AIDS ridden Podesta emerges from his crypt to tell Trump to get a grip

Trump's tweet would be irrefutable evidence of libel in a court of law.

He told a lie about Podesta and claims everyone is now talking about it.

Textbook libel.

Maybe Podesta will sue. Hopefully Robert Mueller will stop all the insanity.
His emails weren't on the DNC server, retard. His email account was hacked separately from the DNC server.


Wrong. You saw the truth and yet you deny it.

Comments from post #3:
This from the moron who allowed his own email to be phished. If you look up moron in the dictionary, this clown's pic will be right next to it. Looks like a nerve has been struck.

  • Yes, he was never hacked. He simply was too stupid or arrogant to follow the direction of his IT tech, and opened a phishing attachment, and didn't realize he had infected the entire DNC network for over a week.
You claimed Podesta's emails were on the DNC server. That's not where the hackers got his emails from, retard.

You claimed Podesta's emails were on the DNC server. That's not where the hackers got his emails from, retard.

You don't think Podesta had many Sent/Received back/forth to DNC people?

Probably how they eventually hacked into DNC server was AFTER slimy Podesta exposed the email address(s) of the other DNC loons. This led to another weak link.......presto. Hello, boss. We are now inside.
Have you figured out the lie in Trump's tweet, tard? Don't prove Trump right in his belief you Chumps are too stupid to ever catch onto him.

Have you figured out the lie in Trump's tweet, tard? Don't prove Trump right in his belief you Chumps are too stupid to ever catch onto him.

Another Theory: Beast Emails were all over that DNC disk drive. So they asked Podesta da' Molesta'

"do we turn it over"........slimy Johnny checked with Beast and they decided......"No Way Jose".
So the Cannibal did make the eventual call............through the Beast of course. All must go thru Beast. 666

See Post #51. Fox Noise explains it all to you, grudgingly.
Here is the link where you can find his rants - 7 in a row! Podesta in meltdown mode.
Podesta Fires Back at Trump; Calls him 'Whack Job'
Another tweet from Podesta to push the fake news that his email was hacked. It wasn't hacked....ever.
Podesta misunderstood the advice of an IT tech and clicked on an attachment in a phishing scheme that gave access to the DNC email datebase. There was never a hack.
Yet, Podesta keeps using every opportunity to push a fake fact on the American voter.
The real story about the DNC is that there was no need for a nomination process, because the Superdelegates were already going to vote for Hillary, regardless of what rank and file Democrats wanted. All the money given by Mom and Pop voters throughout our nation was wasted to nominate somebody who already had the nomination locked up. Bernie didn't have a chance from day one.

Democrats need to understand they do NOT have a voice in the own Party, and need to embrace that knowledge in the future when the DNC tries to rig the next Primary season.

  • This from the moron who allowed his own email to be phished. If you look up moron in the dictionary, this clown's pic will be right next to it. Looks like a nerve has been struck.

  • Yes, he was never hacked. He simply was too stupid or arrogant to follow the direction of his IT tech, and opened a phishing attachment, and didn't realize he had infected the entire DNC network for over a week.

Podesta's email wasn't on the RNC server. It was his PRIVATE email which was comprised. His email was hacked prior to Hillary becoming the nominee.

At the time WikiLeaks published his emails, he had no access to the DNC's email accounts or their server.
Wrong. You saw the truth and yet you deny it.

Comments from post #3:
This from the moron who allowed his own email to be phished. If you look up moron in the dictionary, this clown's pic will be right next to it. Looks like a nerve has been struck.

  • Yes, he was never hacked. He simply was too stupid or arrogant to follow the direction of his IT tech, and opened a phishing attachment, and didn't realize he had infected the entire DNC network for over a week.
You claimed Podesta's emails were on the DNC server. That's not where the hackers got his emails from, retard.

You claimed Podesta's emails were on the DNC server. That's not where the hackers got his emails from, retard.

You don't think Podesta had many Sent/Received back/forth to DNC people?

Probably how they eventually hacked into DNC server was AFTER slimy Podesta exposed the email address(s) of the other DNC loons. This led to another weak link.......presto. Hello, boss. We are now inside.
Have you figured out the lie in Trump's tweet, tard? Don't prove Trump right in his belief you Chumps are too stupid to ever catch onto him.

Have you figured out the lie in Trump's tweet, tard? Don't prove Trump right in his belief you Chumps are too stupid to ever catch onto him.

Another Theory: Beast Emails were all over that DNC disk drive. So they asked Podesta da' Molesta'

"do we turn it over"........slimy Johnny checked with Beast and they decided......"No Way Jose".
So the Cannibal did make the eventual call............through the Beast of course. All must go thru Beast. 666

See Post #51. Fox Noise explains it all to you, grudgingly.
Doesn't matter.

The Chumps have already gotten back in line for refills of their piss cups.

They deserve to be lied to.
Here is the link where you can find his rants - 7 in a row! Podesta in meltdown mode.
Podesta Fires Back at Trump; Calls him 'Whack Job'
Another tweet from Podesta to push the fake news that his email was hacked. It wasn't hacked....ever.
Podesta misunderstood the advice of an IT tech and clicked on an attachment in a phishing scheme that gave access to the DNC email datebase. There was never a hack.
Yet, Podesta keeps using every opportunity to push a fake fact on the American voter.
The real story about the DNC is that there was no need for a nomination process, because the Superdelegates were already going to vote for Hillary, regardless of what rank and file Democrats wanted. All the money given by Mom and Pop voters throughout our nation was wasted to nominate somebody who already had the nomination locked up. Bernie didn't have a chance from day one.

Democrats need to understand they do NOT have a voice in the own Party, and need to embrace that knowledge in the future when the DNC tries to rig the next Primary season.

  • This from the moron who allowed his own email to be phished. If you look up moron in the dictionary, this clown's pic will be right next to it. Looks like a nerve has been struck.

  • Yes, he was never hacked. He simply was too stupid or arrogant to follow the direction of his IT tech, and opened a phishing attachment, and didn't realize he had infected the entire DNC network for over a week.

Podesta's email wasn't on the RNC server. It was his PRIVATE email which was comprised. His email was hacked prior to Hillary becoming the nominee.

At the time WikiLeaks published his emails, he had no access to the DNC's email accounts or their server.

When Trump tweeted that Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA, he was lying. Podesta does not have that authority. He was a part of the Clinton campaign, not the DNC. He did not have authority over the DNC server.

So it follows that NO ONE is talking about a fairy tale Trump made up. He tweeted a lie within a lie.

And his Chumps just sit there and take it.
Podesta tweeted 7 times to President Trump within the course of 1 hour. Looks like Podesta is having a meltdown. He claims he didn't have anything to do with the DNC. Then what were his emails doing on the DNC server? Does this man think before he tweets?
That's not a meltdown. He's just yucking it up at our blathering idiot President. As are we all.

Ya all 5 of ya
Podesta tweeted 7 times to President Trump within the course of 1 hour. Looks like Podesta is having a meltdown. He claims he didn't have anything to do with the DNC. Then what were his emails doing on the DNC server? Does this man think before he tweets?
That's not a meltdown. He's just yucking it up at our blathering idiot President. As are we all.
How many of you are in there? Is your real name Sybil?
When the shoe fits, the Pres wears it.

Yep, he's the president.
Here is the link where you can find his rants - 7 in a row! Podesta in meltdown mode.
Podesta Fires Back at Trump; Calls him 'Whack Job'
3 more comments
He is TRIGGERED. Nothing was better than seeing him march out there at 2:30am on Election night telling everyone to go home. Hillary was in a drunken rage and too cowardly to do it herself so Podesta fell on the sword.
Here are a few more comments:
And another gov't pedophile speaks. Does your wife know about your penchant for innocent little children? Maybe she encourages it so that you don't bother her.

  • Hey Podesta - where are your complaints about the illegal spying on American citizens by the demonrat party, the illegal leaks from all over the Obummer state and the illegal un-masking of Americans? Where are your complaints about that? And how about your 'fakenews' claiming the Russians helped get Trump elected? No government agency agrees that you can make that assessment

  • Hey Podesta how stupid are you? You have 'nothing to do with the DNC? Then what are your emails doing on the DNC server? Next time instead of using 'password' as your password I have some advice to you (I'm probably a better IT guy than the one you used - I am not even an IT guy btw) try 1-2-3-4! Dumb shift!
Another superdupe brainwashed by BS character assassination/fake news, totally ignorant like so many GOPers. Poor America.
Naw ... he's whatever he needs to be to suck in the stupid.

But he's the president - sort of - and we're stuck with him.


Podesta is the president?

Talk about stupid. Every time I see a post chain where you respond and I unignore it, I'm always baffled by how people as stupid as you survive without walking in front of a bus. You are one of the millions of
reasons why I am PRO liberal abortions. It's why I don't get spun up about planned parenthood or any of that sick shit. Decent people raise their children responsibly, self absorbed liberals kill theirs, or raise them like shit. You somehow beat the odds for the time being.

Don't feel discouraged from eliminating your own carbon footprint.

Anyone listen to the guest host on Hannity this afternoon? The Congressman and a guest gave a detailed expose of Podesta/Crooked Hillary/Obama/Comey/Mueller and the Russian connection that crew had! Slick Willie gave 20 minute speeches in Russia for $500K paydays into the Crooked Clinton Foundation, etc. The Congressman said that The Donald should use Executive privilege to commence an investigation into Mueller and Comey. So for the umpteenth time, the Democrats Colluded with Russia, not The Donald. Get over it snowflakes!
This country is so full of loons, I don't think the US Military could kill em' all fast enough?

It would make us worse than them. I just think we should make it easier for nature to take it's course. The turds will flush themselves. They will either shit, swallow or abort all their genetic waste and then die off like natural selection intends. The ones who sneak through the cracks will walk in front of trains, eat fish bait they believed was caviar because it didn't specifically say "Not For Human Consumption" or use Drano for a laxative.

This is one of the reasons leftist lawyers are vehemently against Tort Reform.

Trump tweeted, ""Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!"

Yeah. Everyone at G20 is talking about Podesta refusing to give the DNC server to the FBI and CIA. Sure, sure. And the moon is made of cheese.

I guess Trump has figured out his Chumps are even dumber than he thought, and now he feels he can tell bigger and bigger lies.

Can any of you piss drinking Trump Chumps figure out the lie in Trump's tweet? Aside from the one about everyone is talking about Podesta, that is.

Can you?
You need a translation for a tweet?

I'm sure many people there are asking him about the emails. It was kind of a big deal.
Nope. Try again to find the lie in his tweet.

Trust me, NO ONE was talking about the bullshit he made up in that tweet. Because it is a fairy tale.

Only Trump's Chumps like you are going around parroting his lies.
No one huh? Seems to me quite few people may be interested in talking about it. Like the ones that you and the media keep blaming for the hacks? They may feel like bringing it up.
Podesta tweeted 7 times to President Trump within the course of 1 hour. Looks like Podesta is having a meltdown. He claims he didn't have anything to do with the DNC. Then what were his emails doing on the DNC server? Does this man think before he tweets?
That's not a meltdown. He's just yucking it up at our blathering idiot President. As are we all.

These fucking idiots think that anybody who deigns to fire back at their fat-assed orange clown is having a melt down.
And they are especially desperate to use "AIDS ridden" in their title. O/P is a fat-assed liar like his messiah.
This looks like a meltdown to me.
Anyone listen to the guest host on Hannity this afternoon? The Congressman and a guest gave a detailed expose of Podesta/Crooked Hillary/Obama/Comey/Mueller and the Russian connection that crew had! Slick Willie gave 20 minute speeches in Russia for $500K paydays into the Crooked Clinton Foundation, etc. The Congressman said that The Donald should use Executive privilege to commence an investigation into Mueller and Comey. So for the umpteenth time, the Democrats Colluded with Russia, not The Donald. Get over it snowflakes!
All investigated, no evidence of any Dem corruption anywhere, superdupe, or Aids lol...

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