Ahrar: Israeli aggression after UNHRC vote a challenge to the world

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- As the UN Human Rights Council has asked the Security Council to review the Goldstone report, Israel's continued onslaught on Gaza amounts to a clear challenge to the entire world, said the Palestinian Ahrar movement in a statement on Sunday.

Most recently, Israel dispatched reconnaissance drones that killed two men in northern Gaza Strip and critically injured another on Sunday morning.

Earlier, the UNHRC voted on several issues concerning the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, including a vote that would have the UN Security Council review the Goldstone report, which documents war crimes committed by Israel during its 2008-2009 aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Ahrar movement, initially a branch of Fatah, called on the security council to take steps to thwart Israel's recent aggression that has so far killed ten and injured around 50, some critically.

Palestinian factions have vowed to abide by the agreed upon calm if Israel ceased ongoing attacks.

Ahrar: Israeli aggression after UNHRC vote a challenge to the world
Same Human Rights Council that includes Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Uganda (signed a law to execute all fags - you would have a problem there), Angola, Cameroon, Nigeria, Bahrain (I guess slaughtering protesters in Arab countries is human rights OK), China, Maldives etc?

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