobs.

And identifying when someone has fucked up their meds. I've been exposed to a LOT of people taking drugs like trazadone...and regarding their meds, it's best to take everything they say with a pinch of salt. Actually, it's best to take everything they say with a pinch of salt.

No offense, Granny. I'm fond of grannies. My mom is a granny and so am I. I still think you're loopy about the meds.

It was the Ganges river thing that tipped me off.

and you think Granny is loopy?

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