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Al Bores Movie Bombs at Box Office

Mr.Conley said:
Congrats on making an on topic post!! Good work!!

Thank you for your kind words. The fact is 2/2 weeks and with all the glowing press coverage fromt he liberal media, the film is still bombing.
I tried to rep you, but apparently I've given out too much.

Well, if my bombed you mean beat every other movie wherever it's shown them yes, you are correct.

Here are a few more figures.
You state that Gore's movie grosses $1766 per theatre on Thursday, June 8th. Lets compare:

The Break Up: Rank: #1 Gross: $3.147 Number of Theatres: 3,073 Per Theatre: $1,025

X-Men: Rank: #3 Gross: $2.387 Number of Theatres: 3,714 Per Theatre:$643

Over the Hedge: Rank: #4 Gross: $2.027 Number of Theatres: 3,993 Per Theatre: $508

So as you can see, using your link, Gore's movie beat the apparent top movies by approximentally 50%. nearly 300%, and about 350% respectively. I think Al wins Thursday. Using these numbers, the only thing holding back Truth is the small number of locations where it is being shown. Of course that will change as we go through the limited release, but as long as the film stays above$600 a day per theatre on average, then I win. Since the film is grossing over three times that on a bad day, I feel more than secure.

Btw, you can't expect a movie that's only available in 77 locations to bring in more than what this movie is grossing.Wait till it's available in a bigger market, and then it will really start bringing in the cash a la My Big Fat Greek Wedding and March of the Penguins.
With all the free publicity the film has and is getting from the liberal media, it should bringing in 3 to 4 times what it is doing.

Like Dead Air America, it has been given glowing coverage, and yet, like Dead Air America, it's numbers stink
Mr.Conley said:
If doing twice as well asthe nearest comer isn't good enough for you, then I guess nothing is.
BTW, where is all this publicity. I haven't seen ONE commercial for it.

What publicity? Al Bores has been on the morning shows, the news reports talking about the "new Al Bore - the likable Al Bore", he has been on Leno and Lettermen.

The liberal media has been falling all over him and since seeing Hillary crashing and burning in the polls, have said Al may be able to cash in "on his new popularity"

Oh God, how I pray the kook left goes with Al Bore in 2008

BTW, I still say Al's bomb may not even cover the cost of the film and distrubution costs.
red states rule said:
What publicity? Al Bores has been on the morning shows, the news reports talking about the "new Al Bore - the likable Al Bore", he has been on Leno and Lettermen.

The liberal media has been falling all over him and since seeing Hillary crashing and burning in the polls, have said Al may be able to cash in "on his new popularity"

Oh God, how I pray the kook left goes with Al Bore in 2008

BTW, I still say Al's bomb may not even cover the cost of the film and distrubution costs.
And what major movie doesn't send out the main actors/directors/producers out to the talk shows right before the film goes nationwide? (Two words: The Alamo)
Of the movies that do, do they all succeed? Yes or No (I'll give you three guesses, first two don't count!)

Well, we will find out by the end of June, once they actually start showing the film nationwide, and it has had some time in theatres. Then you'll see what using facts can do for you.
To the liberal media, Al is the President in exile. They have been falling all over him.

Of course the liberal media no longer reports what happens - they report what they want to happen
The last movie that Al promoted was "The Day After Tomorrow", tell me now Mr Con... That must have been a blockbuster, right?

Okay, when a movie is in limited theaters, opens in only the largest of places and only gets 1600 per night in those limited theaters it isn't doing well for a limited release....
no1tovote4 said:
The last movie that Al promoted was "The Day After Tomorrow", tell me now Mr Con... That must have been a blockbuster, right?
Unless you don't consider $186,740,799 in total US gross to be a blockbuster, then yes it was very successful.
no1tovote4 said:
Okay, when a movie is in limited theaters, opens in only the largest of places and only gets 1600 per night in those limited theaters it isn't doing well for a limited release....
My, you are hard to please. It only does about 175% better than the nearest competitor, and you're still not happy.
1. It's 1700.
2. That's per theatre per day.
3. That's only on a Thursday, so every single movie in theatres typically doesn't do as well.
4. It doesn't open ONLY in the largest theatres.
5. Even if it was low for the day, it's still doing better than every other movie in the theatres where it is shown.
6. You can't use one day to get a really accurate comparison, I'd prefer we go back to the week grosses. That accounts for both weekend highs and weekday lows. Under this superior methiod, the movie is still beating all others.
Mr.Conley said:
Ps. It's Mr.Conley.

You'll notice Mr. Con that people like to shorten nicks around here... For instace often I am called no1... You don't really get to pick, you should have thought of that before choosing your name.
Mr.Conley said:
Unless you don't consider $186,740,799 in total US gross to be a blockbuster, then yes it was very successful.

LOL. Let's compare this with a real blockbuster. Titanic made over 600 million in the first seven weeks rather than total US revenue.... That may seem like a lot of money to you, but it is no blockbuster. That one also opened larger and with even more fanfare... However it is not a blockbuster.

My, you are hard to please. It only does about 175% better than the nearest competitor, and you're still not happy.

No, in the entire audience in those areas there is more than 175 theaters to the 1 that this one is playing in. I compare it to other small-release films. Compare it to say Brokeback which also opened on a limited basis, you will find it wanting...
1. It's 1700.

Still not impressive for a limited-release...

2. That's per theatre per day.

So? My point was trying to compare it to a regular release by the amount per theater when it is dropping so dramatically is a bit disingenuous. This limited-release film is not doing all that impressively when compared to other limited release films. It is truly a flop.

3. That's only on a Thursday, so every single movie in theatres typically doesn't do as well.

Once again, compare it to other limited release films. This one is not gangbusters as you try to make it seem by these inane numbers.

4. It doesn't open ONLY in the largest theatres.

No, but limited releases happen in the same theaters on a general basis. They are the limited release theaters in your area. Thus numbers from Big down to Small make a difference and limited releases should be compared to limited releases.... not to regular movies.

5. Even if it was low for the day, it's still doing better than every other movie in the theatres where it is shown.

Once again, you are comparing dogs to cats and saying the cats can't bark as well. They are two different animals. Because of the larger release and more theater choices there are usually less numbers per theater for the full release flicks over the limited releases.... The limited release inflates the "per theater" statistic to make it meaningless when compared to full release movies.

6. You can't use one day to get a really accurate comparison, I'd prefer we go back to the week grosses. That accounts for both weekend highs and weekday lows. Under this superior methiod, the movie is still beating all others.

I explained what I was saying... you keep repeating the same inanitities and renumbering it...
No1tovote4 said:
LOL. Let's compare this with a real blockbuster. Titanic made over 600 million in the first seven weeks rather than total US revenue.... That may seem like a lot of money to you, but it is no blockbuster. That one also opened larger and with even more fanfare... However it is not a blockbuster.
1. Dude, wrong. Titanic made a total gross of 600 million (http://www.movieweb.com/movies/film/20/620/boxoffice/)
2. Dude, that was a lot. In case you weren't aware. Titanic is the highest grossing movie of ALL TIME. (Unless you adjust for inflation, in which case Gone with the Wind is first and Titanic is second) (http://www.movieweb.com/movies/boxoffice/alltime.php)
3. 100 million is generally considered a blockbuster
4. The Day After Tomorrow is among the 100 highest grossing films OF ALL TIME (http://www.movieweb.com/movies/boxoffice/alltime.php?q=&page=2)
no1tovote4 said:
No, in the entire audience in those areas there is more than 175 theaters to the 1 that this one is playing in. I compare it to other small-release films. Compare it to say Brokeback which also opened on a limited basis, you will find it wanting...
I find find the Brokeback's figures so I can't do that comparison. Same with March of the Penguins and Greek Wedding. They only give numbers after about 30 days in theatres.
As for your other point. Exactly, there is only maybe one theatre, but when people get to the theatre, when they have to decide, the numbers show that they repeatedly will choose Truth.
no1tovotefor said:
Still not impressive for a limited-release...
Just correcting you facts
no1tovote4 said:
So? My point was trying to compare it to a regular release by the amount per theater when it is dropping so dramatically is a bit disingenuous. This limited-release film is not doing all that impressively when compared to other limited release films. It is truly a flop.
I've compared the Truth to X-Men, on its opening weekend, the hight of its profitablility and power. Now, I'm comparing it to The Break Up on its opening day. Both times, Truth won. I'm not comparing the rise of Truth against the fall of the other movies.
Once again said:
No one ever said 1700 was amazing, but it's not bad for a limited release on a Thursday, and even at that rate, it's still doing better per theatres that opened that day (Break Up).
no1tovote4 said:
No, but limited releases happen in the same theaters on a general basis. They are the limited release theaters in your area. Thus numbers from Big down to Small make a difference and limited releases should be compared to limited releases.... not to regular movies.
I started by comparing opening day numbers (X-Men vs. Truth; Truth won) Then opening day Break Up vs Truth; Truth won again. I'm not comparing their continued days. That would be wrong, and for the reasons you pointed out.

I also can't find numbers for Friday for Truth, Break Up, or amy new releases, but I'm guessing they'll release it with the weekend gross next Monday or Tuesday
Mr.Conley said:
1. Dude, wrong. Titanic made a total gross of 600 million (http://www.movieweb.com/movies/film/20/620/boxoffice/)

Wrong.. Titanic was the fastest to 600 mill. It grossed over 1 billion dollars....


2. Dude, that was a lot. In case you weren't aware. Titanic is the highest grossing movie of ALL TIME. (Unless you adjust for inflation, in which case Gone with the Wind is first and Titanic is second) (http://www.movieweb.com/movies/boxoffice/alltime.php)

Hence my reference to "true blockbuster"... Unless you actually cannot comprehend English and are just accidentally typing randomly and making sense....

3. 100 million is generally considered a blockbuster

100 million is generally considered a blockbuster if it is only box office revenue. In this case most of the revenue came from video purchase...

4. The Day After Tomorrow is among the 100 highest grossing films OF ALL TIME (http://www.movieweb.com/movies/boxoffice/alltime.php?q=&page=2)

Only if you don't adjust for inflation. However, I will give you that it was a money maker and big-time. However this small-release still hasn't paid back Gore for his trips across the nation and his entourage... So far it is a money loser rather than a gainer....

I find find the Brokeback's figures so I can't do that comparison. Same with March of the Penguins and Greek Wedding. They only give numbers after about 30 days in theatres.

So I guess we should check after 30 days and see the numbers then...

As for your other point. Exactly, there is only maybe one theatre, but when people get to the theatre, when they have to decide, the numbers show that they repeatedly will choose Truth.

Usually limited release movies are at theaters where there is only the one choice. The people that went to those theaters went to see that movie because it was usually the only choice at those theaters.... Since there were limited places to go and see it they all went to the same place hence the inflated people per theater numbers you get with a limited release....

Just correcting you facts

I've compared the Truth to X-Men, on its opening weekend, the hight of its profitablility and power. Now, I'm comparing it to The Break Up on its opening day. Both times, Truth won. I'm not comparing the rise of Truth against the fall of the other movies.

Only in numbers of people per theater... X-Men grossed 120M in the first weekend...

Watch, now he will repeat people per theater numbers...

No one ever said 1700 was amazing, but it's not bad for a limited release on a Thursday, and even at that rate, it's still doing better per theatres that opened that day (Break Up).

You're doing it again. Limited release means limited theaters for the show, people who go to those theaters are going to watch this movie, hence there is always an inflated person per theater numbers on a limited release.

You keep repeating the same information and it is refuted with the exact same reasoning that you have not refuted. You haven't done anything but repeat those same numbers again as if I had never mentioned them.... Repeating this doesn't make it more salient it just makes you more insistent. It is clear you want to be right, but person per theater numbers are not the comparison we need and you are comparing it to the wrong movies and not over time. "Truth" may even become a huge seller, but it isn't at this point and the numbers are not supporting your eager to please insistence that it is....

I started by comparing opening day numbers (X-Men vs. Truth; Truth won) Then opening day Break Up vs Truth; Truth won again. I'm not comparing their continued days. That would be wrong, and for the reasons you pointed out.

Rubbish! X-Men grossed 120M in the first weekend... (Notice the difference between this movie and "Day After Tomorrow"?) THankfully I chose a fantastic example of a movie that proves my point.... Huge box office = 120 M in ONE WEEKEND, Day After Tomorrow about 180M for the entire showing... If you only look at person per theater, already explained that limited releases always have inflated numbers in this area and why, then you MAY have a point, but it still shows a huge difference between a blockbuster (over 100 M in one weekend) and a regular movie (180M over its entire showing lifetime...)


I also can't find numbers for Friday for Truth, Break Up, or amy new releases, but I'm guessing they'll release it with the weekend gross next Monday or Tuesday

Because the only comparison you are using is the person per theater numbers that are inflated for limited releases because of the limited venues....

I am not saying that "Truth" will never be a big movie. It probably will be if the base gets out to see it.... I know I will buy the DVD for my propaganda collection that includes many movies such as Farenheit 9/11, Farenhype 9/11, etc...
no1tovote4 said:
Wrong.. Titanic was the fastest to 600 mill. It grossed over 1 billion dollars....


Hence my reference to "true blockbuster"... Unless you actually cannot comprehend English and are just accidentally typing randomly and making sense....
Wrong data, we are/were talking US gross. Titanic grossed 600 million US (http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/1997/TITAN.html) and $1,835,400,000 worldwide gross. When most people talk total gross, they assume US (because no one cares about foreigners).

Titanic made an additional $324,425,000 from rentals, $55,000,000 for the TV rights, and an additional $1,200,000,000 from DVD/VHS sales (according to you site). Total gross doesn't include these figures, total gross refers to US box office gross.

Ad hominem? So soon?
no1tovote4 said:
100 million is generally considered a blockbuster if it is only box office revenue. In this case most of the revenue came from video purchase...
That is US domestic box office gross. Not video sales. Those are not incorporated into box office gross (hence the box office).
no1tovote4 said:
Only if you don't adjust for inflation. However, I will give you that it was a money maker and big-time. However this small-release still hasn't paid back Gore for his trips across the nation and his entourage... So far it is a money loser rather than a gainer....
Of course if you adjust for inflation. The problem with adjusting for inflation is that you get a list comprised mostly of 30+ year old films. Titanic is the only recent movie to breach the top 10, and only two others make it into the top 20. That is why I'm using straight figures.
no1tovote4 said:
Only if you don't adjust for inflation. However, I will give you that it was a money maker and big-time. However this small-release still hasn't paid back Gore for his trips across the nation and his entourage... So far it is a money loser rather than a gainer....
Wow! You realized that $100 million at the box office is a lot. Good work. Right now, I doubt it has earned the money back because of the limited release, but once it it goes nationwide, then I predict the movie will have a total US box office gross of at least 30 million, although I feel that it will likely surpass 50 million, and could possibly hit 80 million, but I doubt it will go that high.
no1tovote4 said:
Usually limited release movies are at theaters where there is only the one choice. The people that went to those theaters went to see that movie because it was usually the only choice at those theaters.... Since there were limited places to go and see it they all went to the same place hence the inflated people per theater numbers you get with a limited release....
Thats why I'm not saying it will bring in 300+ million that the inital weekend gross would make you think. Or the $100,000,000 the second week would give you. Did you not think I would realize this and factor it into my calculations. I've got a margin for error of $80,000 and +/- 500 movie theatres. That's why I'm not giving myself an exact figure. That would be retarded. I've got a range with a likely middle. I'm ASSUMING in my calculations that the number of viewers will fall.
no1tovote4 said:
Rubbish! X-Men grossed 120M in the first weekend... (Notice the difference between this movie and "Day After Tomorrow"?) THankfully I chose a fantastic example of a movie that proves my point.... Huge box office = 120 M in ONE WEEKEND, Day After Tomorrow about 180M for the entire showing... If you only look at person per theater, already explained that limited releases always have inflated numbers in this area and why, then you MAY have a point, but it still shows a huge difference between a blockbuster (over 100 M in one weekend) and a regular movie (180M over its entire showing lifetime...)
Okay, obviously we need to come up with a common definition of blockbuster. How about this:
Blockbuster- any movies that gross over $100 million at the US box office.
Your definitions seem to be either the highest grossing movie of all time, or the highest opening US box office gross of all time. By your standards no, Tomorrow wasn't a blockbuster (along with practically every other movie ever) The movies your using as the standards are BEYOND blockbuster status. They are the once in a decade movies.
What I don't see is how you can consider 180M US box office to be puny. That's in the top 100 movies of all time, ever. 100M isn't even "regular." Most movies don't surpass even that. You've literally taken the top movies in their respective catagories and said anything else below that is a failure. By your standards, not only is Truth a failure, but literally every other movie ever produced in the entire history of the planet. Get serious here.
no1tovote4 said:
You're doing it again. Limited release means limited theaters for the show, people who go to those theaters are going to watch this movie, hence there is always an inflated person per theater numbers on a limited release.

You keep repeating the same information and it is refuted with the exact same reasoning that you have not refuted. You haven't done anything but repeat those same numbers again as if I had never mentioned them.... Repeating this doesn't make it more salient it just makes you more insistent. It is clear you want to be right, but person per theater numbers are not the comparison we need and you are comparing it to the wrong movies and not over time. "Truth" may even become a huge seller, but it isn't at this point and the numbers are not supporting your eager to please insistence that it is....
And I have told you that the differences of limited release movies have ALREADY been noted in the calculations. I'm assuming as much as an 90% drop in the viewing population. That's why I get 30 million, which is 10% of 300 million. I'm also factoring that this thing will be out for multiple weekends, a fact you have not even considered. The movie could make $5000 per theatre, but over a few weeks, and assuming about 2000 theatres, then the movie still makes money.
It is you who are comparing the wrong movies. Don't use Titanic's as yet unrepeatable $600M and say The Day After Tomorrow is a box office salad. Your use of X-Men 3's record setting 120M opening US box office gross to say that movies that bring in a "mere" $30-40 M like Tomorrow opening weekend is extreme at best.
When it is all said and done, Al Bores movie will be hailed as a success by the liberal media - yet the numbers will prove it is a failure. Much like Al himself

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