Air Strikes Against Isis In Syria ....phony?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
ISIS has no anti-aircraft capability and the "coalition" could have bombed ISIS held office building headquarters in daylight when they were occupied by more than custodian workers instead of by night and when nobody was home. Typical of the administration it was just a show. Why is it that nobody ever pointed out that American Troops are still fighting in Afghanistan? It's almost incomprehensible that the State Department would expend all that effort to organize a coalition to confront ISIS in Syria while Americans are still in combat in Afghanistan and virtually forgotten.
ISIS has no anti-aircraft capability and the "coalition" could have bombed ISIS held office building headquarters in daylight when they were occupied by more than custodian workers instead of by night and when nobody was home. Typical of the administration it was just a show. Why is it that nobody ever pointed out that American Troops are still fighting in Afghanistan? It's almost incomprehensible that the State Department would expend all that effort to organize a coalition to confront ISIS in Syria while Americans are still in combat in Afghanistan and virtually forgotten.

A completely pointless post, you could have saved yourself the trouble.
We just have to take the Pentagons word concerning airstrike outcomes in Syria as there are no independent journalists in Syria to verify.
A case of: If you like the success of your airstrikes, then you can keep the success of your airstrikes???

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