Ahmaud Arbery sentencing.

The video proves that Travis was not chasing Arbery. It proves that Arbery attacked Travis and grabbed his gun.

Arbery died because he was a crazy bastard in the commission of an armed robbery.

Why do you LWNJ moronic moonbats think you can just steal a gun out of somebody's hands without getting shot?

You need to learn more. More about the case, and more about Georgia Law.

Let me lay it out for you. First, Arbery was acting in self defense. After being chased by armed men in trucks, he believed, as any reasonable man would, that his life was threatened. That threat was actually made by Gregory McMichaels who shouted at Arbery to stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off.

This is what Greg told the police. It was his official statement of the events.

Now. Under Georgia Law, Arbery was justified in acting to preserve his own life.

You don’t see that. Because you want to act as if the video was the entire story. That nothing happened before the video began. Nothing could be further from the truth. The facts of the case are very different. You refuse to acknowledge that. Or do you?

They discussed the body camera footage about the interviews. They read the transcripts. The Defense did not object. So let’s see how honest you are.

Did Greg McMichaels tell the police, and was it testified to in court, that he threatened to blow Arbery’s head off?
They shot in self defense. The thug attacked a man with a gun. Are you saying he should had let him take it?
Sorry, it was too late for that. They had already illegally detained a man and threatened his life. It's too bad Arbery didn't blow their fat heads off in self defense.
They shot in self defense. The thug attacked a man with a gun. Are you saying he should had let him take it?
I am saying he should not have held the gun on him. Three of them and one of him. Are you generally afraid of joggers when you outnumber them three to one?
Not really in Georgia. But hey, don’t let actual Georgia Law affect your argument. Besides, the McMichaels had no idea if he had been in the house our not. They just saw him jogging and set off in armed pursuit of the black guy.
Yes really, in Georgia.
But hey, don’t let Georgia law affect your judgement:

You commit First Degree Burglary if you enter or remain within an occupied, unoccupied, or vacant dwelling house of another or any building, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other such structure for use as the dwellingof another without authority and with the intent to commit a felony or theft therein. O.C.G.A. §16-7-1


And that's the problem with America today. The law doesn't work equally for everyone.

Actually it wasn’t the color of the person shot. It was the person, or should I say family of the man doing the shooting.

Greg’s first call from the scene was to his old boss. The Elected District Attorney Jackie Johnson. He asked her for help and advice in the matter.

The police took the McMichaels to the station to get a statement. After doing so they believed they had enough for an arrest. Jackie Johnson told them not to. She said she wanted to examine the case and they were not a flight risk, don’t arrest them.

As she examined the files she realized it was a shitstorm, and it had to be handled but she couldn’t risk it. She passed it off to another District Attorney, in violation of procedure for such things, and asked him to take care of it.

Jackie is facing her own trial for Prosecutorial Misconduct because of what she did for Greg, and her instructions to the police. The Second DA is also facing challenges to his law license because of his actions.

Now, it wasn’t the color of the man getting shot. It was all about taking care of their own. In some areas, it’s called the network. In other areas, it’s called the thin blue line, or the brotherhood. Down in Brunswick, it’s called the Good Old Boy’s club. The Good Old Boys take care of each other. It is how corruption and all that has always worked. Glynn County is notorious for it. In fact, the State has arrested several cops for doing it. The police in the county were notorious for such corruptions.

I’ve written several times that every decision made by the McMichaels that day was the wrong one. From the initial decision to pursue Arbery, to the events afterwards. Every decision was the dumb one. After the shooting the smart move would have been to tell the cops you ain’t saying shit without an attorney. Instead Greg activated the Good Old Boy’s network. And it might have worked.

Might have but he made another dumb choice. He decided to release the video. The powers that be were looking for a rug big enough to sweep the mess under. Once the video was out, the story was bound to come out. A lot of questions and the answers would not work anymore. That’s when the finger pointing began.

The cops who were probably just as happy not to arrest a fellow cop and his son were pointing fingers at the DA. The DA was pointing fingers at the cops and the other DA who wrote a letter saying it looked like self defense. He was pointing fingers at Jackie Johnson and the cops saying the information he got was incomplete.

Then the GBI showed up, and took over, and the whole sorry mess couldn’t fit under a rug anymore if the rug was big enough to cover the County.

Lots of people are in trouble, because they didn’t do what they were supposed to do.

It wasn’t that Arbery was black. It was that Greg was a Good Old Boy. And that extended to his son, to an extent. But once the video was released by Greg, to silence the whispers, it was all over but the crying.

Every decision Greg and Travis made that day was the dumb choice. And they weren’t alone.
I’m not sure this case exemplifies a positive change. Certainly the white dudes deserved prison, but three life sentences is absurd.

Mandatory Minimums. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s the mood sweeping the nation was to get tough on crime. Stories of Judges letting criminals off with slaps on the wrists for some sob story were constantly being shared. So the motive behind the Mandatory Minimums was that Judges could no longer be swayed by some sob story from the convicted criminal. There would be a reckoning for the heinous crimes against the good citizenry.

So when they were convicted, the Judge didn’t have much choice in the matter. The Minimum Sentence was laid out, and he could issue a sentence outside that, but it would be appealed, and he could lose his law license, and job, for doing so. Judicial misconduct. So Life in Prison was pretty much the only choice. The only options the Judge had was with, or without parole. Now, this doesn’t guarantee parole will be granted, it just allows the convicted felon to apply for it.

Mandatory Minimums, good for stopping future crime, or so I hear from the RW all the time. We know those three Murderers won’t murder anyone else in the middle of the street, they’re in prison for Life. They took a life, they get to spend their lives thinking about the horrors they inflicted on the innocent.

That’s the argument isn’t it?
Yes really, in Georgia.
But hey, don’t let Georgia law affect your judgement:

You commit First Degree Burglary if you enter or remain within an occupied, unoccupied, or vacant dwelling house of another or any building, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other such structure for use as the dwellingof another without authority and with the intent to commit a felony or theft therein. O.C.G.A. §16-7-1

He didn’t steal anything. And mere presence does not constitute intent. Otherwise everyone loitering would be arrested for intent.
The audio recording of the 911 call proves that that's not what he said to Arbery.
I love watching idiots like you. You keep whining and whining about the same tired bullshit thinking it means something.

It doesn't.

But you're stupid, so you choose to whine and waste your breath.

Travis McMichael is going to die in prison, as is his father.

Honestly, I thought Travis was going to get the death penalty but, since the state didn't go for that, the most appropriate sentences were awarded.

It's a great day...
Mandatory Minimums. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s the mood sweeping the nation was to get tough on crime. Stories of Judges letting criminals off with slaps on the wrists for some sob story were constantly being shared. So the motive behind the Mandatory Minimums was that Judges could no longer be swayed by some sob story from the convicted criminal. There would be a reckoning for the heinous crimes against the good citizenry.

So when they were convicted, the Judge didn’t have much choice in the matter. The Minimum Sentence was laid out, and he could issue a sentence outside that, but it would be appealed, and he could lose his law license, and job, for doing so. Judicial misconduct. So Life in Prison was pretty much the only choice. The only options the Judge had was with, or without parole. Now, this doesn’t guarantee parole will be granted, it just allows the convicted felon to apply for it.

Mandatory Minimums, good for stopping future crime, or so I hear from the RW all the time. We know those three Murderers won’t murder anyone else in the middle of the street, they’re in prison for Life. They took a life, they get to spend their lives thinking about the horrors they inflicted on the innocent.

That’s the argument isn’t it?
Okay but there was only one murderer. Not three. Yet all got life. That’s fucked up. Is it any wonder we as a nation imprison more people than any other nation. The prison industrial complex is doing well.

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