Airlines Want to Ban Disruptive Passengers - Republicans Say No

Gawd.........I'm old enough now to remember what it was like on planes and buses when I was young. People were nice, considerate, and friendly. And this was when Greyhound had stewardesses on their buses!!!
Wow! I hadn't thought of that in decades! I remember when they had stewardesses too. It used to be nice traveling by bus.

Trump's rube cult is TOTALLY into impeasment because they worship Putin almost as much as they worship Orange Jesus!!

Cults gonna cult!



Those Trumpers!

They make liberal heads explode.

And that makes me giggle.

I mean, it makes me want to put on a Covid mask & vote for Biden a few dozen times!!!!
Yep, those convicted in a court of law of endangering the safety of their fellow passengers should be banned from flying on future flights, but 8 conservative Republican Senators, the infamous Cancun Ted one of them, say NO!

Because……… Freedumb.

The senators argued that the Transportation Security Administration “was created in the wake of 9/11 to protect Americans from future horrific attacks, not to regulate human behavior onboard flights.”

The eight Republicans signing the letter are Sens. Cynthia M. Lummis (Wyo.), Mike Lee (Utah), James Lankford (Okla.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Kevin Cramer (N.D.), Ted Cruz (Tex.), John Hoeven (N.D.) and Rick Scott (Fla.).

Convicted of what? Not wearing a mask?

This was the right call. The next one needs to be to eliminate the TSA.
Yep, those convicted in a court of law of endangering the safety of their fellow passengers should be banned from flying on future flights, but 8 conservative Republican Senators, the infamous Cancun Ted one of them, say NO!

Because……… Freedumb.

The senators argued that the Transportation Security Administration “was created in the wake of 9/11 to protect Americans from future horrific attacks, not to regulate human behavior onboard flights.”

The eight Republicans signing the letter are Sens. Cynthia M. Lummis (Wyo.), Mike Lee (Utah), James Lankford (Okla.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Kevin Cramer (N.D.), Ted Cruz (Tex.), John Hoeven (N.D.) and Rick Scott (Fla.).

Eh I was a building engineer for a hotel for a long time and the last year i was there I helped drive the shuttle van some and we had 3 airlines that stayed with us since we were near the airport.

Can't tell you how many can rides I'd listen to them, delta employees especially, would brag about getting someone kicked off a plane or got them to behave by threatening it. Every instance sounded like the passenger was just being an asshole and not doing anything that threatened anyone.

Especially during the pandemic airlines took advantage of abusing their authority against a lot of passengers. They think because someone is being a dick about wanting a drink before take off is "being violent".

Gawd.........I'm old enough now to remember what it was like on planes and buses when I was young. People were nice, considerate, and friendly. And this was when Greyhound had stewardesses on their buses!!!

Don't remember bus stewardesses. But I remember going to Colorado with my uncle as a kid to go bear hunting and we took our guns on the plane and the stewardess just out them in a closet at the front of the plane. No big deal. And the airline people were friendly and we got a hot meal.
If an airline wants to ban someone from their planes, fine. But mandating that all airlines permanently ban someone,that's ridiculous.

If someone acts up in a bar and gets banned for life, they can still go to another joint, and so it should be with this.

That makes total sense to me! yes!
Yep, those convicted in a court of law of endangering the safety of their fellow passengers should be banned from flying on future flights, but 8 conservative Republican Senators, the infamous Cancun Ted one of them, say NO!

Because……… Freedumb.

The senators argued that the Transportation Security Administration “was created in the wake of 9/11 to protect Americans from future horrific attacks, not to regulate human behavior onboard flights.”

The eight Republicans signing the letter are Sens. Cynthia M. Lummis (Wyo.), Mike Lee (Utah), James Lankford (Okla.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Kevin Cramer (N.D.), Ted Cruz (Tex.), John Hoeven (N.D.) and Rick Scott (Fla.).

I think that if you punch out a stewardess, you'll be taking the bus or a train from here on out. Airline staff are not hired to be bouncers for those with anger management issues.

You have to prove you're a grown up who can follow the rules to get on a plane. If your Free-Dumb is that important to you, try objecting to going through airline security. That's a much bigger infringement on your Constitution rights against unreasonable search or seizure than any pandemic protocols.
The real point here is that you and your Nazis want to have the power to permanently ground any person a corporation chooses to attack for NON-VIOLENT disagreements and protests. Get over yourself.
They should be permanently grounded.
Remember when Republicans were for law and order?

That was before their Orange God and their precious snowflake feelings!


What happened to "law and order" and "personal responsibility?" All the things republicans used to parrot are all gone and out the window, only to be replaced with bad orange tans and comb overs.
Eh I was a building engineer for a hotel for a long time and the last year i was there I helped drive the shuttle van some and we had 3 airlines that stayed with us since we were near the airport.

Can't tell you how many can rides I'd listen to them, delta employees especially, would brag about getting someone kicked off a plane or got them to behave by threatening it. Every instance sounded like the passenger was just being an asshole and not doing anything that threatened anyone.

Especially during the pandemic airlines took advantage of abusing their authority against a lot of passengers. They think because someone is being a dick about wanting a drink before take off is "being violent".

Don't remember bus stewardesses. But I remember going to Colorado with my uncle as a kid to go bear hunting and we took our guns on the plane and the stewardess just out them in a closet at the front of the plane. No big deal. And the airline people were friendly and we got a hot meal.

Cool story, bro.
What happened to "law and order" and "personal responsibility?" All the things republicans used to parrot are all gone and out the window, only to be replaced with bad orange tans and comb overs.
Hey, didn't you hear? The Republicans have officially declared the January 6th insurrectionists as "tourists".
Bad behavior is a badge of honor

Safe to say it's ALWAYS been a badge of honor ...

The airlines are private companies, right? This means they can ban anyone they want from their flights. So why not just do it? Why do they need the government to get involved to do it for them? Why are they asking tsa to put these people on no fly lists?

If they don't want them on their planes, then add them to their computer database of banned passengers.
Yep, those convicted in a court of law of endangering the safety of their fellow passengers should be banned from flying on future flights, but 8 conservative Republican Senators, the infamous Cancun Ted one of them, say NO!

Because……… Freedumb.

The senators argued that the Transportation Security Administration “was created in the wake of 9/11 to protect Americans from future horrific attacks, not to regulate human behavior onboard flights.”

The eight Republicans signing the letter are Sens. Cynthia M. Lummis (Wyo.), Mike Lee (Utah), James Lankford (Okla.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Kevin Cramer (N.D.), Ted Cruz (Tex.), John Hoeven (N.D.) and Rick Scott (Fla.).

People like this who don't care about other people at all should not only be banned from public travel ; it should go without saying they should not be allowed to own guns. They are problem just waiting to happen. Obviously they cannot control their emotions.
The real point here is that you and your Nazis want to have the power to permanently ground any person a corporation chooses to attack for NON-VIOLENT disagreements and protests. Get over yourself.
No, we don't want some some moron causing violence on an airplane in flight which could possibly cause an in flight emergency.

Is that so hard for Trump asseaters like Lyin Rafael Cruz to fathom? If there was an incident on a plane in which Rafael was on he'd run & hide his fat ass in the shitter till the plane landed.

As usual, Rafael Cruz has nothing to add to an issue except his stupidity.

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